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The Starfleet Security Files [SSF]

duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
Edited: 4/23/16
This thread is my great big bucket of information and upates for my Foundry series: The Starfleet Security files (SSF). These largely self-contained missions presently consists of Gemini, Polarity, Entropy, and Continuity as "season 1", with the AEI missions Trident, Eons, and Epitaph tagging along as off-shoots to the series.

Included in the first few posts below are brief mission descriptions and screenshots. Following is a collection of some very short stories, variously related to SSF, I wrote for the fun of it. And in the link just below this paragraph I've also provided a google drive folder where I'm compiling a collection of SSF character sliders. Feel free to use what you'd like (though please refrain from any big changes to these characters, that's what my missions are for :tongue: ).
Link to SSF character slider collection

So, with that, enjoy. :)

Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited January 2017
    Starfleet Security Files (SSF) - Season 1

    -More than a reception is at stake when a second planetary administrator is found near Regulus. Uncover her mystery as you explore a strange new world and meet new civilizations.
    Faction: FED/ROM
    Location: Regulus System, Celes Sector
    Level: Any

    -The end of everything is the beginining of something. Stop the Federation from being used as an apocalyptic instrument by a new alien power hellbent on destruction.
    Faction: FED/ROM
    Location: Mandel System, Celes Sector
    Level: 16+

    -Dark secrets lay buried beneath the soil of Styia. Honor demands actions, but how many will pay the price for it?
    Faction: FED/ROM
    Location: Japori System, Tau Dewa Sector Block
    Level: 51+

    -As you return to Iffar you find that a familiar facade masks impending doom. Pull a people back from the brink of the abyss in the first season finale to the SSF.
    Faction: FED/ROM/KDF (different ending)
    Location: Boreth System, Boreth Sector
    Level: 31+

    Starfleet Security Files - Season 2

    -An alien power has seized the world of Donia. Starfleet Security has chosen you to resolve this situation. A world in rebirth requires you to save it in this, the first episode of SSF season 2.
    Faction: FED/ROM
    Location: Donia System
    Level: Any

    -A violent movement has taken hold on Nimbus III. It's leader, a powerful figure who claims to be from the distant future.
    Faction: FED/ROM
    Location: Nimbus III
    Level: 16+

    Begins at Fereginar

    Begins at the Xarantine System
    Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Alliance Exploration Initiative (AEI)

    Trident, Part 1
    -The Voth offer a rare chance at cooperation in the exploration of an ancient relic hidden deep in subspace. However hope is far from eternal as the power of the Trident System is unleashed.

    Faction: FED/ROM
    Location: Archer System, Narendra Sector
    Level: 51+
    Version: 1.1

    Trident, Part 2

    -With an invasion impending and the Trident System facing total collapse, you are tasked with retrieving Dr. Burke for a second expedition to the Trident System. How much can be saved from eternity's fall?

    Faction: FED/ROM
    Location: Archer System, Narendra Sector
    Level: 51+
    Version: 1.02

    -What will the galaxy be like in 4.5 million years? That question is paramount as you're flung far into the future and into the midst of a conflict that could reshape the universe.

    Faction: FED/ROM
    Location: Archer System, Narendra Sector
    Level: 16+
    Version: 1.1

    -An ancient vessel has been discovered in outer reaches of the Archer System. Has an Iconian relic really been found on the doorstep of Starbase Magellan, or this another's harbinger? There is only one way to find out, though the path into the unknown may lead far beyond all expectations.

    Faction: FED/ROM
    Location: Archer System, Narendra Sector
    Level: 31+

    Epoch, parts 1 and 2
    -We look upon time as an endless continuity, forever holding life and promise for future generations. Whatever the hardship, whatever the trials, they will ultimately give way to verdant opportunity. But against infinity what chance does life truly have? In time all things must come to an end. Stand at the precipice in this two part finale to Apex, Eons, and Trident.

    Faction: FED/ROM
    Location: Archer System, Narendra Sector
    Level: 35+

    Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited August 2016
    Short Stories

    -Occurs shortly after Gemini
    Captain Ross's stare wandered across his desk with dull incomprehension. His officers looked at the ceiling with nothing at all except on one a slight grin.

    “Who started the fire,” he said without looking up.

    Itrex remained rigid. Graves tip-toed into the inquiry, “Technically, it started itself, sir.”

    “So, Club 47's replicator system simply decided to free itself of its physical form and join the universe in an entropic blaze of glory?”

    “Something like that, sir. The stunner hit probably pushed it over the edge.”

    Ross sighed. Before him stood half of his team and complaints from a bar room's worth of Starfleet's finest.

    “Who fired the stunner?”

