I commonly find myself wanting to play a level 1 mission on my level 60 character in a miradia currently because the game scale with player level and not ships If you are playing a level 10 mission in a level 10 the enemies shouldnt be level 60 but granted that you will have improved weapons heres how I would calculate level #of weops x tier of weopsx#of consoles x tier of consoles = ship level. This could also go for team matches but instead of spawning stronger ships when you have teammates spawn more ships this allows for a more cannon feel IE: three miradas and a excelsior class vs a pirate fleet this would also allow you to scale enemies based on ships you have a # of ships at each ships level thats why you spawn more ships at different levels.
I'd actually love to see, for example, increased rewards for running queues in a full group of lower tier ships, but it won't happen, as no one would buy the T6/7/8 ships then.
A Miranda at level 60, especially in the Delta story arc will be very difficult, but if you are really dedicated you can probably do it in the T2 Connie Refit, or just get the T6 Excelsior to get that old school feel. Or look for someone to back you up.