When we fill in a reputation project we recieve a box with an item from the reputation store.
The good thing.
Every time i get such a box, I am excited to find out what I have won. It is a nice little surprize moment.
The not so good thing.
Most of my characters are loaded with item from the reputation store, that I just safe for ... I don't know when. One of my characters has 12 plasma turrets, a KDF character has a bunch of phasers from the Undine reputation, another one, Fed has disruptors. In short, I have lots of great items, purple, mk XII, but have no use for it.
I suggest an improvement.
1) make these items bound to account, so I can distribute them over my characters as I like. I understand that this breaks with the idea that the reputation is a character personal thing, yet, I do may sell it to any NPC vendor, but cannot give it to one of my other characters.
2) instead of 1), let me pick an item from the reputation store. No more surprize, but also no more stocking of good quality gear with which I can do nothing.
1. has anyone problemes on getting bonusmarks iconian or terran? i figured out that if i got the bonus for terran then the bonus for iconian is not to be had at all that day, or vice versa
2. can there be a clock or something when to achieve the bonus for a rep, cause now i don't get the bonus because i wa a minute or 2 to soon to play that stf