    Itrex tensed. Graves eased in, “Station security officer, sir, a Benzite. He fired in contravention of riot control protocol seven, section three, paragraph one, line six.”

    “I saw you with the PADD outside.”

    Graves shrank back, “Had to be sure, sir.”

    Ross tried a look on Itrex, then relented to the futility of the exercise. He tried instead the damage reports, written complaints, and a demand for action from Admiral Riit but they too remained resolute. He fell back on words, “I assume the four of you walked in without intending to cause a major inter-species incident?”

    “No, sir. Ji'Goro needed some downtime after the immigration hearing and Bailey opted for the Club 47 lounge area.”

    In the stillness, Grave's slight shifting was like a tree flexing to a strong wind.

    “Cetsa wasn't mentioned with...”

    “No, Graves, not in the worst of it.”

    The gale ebbed. Ross continued, “I assume you were able to make it in the bar without shots fired?”

    “Yes, sir. We even made it to a table.”

    “What happened at the table.”


    “And?” Ross pressed.

    “And more drinks.”

    “Then?” the inquisition continued.

    “And then the Cruwan Ambassador.”

    Ross looked down, “You mean the one who eventually threw Bailey over the bar area?”

    Itrex snapped open, “Their homeworld has exceptionally high gravity for a planet capable of bearing a space-faring civilization, Captain. Commander Bailey handled herself exceptionally well under the circumstances.”

    “The medical report says something like that too,” Ross stated flatly. “So what brought The Hammer of Cru down onto three of my officers?”

    Graves tensed. Itrex tensed.

    “This is an official debriefing, gentlemen.”

    After another moment, Graves broke, “He...made a pass, sir.”

    “A pass?”

    “At Ji'Goro.” Graves continued to unwind, “We didn't realize it at first. The UT had some trouble with the idioms.”

    “So you reacted?” Ross thrust.

    “No, Bailey,” Graves parried.

    Ross glanced up. Graves continued, “We told him to leave but he refused. We invoked diplomatic protocols and he pushed them aside. Bailey then got up and the Ambassador took that as a challenge. She went over the bar, Itrex and I went for the legs, and we all fell through onto the next table.”

    Itrex pressed on, “That's when the crew of the S.S. Pontifical joined in, and the U.S.S. Avenger, and three guild merchants from the Ferengi alliance, and Captain Havalan of the R.R.W. Epitaph, and the Club 47 staff, and a Bajoran monk who I think only came in to use the facilities.”

    “And Ji'Goro?”

    Graves eased, “When I lost sight of her she was still sipping her Tranya. I don't think she was paying much attention.”

    Ross sat back. His feet lumbered over the desk and the following moments were filled with the silence of contemplation.

    “So, what do I tell Riit?”

    Graves' and Itrex's eyes shot towards the ceiling.

    “She's not taking this lightly. The Cruwan Ambassador hasn't made an issue of it but disrupting ESD operations isn't something that the Admiral is going to overlook. Diplomatic incident or no, she wants your skins.”

    Graves and Itrex continued inspecting the ceiling. It provided no answers.

    “It was the Ambassador who approached you?”

    “Yes,” went Graves' reflexes.

    “And the Ambassador reacted to Bailey merely standing up?”

    “Yes,” chimed Graves again.

    “And the two of you only got involved after the Ambassador effectively assaulted Bailey?”

    Graves' stare returned earthwards, “Yes.”

    Itrex followed, “It seems the Ambassador wasn't fully briefed on Sol-system social protocols”

    Ross slowly folded his arms behind his head, “which would have been the province of the ranking Starfleet officer who engaged with the Ambassador for the duration of his stay on ESD.”

    Graves stared. Itrex stared. Ross continued to lounge.

    “When's Bailey due out of medical?”

    “1400 hours” Itrex reported.

    “And Ji'Goro?”

    “Probably face down in guest quarters,” Graves said suspiciously.

    “So in about, let's see, an hour meet me over at docking port five. U.S.S. Terminus is on its way to Ellat and I'm sure there's something we can find to do over that way. You're authorized to use repulsor lifts for either of them if they're still out of it.”

    “You're really going to throw this back at Admiral Riit?”

    “Yup, why else do you think I'm working on an escape plan?”

    Jail Break
    -Occurs after Entropy, before Starfarertheta's mission Cyber
    Proxy: Active.
    End point location: I.K.S. Relorum [Kurak class, commissioned: 2410]
    Monitoring in progress...

    Subject 1: You didn't hide them very well.

    Subject 2: I don't know what you mean

    Subject 1: The tribbles.

    Subject 2: ...what tribbles?

    Subject 1: The ones I found underneath the deck plating in our quarters.

