I was wondering.....I haven't been on much this past week because of a lot of hours at work. But, now on my time off while playing, I've noticed something. It sure seems like the Advanced STFs are a LOT harder now. I used to be able to plow through them just fine on my main, and reasonably well on my other more played characters if I kept my head in what I was doing. But lately, it seems they've all gotten a LOT harder. And by harder I mean the hp and shield hp of the "enemy" ships. They seem to be a lot harder to take down now.
Did I miss something? Can't really be me, if anything they should have gotten easier since I've upgraded all my ships with better gear. My main I used to be able to just about 2 shot a Borg sphere on regular, even if he had full shields. Now, I have to whittle down the shields and then go to work on the hull. And that's a pretty significant difference.
Can't be the personal mission difficulty setting could it? Did cryptic buff the npc ships or something?
So, anyone else feeling like something is a bit different lately too?
"It's easy to cling to principles when you're standing on a vessel with its bulkheads intact, manned by a crew that's not starving."
Anything on that in the patch notes, or would they do a stealth nerf/buff with something like that?
My advice here is to install a combat log reader. Usually the numbers behind the performance of me and my team-mates directly correspond with my “felt” impression over the difficulty of a match.
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Ah ok I see. I do so too. Reference points work, but only up to a point where you don’t include the team interaction (how many ap beta tags are on your target? somebody used tac fleet/intel fleet/pulse? e.g.)
The only other question would be, have you tinkered around with any of your traits for example? It happened to me quiet a few times that I found traits missing after I changed a ship or did a reskill (also check power levels). I also have the habit to forget to set the spec trees straight. All of which has a huge impact on the felt performance, especially when used to them.
Sorry, but that the only thing I could think of.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
and even shorter answer to the topics question : yes
Yes, they made the advanced harder and I belive Cryptic gave the NPC's a stealth boost.
If you want smooth runs in any ASTF, just run it with the DPS crowd. Once you figure out what build works best for you, just hop into 10k, send a call out, and have fun. Keep working at it, get your DPS up, then work into the higher echelon DPS channels.
In general, the higher you go, the smoother the runs (I won't say it's 100%, I've had some horribly FUBAR runs even up in 50k), and that will also help you with your build and play. Most of the ones in those channel are quite knowledgeable about builds and will be more than happy to help. They also are willing to help with play, positioning, tactics, etc.