A fleetie recently bought a *new* Gold edition cd for Sto, in the hopes of getting the red matter capacitor.
the box nor the advertising mention the red matter capacitor, however i have seen it referenced. so does the gold edition contain the code for the capacitor and if so will it still be valid unused?
The perks don't include the red matter cap. It's a European version of the game so I don't know anything about it though. Maybe someone else has it and can tell you for sure?
Also TNG, DS9 uniforms, out dated map, snug tshirt, sexy post card, 2 months of subscription zen = 1000z.
But only if the codes are still valid.
The code for the Collectors/Gold should still work. It will give you the items and a month of Gold time (with credit towards vet rewards and unlocks for things like the EC cap, extra inventory slots, shard bank, etc).
I think this is still the place where you redeem the key: https://my.perfectworld.com/redeemkey/sto
I can also confirm this. But I'd advise caution especially with regards to the EC cap, because once the subscription time as expired and should your fleet mate revert back to a silver account, the EC cap will revert back to the 10mil limit.