To answer the op honestly, yes their has been a significant drop in players. It is delusional to suggest otherwise. I've played during the day and the night, and fleet action and STF queues including activity in my large fleet are notably much lower compared to before the big changes to queued missions and across the board reward/ec nerfing. In fact this is the least player active period since I've been playing (3+ years).
Just dropping by to underline the OP. Yes, player Numbers are as low as ever. I know quiet a few in Game after 3 years of daily loggig. Reasons and Feedback are well known to all wich are not blind.
-Delta Rising
-Quality issues
-Lack of hope things change for the better
Geko has the license and much luck that he is without competition. Thats it.
The current Summer gab is much worse than 1,2 and 3 years ago.
Only free stuff like cca gets peeps to log at all and they only do so exactly as Long as they have to.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
As soon as they sort a patch to stop login details to auto: graphics options E.G. dix 9 or 11 most players have to work around to log in now and just cant be bothered
Burn out. I grinded on the CC event for 8 toons x 14 days + a few days. It takes about 2 hours to do all that plus doffing, rep, crafting schools 1.5 to 2 hours a day. The game is loosing it's fun factor. Doing the same thing each day playing the game the way Cryptic wants it to be played. I dunno man just need a break and only after hitting it hard for about 3 weeks. Burnout is faster lately. Seen and done just about everything there is to do now. 5+ years off and on. Fatique.
Burn out. I grinded on the CC event for 8 toons x 14 days + a few days. It takes about 2 hours to do all that plus doffing, rep, crafting schools 1.5 to 2 hours a day. The game is loosing it's fun factor. Doing the same thing each day playing the game the way Cryptic wants it to be played. I dunno man just need a break and only after hitting it hard for about 3 weeks. Burnout is faster lately. Seen and done just about everything there is to do now. 5+ years off and on. Fatique.
nobody is forcing you to grind CC and the other stuff on even 1 toon and definitely not on 8, you are doing it by your own choice.
there are plenty of other things in game you could be doing if you choose to do them instead.
your not playing the game the way Cryptic wants it to be played, your playing the game the way you have chosen to.
if you would rather be hitting the dyson sphere or aiding the deferi or even just tagging epohh go and do that instead.
there are a ton of activities you can do in the game, it doesn't all shut down just because there is an event running but if you choose to play the event then you only have yourself to blame.
the same applies to all the other grinds in the game, players do them out of choice and then complain like they have been forced to do it instead of just saying "to heck with it I don't want to do that today I think I will go play some foundry missions instead".
*feel free to replace 'foundry missions' with any other game content you choose*
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
They are "forced" to do it if they want the new shiny on all there characters. I used to do these events on all my characters myself, but I only do it on a couple now to avoid feeling burnt out.
1. No game balance
2. No holy trinity (tank, healer, dps)
3. BUGS!
This is not in any order. These three things could save STO! It could be a real good MMO if they would introduce these things!
1) Utterly destroyed by the fact that damage has gotten out of control. Yet, when they try to nerf things (hi fleet plasma consoles) people cry bloody murder and the forums drown in salty tears.
2) You don't need the "holy trinity" in every mmo. However, you do need better balance between the "classes" available. When one (Tactical) grossly surpasses the others, you have a problem.
3) I'd actually say stability, although one could argue that this fall under bugs. When I try to log on, only to get dropped back to the login screen after rubberbanding around for 5 minutes, it makes me want to just log off and go to Azeroth instead.
They are "forced" to do it if they want the new shiny on all there characters. I used to do these events on all my characters myself, but I only do it on a couple now to avoid feeling burnt out.
they are not forced to do it at all, they can manage just as well without the new shiny after the event as they did before the event, they chose to do the event because they like the look of the shiny and wanted to have it but they are not forced to use it at all or forced to play the event.
personally the only thing I really wanted was the 50k dil that's why I chose to play the event, the new shiny has gone strait in my bank and chances are I will never use it, just like I never use the other items from these events like zefram Cochrane`s shotgun.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
1) Utterly destroyed by the fact that damage has gotten out of control. Yet, when they try to nerf things (hi fleet plasma consoles) people cry bloody murder and the forums drown in salty tears.
I believe this has more something to do with personal perspective and game mechanic knowledge.
Even in these forums, you can see how lacking of game knowledge certain players have especially those have an issue with damage. Damage has a certain ceiling except you have to know how to get there. It is like being in marathon and one runner complains that the marathon being endless running except that particular runner has only ran one meter from start.
