Good job revealing how hard you shill for this game.
Every single hypocrite LTS that complains that you can do everything in the game without spending money - I'm coming for you (in some extremely passive-aggressive way like spilling your coffee when you least expect it).
inb4 Trendy being Trendy and not allowing open discussion on anything that has a negative slant to further promote the horrible community we have and how she's some "champion" of moderation (aka thought police).
Huh. It's interesting that you think I'm part of some sort of thought police. In fact, you may notice that I tend to leave threads up that are critical of problems and issues (Edit: including a thread right now about XMPP). This thread, however, is not. The difference is in those threads, you have people that genuinely want to help improve and discuss in things in a constructive way. This thread is purely flaming and trolling.
So no.