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You really DON'T want to put 'Secondary Torpedo Launchers' on Holodeck like this.

thibashthibash Member Posts: 506 Arc User
Secondary Torpedo Launchers currently has quite a few issues, some of which can potentially break the servers. Here's a list:

The ability triggers on itself when using Torpedo Spread 3 (serious)
Once it starts firing torpedo's, it keeps firing torpedo's until the target goes down. This can potentially mean infinite torpedo's against things like invulnerable gates, with Kemocite proccing twice per torpedo. Also, since it triggers on impact, at short range this can lead to HUGE torpedo damage spikes.

The ability stays active permanently instead of 20 seconds (serious)
This means that any torpedo shot will get doubled (and any kemocite will trigger 4 times). This is neither fun nor very good for server lag.

Secondary Torpedo Launchers keeps firing even if your ship is destroyed (moderate)
Even after your ship is destroyed, it keeps firing torpedo's at your target until the target goes down.

The ability adds kemocite laced weaponry of its own on TS3 (moderate)
It's a nice gesture to give free kemocite to the torpedo captains that don't have it, but I doubt this is as intended.

The ability triggers on the Armitage point defense torpedo console (moderate)
While not gamebreaking, it is a combination that's far too powerful. Basically it'll mean that anything in a group targetted by both TS3 and the console will be destroyed in a single salvo unless it's a boss ship. It's just too many torpedo's Jim.

Kemocite double trigger (moderate)
Any lag-related issue gets increased twofold by the erronous kemocite double trigger. It could use a fix.

Firing that many torpedo's makes the game stale (low)
As a torpedo fan, I'm all for giving torpedo's some love. However, firing an overwhelming amount of torpedo's like that is overkill. At the moment, firing a TS3 destroys most PvE enemies in 1-2 salvo's, especially with the Armitage console on to of that. With an ability like this, there's simply no reason to try anymore. Point ship at target, fire 1 round of TS3 and all enemies will be defeated. It simply isn't the fix that torpedo's need.
Note: I have been trying to find a target to test the 'infinite torpedo theory' on, but nothing survied long enough to try. The ability is too strong in my opinion.

Suggested fix:
Make it affect the next High Yield or Torpedo Spread only. Anything else will just make it open for abuse.
Post edited by thibash on


  • thibashthibash Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    Apparently I'm not the first nor the only one who noticed these issues. You can disregard my post in favor of this thread here.
  • crypticrockcrypticrock Member Posts: 120 Cryptic Developer
    The power as-is on Tribble is certainly not fully functional. I'm in the process of cleaning it up and making it play nice. Thank you for pointing out additional test cases!
  • dalnar83dalnar83 Member Posts: 2,420 Arc User
    Full of bugs for sure, but damn, does it look cool ...pew pew pew ! finally a star trek aproach to torpedoes.
    "Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
  • thibashthibash Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    Thank you for pointing out additional test cases!
    You're welcome. Thank you for replying.
  • darkknightucfdarkknightucf Member Posts: 1,546 Media Corps
    If it only works within the 20 sec window when activated, and is not active during cooldown, then it's fine. imho, if it triggers on itself, fine, but if it doesn't, extend the window to 30 sec to squeeze in two torpedo abilities.

    What's on Tribble is indeed busted.
    @Odenknight | U.S.S. Challenger | "Remember The Seven"
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    "A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    The more important issue here is - a green torpedo? Again? pig-7.gif​​
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    angrytarg wrote: »
    The more important issue here is - a green torpedo? Again? pig-7.gif​​
    We need more purple! :p
    My character Tsin'xing
  • thibashthibash Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    if it triggers on itself
    Respectfully disagree. If it triggers on itself, then it essentially means that the first Torpedo Spread gets fired four times or more. Imagine a High Yield, combined with the trait that doubles it. Or the command trait triggering it multiple times. Not to mention the Armitage console.

    It should definitely NOT trigger on itself.