    Subject 2: I made sure they had food and water.

    Subject 1: Yes, you did.

    Subject 2: So...how many...

    Subject 1: I'm not sure. They broke out and made their way clear across deck 3.

    Subject 2: Are they alright?

    Subject 1: [Sigh], yes they are but you know what the Klingons would have done if...

    Subject 2: ...

    Subject 1: ...obviously we can't keep all of them on board but I noticed this one had an isolinear tag.

    Subject 2: Vudan!

    Subject 1: We'll set it up with a more secure pen later...

    Subject 2: Him.

    Subject 1: ...But in the meantime I want you to take a look at something.

    Subject 2: It's a linear subspace distortion, what's the point of origin?

    Subject 1: Not sure, but it was directed towards Iconia.

    Subject 2: What are you going to do?

    Subject 1: Keep watching, but you know who'd really be interested in this.

    Feed terminated [transwarp signature detected at last known point]

    Subject 1 identified [87%]: General V'Kan
    Threat level: Low
    Action: Locate, Monitor

    Subject 2 Identified [98%]: Cetsa Unali Ji'Goro
    Threat level: Low
    Action: Locate, Monitor

    Reference Unidentified [2%]
    Threat level: Moderate
    Action: Identify, Locate, Monitor

    Office Hours
    -Occurs shortly before Trident, Part 1
    “Ah, Itrex. Come in.”
    “Hello Doctor.”
    “I’m ‘Burke’ here. I can’t do much about Sol traditions in the long view but I can still bar them from getting in here.”

    Burke reaches back and pulls a drink from the replicator. Itrex sits down.

    “No thank you.”
    “Well it may have been too much to hope that you came half-way across the galaxy for a chat and a lie back. What’s up?”
    “There’s a thing.”
    “In subspace.”
    “I see…”
    “And we think someone built it.”
    “So where’s the Dyson Joint Command’s problem with that?”
    “It’s big.”
    “How big?”
    “Several times the mass of Earth.”
    “Which means either a lot of storage space, work space, or a lot of living space. I don’t suppose you’ve asked the Iconians about it?”
    “The Alliance hasn’t approached the subject directly, but we don’t think it’s theirs.”
    “Technical reasons?”
    “Yes, we think it’s something new.”
    “Made my someone with better spatial engineering skills than the Iconians.”
    “And you want me to talk to them?”
    “Perhaps not you, but we’d like your feedback during the mission. Your expertise on humanoid developmental patterns could be quite useful.”
    “...you knew about my request to Starfleet, didn’t you?”
    “After the fact, they informed us you were looking for interested in taking on a field assignment.”
    “And this would do it. I was hoping for something just a little closer to home though.”

    Burke leans back.

    “Will you accept?”
    “Only if I they’re sending me out with someone who knows what they’re doing. I don’t want to walk onto that ship and find its captain only took command because their CO was killed on their first tour.”
    “Don’t worry, we have a well-qualified lead candidate."

    City Lights
    -No set time period yet, character yet to appear in SSF
    “You’re awake”
    Romulan Senator Ronho Ghir jerked. His hands and legs were bound to one of an ornately carved dining chairs, one of a set he had bought for his imperial apartment. He sat in the middle of his lounge, facing the balcony window. In the evening light all he could see was the silhouette of a man leaning out.
    “There wasn’t much time to recruit good people. What I had left, well let’s just say they aren’t familiar with Romulan physiology.”
    Ghir sat silent.
    “Are you feeling alright?”
    “What do you want?”
    “Not much.”
    Ghir tried to make out more of the man’s outline. The ears stood out against the sunset.
    “You’re one of D’tan’s rebels.”
    “I’m no one’s rebel.” The stranger turned to face Ghir, still a shadow against the light. “Where’d you send them?”
    The stranger fired. A plasma bolt screamed past the senator. From behind him came the sound of splintering woodwork. A free chair leg plonked against the marble floor.
    “From here I have line of sight on another one of those gaudy things. After that I’ve got to settle for what’s in front of me.”
    “I wasn’t informed of the details.”
    “I’m sure you weren’t.” The stranger fired again. A burning splinter came past to land on the marble in front of Ghir.
    “Who’d notice?”
    “The Orions”
    Ghir waited. The stranger remained as he was.
    “Three hundred and fifty two people. Three hundred and fifty two people just trying to make a life for themselves.”
    “Unlawfully taken, the Romulan Imperium annexed that world but a few months ago. It was a Dutali colony for quite some time before you took interest in its Kemocite deposits.”
    “What relationship does the Republic have with the Dutali Duchy?”
    “We’re neighbors, that’s all. The matter was brought up at a reception diner and I decided to take an interest in it.”
    Ghir stated, the stranger interrupted “I just happened to be listening.”
    The silence stretched out in time with the growing darkness.
    “I don’t like being in this position. Whatever I do now is just so much noise against the universe.”
    Ghir waited.
    “A servant will be up shortly to deliver a note. It’s just some names, peers of yours. They were hoping I going to leave here tonight with one more chair in ruins.”
    The stranger leaned sidewise. A plasma bolt screeched past Ghir.
    “Sorry, I was just able to make another one out.”
    “Are you quite finished?”
    “I suppose so.”
    The stranger strode past in shadow. On his way out came the cacophonous sound of dining room destruction.
    He yelled back “redecorating will help take your mind off things.”
    The door closed, and Ghir could only reflect on the city in twilight.

