I've been wondering for some time now, why is there no shortcut to this Zone once you enter the Allied Zone, like there are for the Space and Ground Battlezones. Just saying, its a fun place to be... but I bet, since it's that "well hidden" most people don't know about it or simple don't want to go there because you either need to travel all the way via the Allied Zone (everytime), or beam down to the Ground Battlezone and then use the "leave Battlezone" button. Such a waste of rather good content actually
Actually you can. The area where the option appears is not exactly at the gate but a bit east of it, though.
As for "knowing about the contested zone": most people should know since going there is required by a couple of missions from the Dyson arc. So they either forget or, and I think this is more probable, don't want to take the hassle of going there.
Since we CAN go directly from the Voth Zone to the Undine Zone, why can we not "Flip a U-turn" as it were, back to the Voth Zone?