Summon ships in admiralty system for missions.
With the New Admiralty system I have been giving thoughts on how to perhaps use it to make you able to summon ships that you have in your account unlock to aid you in battle. Much like the system is now. Although this would only be used in a player verses enemy mission like stories missions and not STFS or PVP
Stage one of the system
What would happens is you would get slots that you can put ships you own/have owned into. Up to five. you can summon the first ship summons at admiralty system 2, a second ship at level 4, a third ship at level 7, and the fourth ship at level 10. For the faction you are in. Say federation. To use Klingon ships on the federation side, what you would do is need to level the Klingon Admiralty story to level 10 on a character. By the time this is implemented I could see MOST people with the two stories completed.
Starting off what would happen is the ships would have STOCK weapons and gear and powers as it is tested and shown bugs in the system. But you can select them to be offensively minded, balanced or defensively minded. With offense they use their powers mainly for them selves and to damage the enemy, and heal them selves. Or defensive where they do attack the enemy but use their healing powers on YOUR ship when it is time. The balance system would take effect when your ship drops below say 40% HP they will start using their healing powers on you.
Stage two
This would allow you to gain access to the ships Load outs. Allowing you to outfit the ships weapons, deflectors, impulse, core, shields. Devices, engineering consoles, sci consoles, Tact consoles. And lock them in place.
Stage Three of development would allow you to put BRIDGE officers on the ships with powers you want the ships to have. Make use of the Bridge officers you don't use on your own ship. Freeing up Bridge officer slots, for new power powerful people,....
Stage four would allow you to customize the ship when it appears in the mission beside you.
well this is just an idea. What do you think? Good, bad, ugly?
Still waiting to be able to use forum titles
It's been asked before, as far as I'm aware there is 0 intent of using such a feature. Best you'll get is this ship version of doffs, or better known as a card game.
There are also many glaring issues Cryptic would have to face.
1) The time/money to develop such a thing.
2) The AI is very weak in this game and would require major revamp because I can hear the screams and rage from here. E.g. using boffs skills properly. And see carrier pets for more references.
3) The content would need to be update to ensure it would be at least a little challenge worthy
4) As far as I'm aware, you wouldn't be able to not have it in PvE queues while having it in other areas of the game. If you're going to have it allowed in some content of the game, it would need to be allowed for all other content also.
5) More of a follow up from 3) but power creep would be nuts.
Basically the entire dynamic of the game with its content would have to change in some fashion. It could be as easy as increasing the number of enemies based on the amount of ships being used, but it wouldn't be that never is.