    Store-front Reflection
    -No set time period yet, character yet to appear in SSF
    Palhal Tweg sat back. From a creaking wooden chair the old Gavarite regarded the grungy walls of alcove 35 of Grastok depot with pride. They defined his space, his life, within the fading promenade from which his fingers stretched out into a mighty domain. He saw outside a smoking Rigelian eatery. From around the corner he could just make out the hum the hopeful Talaxian and his isolinear reprocessor. And down the way he knew that an obstreperous Tholian tailor brought into the fading light finely tempered garments of radiant splendor that perhaps equaled, but did not exceed, Palhal’s own creations.

    His eyes fell to the task at hand. After a moment, his hand found the precise instrument for beauty to be wrought. With the other he steadied his medium, his divine in potential. With a master’s concentration, he brought the hammer down. A hatch flew open on the ruined manifold.

    “Not much to look at,” came a voice.
    Palhal turned, “Zacius, my boy!”
    “Hello Palhal.”
    “No, I’m afraid it isn’t,” said a rotating Palhal. “This came from a TY-55 Nyberite Runner that I came by in the usual way.”
    “Right, and the Ferengi didn’t know what he was giving away?”
    “They never do.”

    Palhal laid the hammer down on the dusty bench. Both he and the chair groaned as Pahlhal rose to embrace the welcome intruder into his domain. Zacius gave him a familial pat on the back. Ritual complete, they took accompanying chairs.

    “How’s life?” said Palhal in the welcome pattern.
    “The same,” followed Zacius. “That Antedean Corsair was a fine job.”
    From his chair Palhal took an indulgently theatrical bow.
    “I did manage to save something of it though.” Zacius produced an engraved plate from his pack. Palhal took it and delicately ran his hand across gilded surface.
    He mused, “the Antedeans are a cynical people. They don’t cherish much but their soul shows in one or two places.” Palhal smiled, “it’s a genuine pleasure to see this again.” He set it aside and ordered two drinks from a replicator installed into the bench-top.

    “Where is it this time?” Palhal asked as he offered the steaming beverage.
    Zacius took a long sip, “Donia.”
    Palhal chewed the word, “Donia, the Federation transport authority has a route through there if I’m not mistaken.”
    “They do.” Zacius took another long sip, “but they don’t get there the way I need to.”
    Palhal nodded, “I’m afraid a Danteri Surveyor is all I have ready at the moment. Atalanta picked up the Nausicaan Interceptor I mentioned last time.”
    “The usual cocktail?”
    “Control systems reconfigured for single occupancy and the EPS grid shunted to engines.”
    “How’s the sensor grid?”
    “50% fragmentation on the lateral arrays but the rest read clear.”
    “Perfect,” Zacius reached for his PADD to complete the sale. Palhal put his hand up.

    “No, no, Zacius. Your generosity is not required.”
    “My allocation from the Republic easily covers the occasional single-ship.”
    “I noticed,” Palhal leaned over the table, “the last transfer had an extra zero.”
    Zacius sat back, “I know you don’t do this for the money.”
    Palhal nodded graciously.
    “But I know it can help.”
    Palhal sighed, “to think how far you’ve come since I first met you.”
    Zacius looked down. Palhal reached out and patted him on the shoulder.
    “We all grow, Zacius. From what is immaterial. The important thing is what we grow into.”
    “Even a kid should know better,” Zacius reflected.
    “It grew back,” Palhal smiled and twiddled the fingers of his left hand. “You had a lot on your shoulders then, and you still do now. Just remember that the burden is not yours alone.”
    “Thanks,” eased Zacius. He looked around the shop. “Anyone else pass through recently?”
    “Oh, just an Ibi.”

    -Occurs at the beginning of the Alliance Exploration Initiative
    “Not there!” Haasra called.

    The case hesitated briefly before determinately completing its journey. Ch'that kicked it aside and turned to face the good doctor.

