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Chat Keybind

flannelsalmonflannelsalmon Member Posts: 5 Arc User
Hey folks, veteran City of Heroes/Villains player looking to create a chatbind similar to one I used in CoX

The issue: I suck at coding and getting the syntax correct. My brain is also getting terms from CoX coding confused with STO coding.

What I'm trying to display: "@handle: (Fed-60):" and then continue typing a message after the second colon.

I used this in the PUAD/DAUP cross faction channel on Infinity all the time without issue, displaying which faction my toon was currently on. Trying to do the same here but kinda lost on the implementation.

Perhaps I'm getting the syntax of the channel incorrect as I'm trying to set this up for the CoX STO custom channel.

Any help would be awesome folks
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