When a FED or Klingon are crewmembers on a Rom ship they should be ables to wear ROM clothing, especially the Android or Photonic Engineer as they can be made to look Romulan or Reman. Also why doesn't the Romulan Republic have their own Android?
Fleet Admiral Stephen
What has that to do with this thread? Cryptic's story justification for the diplomacy boffs, Romulan embassy boffs, and yes, Romulans getting access to boffs of their ally is that they're all exchange officers taking a tour with a foreign government. Just like Riker wore a Starfleet uniform with the KDF.
Believe it or not, Cryptic got that one RIGHT.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
Yeah, and that's all fine, but my crew is RRF only, so any BOffs I have, regardless of where they came from, have taken service in the RRF, and thus become citizens of the Republic. na hru'Phi'Tlarum Mol'Rihanai would not be likely to allow foreign nationals to serve on her flagship after all, what with all the sensitive information coming in, going out, and stored on the ship's computers.
As you say, home faction uniforms for exchange officers make sense, and have precedent. So I don't mind the others quite so much. My original Romulan's KDF alliance "liaison" officer was an Orion Slave Girl, and she served as a secondary Engineer for my landing party until I got a second good Romulan ground Engineer BOFF. But what really irks me is the Photonic BOFF.
Seriously, we can sling Delta Recruits, information, and objects THROUGH TIME, but we can't update our hologram's graphics?!? We can build fleets of starships, beam people into energy and then correctly reassemble them elsewhere, make food and hi-tech items out of energy, travel to parallel universes, and send entire ships through time, but we can't draw a new JPEG, apparently.
Someone please install GIMP, Paint or Photoshop on my ship's computer.
Seriously, Cryptic. Please remove all customization restrictions on the holograms. They're just silly and indefensible.
RP notwithstanding, the hologram boff and the diplomacy/marauding boffs are where the exchange officer explanation falls down. You mentioned the photonic already, but the issue with the diplomacy/marauding boffs is they were available when the Klingons and Feds were still in a declared state of war with each other. I rather doubt there were any officer exchanges happening, ergo they should logically be defectors from the other side, ergo they shouldn't be wearing factional uniform.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
The Engineering Photonic BOFF and the Android BOFF can both be made to look Romulan or Reman so why not let them wear Rommie Cloths?
This is an old school character and crew that, through a situation of stasis, came from the 23rd century to the current STO point in time (with an alternative of being from an alternate timeline entirely).
Secretly, he only aligns with the Republic/Federation to regain his bearings and to learn everything behind the drastic changes that resulted in the destruction of Romulus and the effective end of the Star Empire he pledged his life to in service. On the way, he and his crew are getting up to speed in equipment and advancements.
He still doesn't accept this as anything other than an alternate reality. Few know the details of who he originally was or where he came from.
Some character backgrounds take a bit more time and effort to be well reflected in game.