    “I'm not a porter.”
    “But you'd make a good one,” Haasra said earnestly. “See that case over there?”

    Ch'that said nothing.

    “Break whatever's inside it.”

    Ch'that said nothing, but the tone was different. She walked over to the container and read the label.

    “Starfleet medical supplies: pediatric. Handle with care.”
    “Should say 'Starfleet Intel: if you write everything down and place it inside it would save us a whole lot of bother.'”

    Ch'that inspected the contents. They included several tricorders, hyposprays, and a variety of bright fluffy plushed toys. It was inside these where she found the recording devices.

    Ch'that threw them aside, “Is this a joke?”
    “Parting gift, I think. They had at least three people watching me since I left Iffar,” Haasra replied.
    “And they let you into the DJC?”
    “It showed I was serious.”
    “A serious cook.”
    “Cook, tour guide, taxi driver, mechanic, body guard, cleaner, midwife.”

    Ch'that's tail slashed the air.

    Haasra smiled, “Just making sure you were paying attention.”
    “Where does 'Doctor' fit in?”
    “Old past, the kind that never leaves you.” Haasra reached for a small case. “You know what this is?”
    Ch'that resigned herself to one of the few unpacked chairs, “Not yet.”
    “It's a security service medal, Ibi. When it was given to me I was working as a geneticist.” Haasra thought for a moment. “Actually it would be more fair to say I was THE geneticist on Iffar. Lot of responsibility, lot of technical work to do. Setting up out here's kind of a sabbatical.”
    “And the other stuff was...” Ch'that pried.
    “Something came up, you know how the unexpected can be. A shiny new thing glitters in a dull world. You pounce and suddenly there's a wealth of possibilities you hadn't considered before.”

    Haasra relented under Ch'that's cold stare.

    “Some people cloned my daughter and I had to make sure everything turned out alright.”
    “Did it?”
    “It's not for me to say.” Haasra took a seat on one of the biobeds. After a moment he said, “You think Captain Mercer will notice if we setup a smoker in here?”
    “A what?”
    “A device for preparing meat food by the application of combustive heat.”
    “I would think...”
    “Remember he's human. The closest most of his species gets to special preparations is a replicator sub-menu or a patronizing cafe.”
    “We'll manage it. Do you have schematics?”
    “I have the parts in the blue container over there,” Haasra pointed.

    The two set to work. An hour later, damage damage control teams reported that they were able to save most of the supplies from the fire.

    -Takes place shortly after SSF2-2
    The wind whipped. The rain pattered. Two figures stood before an empty platform, illuminated by a ramshackle mix of nearby display screens. Captain Cetsa Ji’Goro of Starfleet Security pulled her dull brown overcoat close.
    “Damn cold.”
    “We could…”
    “Wait here for the tram. I don’t want to spend the night in a public replomat.” Ji’Goro sighed, “I’m sorry, it’s just…”
    “You don’t need to explain, Cetsa.”
    Iliam of nowhere in particular now stood awkwardly.
    “Does Keiken know?” he asked.
    “She’s definitely flagged my name on the transport network. Oma tried to organize a reception the second time I came home. We’ve talked since.”
    “I mean about…”
    “I haven’t told her.”
    “Is there going to be a problem?”
    “Not from her.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “It’s nothing, really. Just politics.”
    Light and sound tore through the station. It resolved into a glass sided cylinder with three across seating and the faded hue of uncelebrated decades. A panel slide aside and Ji’Goro rushed through. By the time Iliam finished his casual inspection Ji’Goro sat huddled against the far window. Iliam turned. The tram was empty. He turned back and took the neighboring seat.
    The stations came through in quiet procession. Iliam sat back, reflecting on the day, while a draped pair of coats occasionally shifted beside him.
    She had emerged into the hallway, strident. She bounded for the airlock, exuberant. Breakfast had been taken in haste and lunch in easy fatigue. Dinner hadn’t come. In its place was the memory of a sullen haul across the last two transfers.
    And some shouting.
    A hand reached out from the coat pile. He took it, gently. In the dim light her soft fingers set a vivid contrast with his plated hand. When the voices came he felt her sudden tension. A party staggered onto the tram. Four variously turned to regard seated pair. All were Ibi, all were eager. One grinned. Another pointed. They eased back, two rows behind Iliam and Ji’Goro. Her hand drew back. The motion didn’t go unnoticed.
    A conversation rose as motion resumed. It pattered, it dipped, and it occasionally spiked. In the brief stillness of the next stop, a thickening silence suffused the cabin. Iliam caught motion to his left, but a hand shot to his right. It pulled the heap aside to reveal Ji’Goro. She uncoiled as Iliam turned around.
    “Thana, tan faar,” one of the newcomers edged.
    “Oi?” Iliam replied.
    “Yut sogshan,” another sneered.
    Ji’Goro chided, “Balarosh nuta vin vin. Bis’idrava etta, dulan duros.”.
    “Bal sogshan tuvor,” the first retorted. Their third companion took the seat next to Iliam. He put his arm around the alien in mocking good humor. The fourth sidled in, taking the seat behind Ji’Goro.
    “Mantan tu,” Ji’Goro said coldly.
    “Om thura nish. Ni ritta von,” one said factually.
    Ji’Goro turned back to face ahead. A hand from behind followed her motion. It pulled her hair back while Iliam’s companion reached into a pocket. Iliam’s leg shot out, pushing to his left while spinning right. His fist connected with the fourth traveler while the third sprawled into the aisle. Ji’Goro shot forward as the hand released. Travelers one and two moved forward. Iliam found purchase on the seatbacks. Ji’Goro rose. Her stunner fired, and fired again.
    They sat back together, red light pulsing through the tram. Three unconscious bodies lay about them. The fourth sat in the aisle with tremendous trepidation.
    Ji’Goro said softly “they didn’t like us.”
    “I gathered.”
    “I mean together.”
    The two waited in silence.
    Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • lincolninspacelincolninspace Member Posts: 1,843 Arc User
    Really wanna play these. I couldn't find Gemeni. It is a fed mission right?
    Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Both are FED missions. They also now come with the SSF tag. For either one just search for that in the appropriate Foundry section (Gemini->all foundry missions, Entropic->review content, you may have to opt in first) and they should come right up. :smile:
    Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Also as a note: Gemini has apparently graduated out of the "new" mission filter. If you're looking for it now head on over to Regulus or search in "top rated" or "custom".
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • guljarolguljarol Member Posts: 980 Arc User
    Rom options! onion-29.gif

