first of all, currently i'm not interested to buy ships (maybe if the T6 defiant is cool); but i have a question:
why we can't create our own bundle of 3 or 2 ships? for example : the fed eng pilot ship + the phantom + the scryer or fed eng pilot ship + kdf eng pilot ship + 1 other.
the T6 ships have the same price, so this is not a problem.
i have never bought a single bundle, because i don't need all the ships given in the bundles; but i'm interested by the price (promotion) of these bundles. With more choice for the bundles, maybe more ships would be sold.
- Ajax pilot ship : 3000
- romulan eng pilot ship : 3000
- romulan T6 arkif :3000
total 6000
and 60 euros in Cryptic's pocket
yep, but at least for me, that doesn't work, because I don't buy the bundles. I buy only what i need, so why i would buy a bunch of ships (even for the discount), that I would never use. That would be smarter to let the choice to the players, like nobody hasn't the same taste, they would sell all their ships.
it is not a marketing strategy, because there is no strategy. more choice = more sales. well, i'm not an economist, but that seems to me more logical.
my problem is the pilot ships bundle. I noticed that i could replace my fleet dhelan by the rom sci pilot ship, and my fed could use the Ajax and the sci pilot ship (or the phantom); but impossible to buy a bundle of these ships, and i can't buy each of them separately (it would be too expensive).
Heres the rub, if they were to make an offer like this if only for a limited time there are are a whole bunch of ships that I might well buy that I will never buy otherwise.
Sales of any kind are good for business.
But at 5k zen, that is 3000k Zen for the one I want and 1000 Zen for each of the other two.
Now I am sitting here waiting for a sale so I can grab the Andromeda & Haakona to put thier consoles on the other ships.
Remember, I just wanted the Kolasi.... I'm such a sucker.
On the other hand I bought the Pilot 9pk, and between the Ajax & Icarus I cannot justify buying the Hestia, no matter how much I love the MVAE.
That's essentially the same thing, bundles are 3 ships for the price of 2, they might make some cash if they tried a 'buy 2 get 1 free' promotion.
It's not a bad idea, it would be interesting to see what sales were like if they tried it. The only downside I can see is that people would buy 1 ship from a bundle and then complain that they didn't get all the customization options. So someone buys a Presidio, an Icarus, and a Yamato and then complains that they spent $60 and can't customize the Presidio or the Icarus. It's stupid, but you know someone will complain.
Still, I bet it would make them a nice chunk of change.
I don't think that all the ships currently in the c-store are sold in large numbers. new bundles or the choice could help to sell these ships.
personally, i can't imagine to buy one of the current bundles, if most of the ships stay unused in my roster.
It might be interesting though if they let you build your own bundle if none of the current ones are appealing. The '3 Packs' are cool and all, but often times they don't appeal to players for various reasons. Myself for example, while I have a KDF-Romulan, I don't have any Klingon characters, so a 3 pack with a Klingon ship doesn't appeal to me even though it's technically free since the bundle is at the 2 ship price.
Now if they had a sale where you just pick any 3 ships for 6k Zen, that would be far more appealing. Again, I don't think they will ever offer this, but I do believe it would sell well. It would be more appealing if I could pick a Fed ship and 2 Romulan ships or some other combo like that.
Again though, just a pipe dream, and I realize that.