We went through a phase of lots of little fixes being applied to try and fix the lagg in the game, but lately they have stopped.... Completely, not a whisper about anything anymore...
Whilst it's not as bad as it was before, as in I don't experience major rubber banding and freezes on a day to day basis, the lag is still clearly there and still needs to be dealt with.
I still have to hammer away and skills several times in order to get some of them to work and some skills still go into CD without anything actually happening.
I guess it's on the back burner again since we have new (Old revamped, so actually nothing new at all) content incoming :-(
its all a bit better, but still there. lag/rubberbanding, missfire (both skills and espec. consoles)
its still a mess if you ask me and im pretty much sure devs dont really care anymore
More like they dont no how to fix it,,,
1-2 second delay like op said just keep hitting things & hope they work.
Took me 1-2min to get through a door at first city other day.
this or they just need new server hardware without sharing anything with neverwinter
You have hit the nail on the head, thats why they keep having to remove content before they can add new.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.