    I'll play tomorrow. I haven't played any Foundry since last weekend, so it's time to be sent to an important mission to save the galaxy.​​
  • lincolninspacelincolninspace Member Posts: 1,843 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Played Gemini last night but ran out of time to finish. Top notch mission! I loved the Federation embassy map and the Gorn dialogue was good. I will finish this series.

    EDIT. Finished mission. I enjoyed it besides finding some of the combat difficult. My #1 suggestion would be to change the mission entry dialogue from "energize" to saying "begin Gemini" so that the player does not wonder which foundry mission they have qued up.
    Post edited by lincolninspace on
    Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    My #1 suggestion would be to change the mission entry dialogue from "energize" to saying "begin Gemini" so that the player does not wonder which foundry mission they have qued up.

    Yay, an easy tweak! I noticed that in your mission and I must say it does look better to start with. :)

    Combat difficulty is something I keep coming back to. It's challenging to get right because while Gemini is open to all levels and is in the main FED leveling path (which means under-equipped players might make up a reasonably high fraction of the player pool) I've got a few people on the other side telling me to "ramp it up." I could spawn in fewer or lower quality ships but then that leaves well-equipped players thinking "well, that was it?"

    I've erred on the higher side of the difficulty curve but what I might do in the big space battle is spawn in one or two more friendly NPC's (been thinking of getting the Tholians involved in the background) whose impact on combat should be greater for those which take longer to complete it. As for ground, I'll see what I can do to balance it out. :)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Good news! I've setup a twitter account (which has incidentally made me feel quite old.)

    Basically I'll be using @Gorgonops_SSF to throw out SSF-related notifications (and recommendations for other foundry missions) without having to constantly keep bumping these threads up with "news." If something big comes along I'll certainly let the forums know but if you happen to want more direct/immediate access to Gemini/Entropy/Polarity-related stuff then there's another option available now. :)
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • guljarolguljarol Member Posts: 980 Arc User
    I played the mission today, and I enjoyed it a lot.

    The good stuff:
    • The story. Because it's a story first, and pew pew pew second, although also present. An unexpected ending (I didn't see that coming).
    • The lovely mostly-Reman colony (Sorry, I don't remember its name). Really lovely. I took a selfie!
    • Generally great maps. My favourite? My ship after "adjusting the light". Yeah, I played as a Romulan ;)
    • The conversation with the Horta. I really liked it, and the repeating same answer was funny (even though I did not choose that option personally).

    Not so good stuff, but not game breaking:
    • Some typos here and there (Hizari, your's).
    • Inventive grammar ;) "hasn't didn't have access" I'm not an English native speaker, but something tells me this is not a tense I'm not familiar with ;)
    • "Interact" on most of the buttons. In most cases it's a cosmetic matter, so not important, but when dealing with the pile of Tribbles there is one Interact for the dialogue, and another Interact for the action. One must click to test which is which. Better to give them some names.

