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7th Imperial Tactical Squadron seeks Beta position with Tier V Fleet

wupteedowupteedo Member Posts: 33 Arc User
Qapla' I'm Commodore Hawat Thu'Fir, Commander of the 7th I.T.S. I have been tasked by Commander Seventh Fleet (Fed) to join an armada of like minded KDF players. We are causal fleet that follow a military structure made up of mostly older veterans. Note: We like our bloodwine and it may show as the evening progresses. Currently our Starbase is at level 43 and on a good night, we can bring 6-10 warriors to battle. Some say we are a tad crazy, but we like our blood to roar and our hearts to dance when we do battle. Ask yourselves, have you every done the Nimbus III bar fight with Bat'leths only. We do, but it doesn't work too well with Salt Vampires, but hey, we tried. Most of my officers have been playing STO for several years and are all battle harden warriors. More about us and The 7th Fleet is here: www.fleet7.com
In game, you can find me at @wupteedo. Qapla'
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