  • dragonsbrethrendragonsbrethren Member Posts: 1,854 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    angrytarg wrote: »
    The more important issue here is - a green torpedo? Again? pig-7.gif​​

    They're red now.
    We need more purple! :p

    Yes. But from this rep, I'm quite pleased with red. It'll be nice being able to slot a fairly normal looking photon for the set bonus on my Fed/KDF ships. (I'll miss the green torps for Romulan, though.)
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    They're red now.

    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • darkknightucfdarkknightucf Member Posts: 1,546 Media Corps
    thibash wrote: »
    if it triggers on itself
    Respectfully disagree. If it triggers on itself, then it essentially means that the first Torpedo Spread gets fired four times or more. Imagine a High Yield, combined with the trait that doubles it. Or the command trait triggering it multiple times. Not to mention the Armitage console.

    It should definitely NOT trigger on itself.

    Lets take your example of a HY. Assume salvo HY3 (our "worst case" scenario), combined w/ the Trait: Torpedo Barrage + Concentrate Firepower 3 on the target, and perfect firing conditions for all procs.

    Pilot activates Secondary Torpedo Launchers (STL) prior to firing. 20 second countdown begins.
    Pilot fires a HY3 salvo at the target.
    "X" sec travel time (based off of distance to the target)
    4x torps via HY3 impact the target.

    Initial impact triggers Torpedo Barrage (TB)
    Initial impact triggers Concentrate Firepower 3 (CF3)
    Initial impact triggers Secondary Torpedo Launchers proc (STLp)

    HY1 via TB in queue to fire (30 sec cd until next TB is available)
    HY1 via CF3 in queue to fire (2 sec until next available proc can be granted)
    4x basic torpedoes auto-fire from STLp
    Pilot fires HY1 via CF3 proc immediately (2x torps)
    Pilot fires HY1 via TB 1.5 sec later (2x torps)

    "Y" sec travel time (based off of new distance to the target)
    4x basic torps impact
    "Y" + [pilot reaction time] HY1 via CF3 impact (2x torps)
    "Y" + [pilot reaction time] + 1.5 sec HY1 via TB impact (2x torps)

    Impact triggers Secondary Torpedo Launchers proc (STLp) (8x basic torps)
    Impact triggers Concentrate Firepower 3 (CF3) (all impacts grant only 1 available charge)

    HY1 via CF3 in queue to fire (2 sec until next available proc can be granted) *{Possibility that two CF procs may be granted here, depending on distance to target and pilot firing immediately upon receiving the proc}*
    8x basic torpedoes auto-fire from STLp
    Pilot fires HY1 via CF3 proc immediately (2x torps)

    Depending on distance to target and time remaining on the STL buff, the following happens:

    "Z" sec travel time (based off of new distance to the target)
    8x basic torps impact
    "Z" + [pilot reaction time] HY1 via CF3 impact (2x torps) *{4x torps if window of opportunity presents itself for a SECOND CF3 shot. Keep in mind that 1.5 sec refresh time may aid in preventing a SECOND CF3 shot here}*

    Impact triggers Secondary Torpedo Launchers proc (STLp) (10x basic torps)*{12}*
    Impact triggers Concentrate Firepower 3 (CF3) (window of opportunity to obtain 2 procs of CF, assuming pilot fires immediately)

    [STL buff ends]

    HY1 via CF3 in queue to fire (2 sec until next available proc can be granted) *{Possibility that two CF procs may be granted here, depending on distance to target and pilot firing immediately upon receiving the proc}*
    10x *{12}* basic torpedoes auto-fire from STLp
    Pilot fires HY1 via CF3 proc immediately (2x torps) *{4x torps if window of opportunity presents itself for a SECOND CF3 shot. Keep in mind that 1.5 sec refresh time may aid in preventing a SECOND CF3 shot here, but may have a better chance of occurring than the previous sequence.}*

    "A" sec travel time (based off of new distance to the target)
    10x *{12}* basic torps impact
    "A" + [pilot reaction time] HY1 via CF3 impact (2x torps) *{4x torps if window of opportunity presents itself for a SECOND CF3 shot. Keep in mind that 1.5 sec refresh time may aid in preventing a SECOND CF3 shot here, but may have a better chance of occurring than the previous sequence.}*

    In a TS (Torpedo Spread) scenario (assuming 4 torps per target for 5 targets), only the primary target will see the above chain of events, while the secondary targets will continue to see 4 torps for the buff duration - travel time.