    I didn't find the fights too difficult. Not too easy to end before you blink, and not too tough to become frustrating. Just right for me.​​
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    guljarol wrote: »
    I played the mission today, and I enjoyed it a lot.

    The good stuff:
    • The story. Because it's a story first, and pew pew pew second, although also present. An unexpected ending (I didn't see that coming).
    • The lovely mostly-Reman colony (Sorry, I don't remember its name). Really lovely. I took a selfie!
    • Generally great maps. My favourite? My ship after "adjusting the light". Yeah, I played as a Romulan ;)
    • The conversation with the Horta. I really liked it, and the repeating same answer was funny (even though I did not choose that option personally).

    He he, I did like having that last Romulan option at the end of that conversation. You can expect to see a similar thing in my next mission too (but of course I'll try to keep it fresh). :)
    Not so good stuff, but not game breaking:
    • Some typos here and there (Hizari, your's).
    • Inventive grammar ;) "hasn't didn't have access" I'm not an English native speaker, but something tells me this is not a tense I'm not familiar with ;)
    • "Interact" on most of the buttons. In most cases it's a cosmetic matter, so not important, but when dealing with the pile of Tribbles there is one Interact for the dialogue, and another Interact for the action. One must click to test which is which. Better to give them some names.

    I'll take a look at the typos straight away. However I may not be able to change those interact options. They're all associated with "optional objectives" (sequences driven by conditional dialog windows tied to objects and spawning) where I don't think I'm able to set a custom action text as I can for mission objectives. The tribble one I should be able to take care of regardless (I'll make it so they don't overlap.)

    Also, the "hasn't didn't have access" is the "changed line mid-way through writing" tense. As you can see it's something I'm very proficient with. :)

    Anyway, thanks for the feedback!
    Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • guljarolguljarol Member Posts: 980 Arc User
    Also, the "hasn't didn't have access" is the "changed line mid-way through writing" tense. As you can see it's something I'm very proficient with. That said, I'm struggling to remember where that line could be...[Edit, found it!]

    I know that tense! It's also a stylistic construction, grammar declension and conjugation (in languages that have these), and sometimes even word-formation ;)​​
  • lincolninspacelincolninspace Member Posts: 1,843 Arc User
    I was enjoying this mission up until the combat started and the Breen made a real mess of my tier six starship. I'm too much of a casual gamer to handle combat that hard.
    Parallels: my second mission for Fed aligned Romulans.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I was enjoying this mission up until the combat started and the Breen made a real mess of my tier six starship. I'm too much of a casual gamer to handle combat that hard.

    The Breen? Hmm, I wasn't intending that to be especially difficult. The worst you get with them is two cruisers and a weak group. I'll take a look at that but it may just be the Breen being Breeny.

    Ah, found the potential problem (besides Breen being Breeny). It was two cruisers and a frigate group. Flipped the latter to weak, should be just that little bit more manageable (and in line with what I was intending) but I don't really want to scale it further back because then I'm just falling back (in a post-iconian war mission) on the mob configuration of the Breen series and old STO. This should feel in line with the DR and Iconian series, but if the Breen aren't playing fair (ie. for whatever reason their mobs are more difficult that usual) then I'll see about using someone else for that section (Nausicaans, Orions, Hirogen, or a custom species would also work.) That or I'll cut off all their frigate support, this definitely shouldn't be a "boss fight" scenario. :)

    Edit: I took another, another look at the breen spawns and while I left the groups intact I did change the position and patrol speed. It should be less intense now.
    Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    And now for something completely different: my own version of Tales of the Something-or-other. It's a short story primer for Polarity (now in OP.)
    Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Good news!

    A new mission is out. OP updated with Polarity information. Starts at Mandel system (Celes sector, Beta Quadrant, near Regulus), level 16+, FED. Feedback would be very appreciated. :)
    Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Series update time!

    So at the moment I'm reasonably happy with Entropy and Polarity. As you have probably seen over in the other forum section I'm also working on SSF-4 Respite (but that name will likely change before launch) in last hours before Foundry downtime and I run for the bean-filled bunker which I'm calling "Halo 5" (and yes, season 11 too.)

    Once everything comes back online I'll be looking at completing SSF-4 and also (and here's why I'm posting now) a Gemini 3.0 update. I'm less happy with how certain mission concepts are introduced (ex. explaining what to do at the reception), the ending dialog with the Admiral works, and how objectives flow on the second custom map (see. dropping one in from TRIBBLE space). But that's just my impression. If anyone out there has any particularly strong feelings about Gemini stuff I'd like to hear from them before I start whacking away at what might be perfectly serviceable components (or things people actually like) while ignoring others which might be a more serious drag. I know there's a general point about grammar but cleaning out what junk remains will definitely be part of the update.

