Narrowing the display criteria when selecting ships for assignment causes ships to show wrong stats.
Here's an example of when I only allowed "Rare" ships to be displayed -
Compare Kazon Raider stats displayed (left) with its actual stats (right). I'm also certain the Blockade Runner also doesn't have 51 sci and 16 tac.
All stats return to normal when I allow all ships to be shown.
While this is true, it can't account for the discrepancy on the Steamrunner's stats. I've verified that the A-Ship has the correct stats internally, and checked my own character on Tribble to make sure. I'm fairly certain that this is a UI display error of some sort, but I was unable to reproduce the error.
If anyone figures out steps to get this to display reliably incorrect info, I'd like to hear what has to be done so we can try and correct the issue.
For the record, Steamrunner Retrofit is supposed to have 26 ENG / 50 TAC / 14 SCI
Wait... I get it, the UI is showing the stats for the ship above it.
Eclipse is showing Kazon stats, Kazon is showing Steamrunner stats, Steamrunner is showing D'Kyr stats, etc. Weird, but at least it's not totally random.
Cryptic - Lead Systems Designer
"Play smart!"
I've only recall seeing incorrect stats so far when toying around with the filters.
Assume I want to fill a project with a high ENG requirement. Usually I uncheck tac and sci ships first to see what eng options I have. Then I proceed to switch to another filter category and that is where the misleading stats happen. Once I scrolled around a bit in the newly filtered list the stats seem to become 'correct' again.