Been looking at the various tetryon weapons because I like blue and no one else uses them. However I'm unsure how the "drain" part works on destabilising tetryons. (And tetryon glider)
Apparently I can drain -37.5 shields over 15 seconds so is that number just damage? Or does it work differently? Maybe shield power drain? The minus symbol implies its not straight damage but I don't know. 37 damage over 15 seconds would be pretty weak.
So I beseech the playerbase for your knowledge!
Tetryon glider is the best weapons based shield drain hands down.
Destabilizing tetryon beams drain more over time than tetryons, but can be cleared by hazard emitters.
Regular tetryons, no easier way to say it other than they suck horribly. Go for Dominion Polaron weapons instead. You get both shield and power drain procs.
Oh yeah, it all scales with flow cpas skill.
I know the devs must be tired of hearing me say this, but the shield drain procs in this game are garbage compared to DPS. No sense in using flow caps to drain shields when power drains can bring them completely down in seconds.
Tachyon Beam is the king of shield drains.
I started using tetryon glider in my build again so I was thinking going one step further and use tetryons.
Count Dracula is glad to be helpful in all vampire build/equipment questions.
Pretty sure I had normal tetryon at about 5-6 months ago, when I was calculating its effectiveness. If I can read my sheet correctly (link here, it's a hidden tab called "tet drain numbers"), the formula was:
(160+.8 * Flow Caps) * ((Weapon damage from mk and rarity)/100)
Of course, I only checked for beam arrays, so I'm not sure how that formula translates over, but that should be a good starting point.
SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci
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