    After those are out of the way, I'll be working on something new. I really don't know what yet, but after episode 4 the SSF series is going into reruns for a little bit while I work on some stand alone episode or another. :)

    Addendum: SSF-4 may well set the end of the SSF timeline. We shall have to see...
    Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • johnnysnowballjohnnysnowball Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    You could always give players the option of easier or harder combat by giving them a dialogue option or button choice that will spawn more or less friendlies and enemies.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    You could always give players the option of easier or harder combat by giving them a dialogue option or button choice that will spawn more or less friendlies and enemies.

    I was thinking about that for some particularly hard optional objectives in the next mission but I see what you mean there for general combat. Once I the Foundry comes back online I'll try that out in the latest mission and for the 3.0 Gemini update once I get around to that. Thanks!
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    Just a note: both Entropy and Gemini are confirmed playable after the S11 Foundry downtime. Once in-review missions come back online I can give Polarity a look over but for the time being the ones people have played are back up and running. :P

    Also: Ep 4 description (above) updated to reflect recent project developments.
    Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    Everything is back up and running now so I'll take the opportunity to plug Episode 3: Polarity again (since it's only been played by one other person besides myself so far, :P). FED, level 16, starts at the Mandel system in the Celes sector block (it's just south-west of Regulus). Involves another investigation with the full SSF team and features the usual mix of stuff. :)

    Episode 4 is definitely in the works now and I'll update the relevant threads with more information as it the corresponding stuff is made. Expect it sometime before the end of the year. :D
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • khregkhreg Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    After "Gemini", seriously jazzed to continue this series. Gonna try getting thru "Mindscape" and a couple other Foundries I found that caught my eye before cracking open SSF 2.

  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    khreg wrote: »
    After "Gemini", seriously jazzed to continue this series. Gonna try getting thru "Mindscape" and a couple other Foundries I found that caught my eye before cracking open SSF 2.

    Jazzed? Neat, I'm thrilled you liked Gemini so much (thanks for the feedback and of course if there's anything you like less in that or in the next missions definitely let me know. I'm always trying to improve things.) :)

    Quick note: series chronology is actually Gemini->Polarity->Entropy. The later-set episode Entropy came out before the earlier-set Polarity for reasons. Now though you can play through as originally designed (preceding comment about "Ep3: Polarity" was a little misleading but sometimes its easier to just go with release order).
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • khregkhreg Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    "Polarity" it is. :D
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    Series update time!

    SSF-4 is starting to drag a bit (still huge amount of writing to do, but maps are getting close to done) so I'm putting out some info for SSF-5 which I'm now saying is a thing.

    But wait, isn't SSF-4 the finale? Well, yes it is. It's resolving the main narrative arc and setting up how the characters are going to be continuing on from this point on in the timeline. However that still leaves room for middle-series SSF missions and other things. SSF-5 is one of those other things. It's also going to be a two part FED series which explores something new and, in a few thematic ways, relates back to other things we explored (but forgot about with Delta Rising).

    Basically we're going to go on a Ringworld-style adventure with the Dyson Joint Command and the Voth. There will be at least one character from SSF but because that's the very first major plot point I will not say who until the mission is released.

    This is definitely going to be a "slow burn" kind of project so it's not coming out soon (SSF-4: Continuity is still going to be the next mission released.) However there's still going to be screenshots and other tid-bits, so there should still be some entertainment in the near future (beyond SSF-4).
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • starfarerthetastarfarertheta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    ....Basically we're going to go on a Ringworld-style adventure with the Dyson Joint Command and the Voth. There will be at least one character from SSF but because that's the very first major plot point I will not say who until the mission is released.

    This is definitely going to be a "slow burn" kind of project so it's not coming out soon (SSF-4: Continuity is still going to be the next mission released.) However there's still going to be screenshots and other tid-bits, so there should still be some entertainment in the near future (beyond SSF-4).

    Color me intrigued.

  • khregkhreg Member Posts: 379 Arc User
    So SSF-5 is a prequel of sorts.
  • duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,981 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    khreg wrote: »
    So SSF-5 is a prequel of sorts.

    Not at all. :D
    That's all I'll say for the time being. Why? Spoilers.

    What isn't a spoiler though is that while someone is coming back for SSF-5 I'll be working with new security officers.
    Introducing Commander (Name pending). As the forehead suggests she isn't Vulcan. :P
    Post edited by duncanidaho11 on
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
  • khregkhreg Member Posts: 379 Arc User
This discussion has been closed.