    Granted, a dedicated torpedo bomber can throw out more torps if well-timed. At a ~ 1.5min cd, I personally do not see this as a problem considering how much has been/continues to be invested in energy weapons platforms, AND considering that the vast majority of the targets are shielded. I can see this as "OP" in Normal and Advanced queues, but we're assuming a well-designed torpedo bomber with a good pilot and perfect firing conditions for all triggers.

    Would be interesting to see something for mines and cannons at this caliber.
    @Odenknight | U.S.S. Challenger | "Remember The Seven"
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    "A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
  • darkknightucfdarkknightucf Member Posts: 1,546 Media Corps
    We will see what the Devs come up with and test it out. Maybe a different trigger criteria, but on a slightly shorter cd?
    @Odenknight | U.S.S. Challenger | "Remember The Seven"
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    "A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
  • thibashthibash Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    That's a lot of fancy math, but consider this.

    The secondary torpedo's are fired as soon as the first wave hits correct? Now, assume your high yield is fired at say, 1km range or so. This means that the secondary lauchers will fire roughly a second later. If you remain within 1km, this means that a high yield 3 will be fired every second for the next 19 seconds.

    Compare that to the Torpedo Barrage trait, which only fires one HY1. Granted, it has only 30 seconds cooldown. But that means that in comparison, Secondary Torpedo launchers should only fire 4 salvo's max. And even then, it'd be vastly superior because it will trigger on any torpedo, copy any torpedo ability perfectly and deliver its damage in a far shorter interval making it much more useful.

    That's why it shouldn't trigger on itself. Because the torpedos will just keep coming. If it just triggers on all non-Secondary Torpedo shots, it'll be plenty powerful. You'd still get a HY3/TS3 copy instead of HY1/nothing. And you'd still get to combo it with command abilities to the point where you can copy multiple torpedo shots. Making it trigger on its own torpedo's on top of that is just too much.
  • pottsey5gpottsey5g Member Posts: 4,266 Arc User
    How does the Torpedo Barrage trait interact with the High Yields from Concentrate Firepower?
  • thibashthibash Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    How does the Torpedo Barrage trait interact with the High Yields from Concentrate Firepower?
    Not sure, but I'd imagine either not at all, or like a regular high yield (activating and going on cooldown).

  • darkknightucfdarkknightucf Member Posts: 1,546 Media Corps
    thibash wrote: »
    pottsey5g wrote: »
    How does the Torpedo Barrage trait interact with the High Yields from Concentrate Firepower?
    Not sure, but I'd imagine either not at all, or like a regular high yield (activating and going on cooldown).

    I listed it in my example above, but I will quote @Borticus on this one:

    "A HY is a HY is a HY."
    @Odenknight | U.S.S. Challenger | "Remember The Seven"
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    "A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
  • thibashthibash Member Posts: 506 Arc User
    I listed it in my example above, but I will quote @Borticus on this one:

    "A HY is a HY is a HY."

    :) Now if only the same could be said for Beam Overload and Rapid Fire, the Coördinated Assault trait might actually be worth using.

  • winsarun007winsarun007 Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    I seem to have FUn with my Rom Intel :D
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    Well I kinda wish it had worked out like above on holodeck, as it stands it seems pretty useless but maybe that's just me.

    10% uptime and torpedo buffs don't seems to affect it so... yeah.
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