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Official Feedback Thread for the Badlands Battlezone



  • tmassxtmassx Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    Sorry, but Badlands sux, coz it is copy/paste the undine battlezone. I don't know why devs created this nice enviromental for exactly the same tasks as in undine battlezone. One big disappointment of the season 11.
  • sierra078sierra078 Member Posts: 335 Arc User
    Out of all the Battlezones, the Voth Ground zone is the best by far. I've only done the new zone once on a single character, after that experience the most I would do is play a single point just to get my daily marks then leave. It is not PROFITABLE, hardly any marks and no appreciable amount of dilithium. The Voth ground zone on the other hand is very profitable. I can easily get my 8,000 daily dilithium there and more than enough regular and elite marks (Voth implants) to get any equipment I want. I've always felt that the other zones should be the same in terms of profit and fun. The Devs definatly dropped the ball with the Iconian reputation. Two queues and two open missions on Kobali prime? (with limited access for anyone below level 56 i think now. Anyone below that who wants easy iconian marks has to fight their way up.) The Iconians should have had their own BZ.

    I have two main suggestions for this new zone.
    1. Create Daily missions similar to the Voth BZ. (Like capturing one or more points in a certain section (left flank, right flank, center or picking up some item to call in reinforcements (Voth command credits.) or destroy X number of Terran ships.)
    This would increase profitability and probably maintain population.
    2. Combine the last two steps in one. (Have a mirror fleet come in with the starbases to protect them. Leeta can appear at one get defeated (forced back into her universe), appear at the second get defeated and finally forced back into her universe for good. (Until the timer resets)
    3. After that fixing all the other bugs and stuff would be nice as well.

    Pretty much boils down to 'give me a reason to fight the entire zone instead of just one point for daily marks'.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    Two fixes needed urgently:
    1) The marks not being rewarded problem.
    2) The problem with the portal that wont close after disabling all 3 generators.
  • thetaninethetanine Member Posts: 1,367 Arc User
    The Badlands Battlezone is Complete Bad to the Bone YO! You devs did a real good job here. I hope something similar is retconned into the game for ALL the other Reps.

    1. No Need to Queue! It will NEVER get any better than this. I can go for Terran Rep anytime I want, without having to wait for ANYONE else to get the event to open. PRICELESS!!
    2. No Queues!
    3. No Queues!
    4. I love you guys.​​
  • turbomagnusturbomagnus Member Posts: 3,479 Arc User
    Just spent the time between the previous post and this one trying to do the Plasma Controller again. It was like spitting into the wind. I had more luck staying alive but that meant long periods of running until I could heal. That also meant decloaking at 5km, BO with DBB, CRF with quad cannon and DHC, Undine photon fore,omega torp aft, heavy turret barrage, and the kitchen sink for 5% of it's health and usually 60% of mine as I run for 21km to get out of range. With two ships it should like cake with aside of pie but I don't see normal players like me doing this solo. Made my way over to power station beta. That was considerably more fun because I think I get this one. I could not complete it alone but I see how it could be done so I can't say I feel I wasted my time. I'm going to adjust some things and try again.

    Right there you raise what I feel is a good point. The range of the Plasma Control Stations' weapons is, at least in my opinion, ridiculous. Standard player and NPC weapon range is 10 klicks, "Destablised Tetryon Sniper Cannon" from the Lobi Store and the KDF "Bio-Neural Warhead" torpedo have a twelve klick range... the Plasma Control Stations have a weapons range of fifteen klicks (in addition to the Terran ships they have supporting them), meaning that quite simply they can pop off torp spreads three to five klicks before we can shoot back and keep firing at us for that same distances when we try to break contact to heal shields and hull back up.

    I understand that the root concept of the Adventure and Battle Zones is supposed to be non-teamed cooperative play between multiple players. Unfortunately, it doesn't always work out that way and sometimes players end up alone in a Zone or with only one or two other players with no cooperation. In that kind of situation, the Plasma Control Stations as they are now are simply murder... Personally, I think I've gotten more frustrated with them than I have anything in-game in the last year or so to the point where they're a good part of the reason I get into the Badlands, get my Terran Marks and just get out instead of hitting multiple capture points or staying for the bases or the Terran Fleet Incursion like I stay for the Planet Killers and Voth Fleet in the Undine Battlezone.
    "If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross; but it's not for the timid." -- Q, TNG: "Q-Who?"
    ^Words that every player should keep in mind, especially whenever there's a problem with the game...
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