For comparisons purposes, It is vastly easier to max out damage resistance than damage.
2) You don't need the "holy trinity" in every mmo. However, you do need better balance between the "classes" available. When one (Tactical) grossly surpasses the others, you have a problem.
I don't see the balance issue that way. Tacs are not really better/surpasses in what the sci or Engs do. i don't see tacs doing better on what other classes captain powers. I don't see tacs having better form of eps power transfer, miracle worker etc in the form tac captain power.
the point is there is a big difference between wanting and needing and a big difference between choosing and being forced.
for example the clear difference between choosing to forgo food (fasting) and being forced to go without (starving), fasting is a choice, while starving is being forced.
or you could say, I am needing to earn a living so I am forced to work but if I'm wanting to take time off I'm choosing to take a holiday.
or if I'm wanting to play sto I am choosing to play the parts I enjoy most and if I am needing to go to sleep I am forced to stop playing and log out.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Why don't we go back to grinding event ship's on every character then? That would be the right thing to do then wouldn't it?
would not mind one bit if they did, I chose to play the ship events not only because i wanted the ships but because I enjoyed the event.
same with this event, I chose to play the event not only because i wanted the dil but because I enjoy the event.
but I don't need to play it with all my characters so I am not forced to do so, I chose to play it with them because I wanted to.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
I cannot support the OP's views. From my personal insight, my friends list is always full of players online, my fleet roster shows a number of people on, and my Armada chat is always booming.
And so far as miracle worker is concerned - well, healing is only useful if it's necessary. And since, with you average BFAW cookie-cutter build, everything died before it was really a threat...
Not to mention that with items like the Samsar Console or even the hull regenerating consumables that we can now craft, other classes can emulate and even surpass miracle worker. There is however, nothing that an Engineer or Science Officer can to to replicate tactical abilities.
Science Officers and Tactical Officers have the best abilities with Tactical officers being the best overall. Engineers honestly are significantly behind the curve. The only thing that Engineers really still have in their favor is ground combat.
As for the original topic of player numbers, when I get on during prime hours for US time, there are still tons of players on. Heck, I was annoyed the other day because I was trying to level up a new ship using Borg Red Alerts and couldn't get enough shots in because there were so many people doing Red Alerts. It just depends on what time you're on and what content you're doing.
Don't agree. APA, for example, benefits some sci abilities resulting in some tac captains producing superior damage output to a sci using the same ability.
You are beating the wrong tree here. Tactical are damage dealer. Sci in PvE are debuffers not Sci damage dealers. I dont know why players insist on this. Thats why if you want to push the limit of DPS/damage of a Tac beyond to higher levels, you need a Sci Debuffer.
EPS power transfer? Advantage offset by use of Plasmonic leech.
This is a build issue. I wont copy paste my tac build to my eng. This means you can make do without the leech, supremacy or even power skills as Eng and get same power management as a Tac with all of those.
And so far as miracle worker is concerned - well, healing is only useful if it's necessary. And since, with you average BFAW cookie-cutter build, everything died before it was really a threat...
If your choice is a situation where you dont need more heals. Yes this is true. But that would be a players choice. It is a choice going to ISN or ISA or HSE needing more heals or not needing at all.
Not to mention that with items like the Samsar Console or even the hull regenerating consumables that we can now craft, other classes can emulate and even surpass miracle worker. There is however, nothing that an Engineer or Science Officer can to to replicate tactical abilities.
Science Officers and Tactical Officers have the best abilities with Tactical officers being the best overall. Engineers honestly are significantly behind the curve. The only thing that Engineers really still have in their favor is ground combat.
As for the original topic of player numbers, when I get on during prime hours for US time, there are still tons of players on. Heck, I was annoyed the other day because I was trying to level up a new ship using Borg Red Alerts and couldn't get enough shots in because there were so many people doing Red Alerts. It just depends on what time you're on and what content you're doing.
You are all looking at this the wrong way. the Samsar Console can also be used by the Engineer. The same way you can put items that makes your captain deal more damage, like the new energy amplifier.
If you put yourself in situation that you dont need more heals, yes the tac will look better. but if you put your situation where you need support and more heals.
Look at the highest DPS in ISA or HSE. in ISA, Sci debuffer. in HSE, Eng tank/healer. Those were done with support using their strengths. Debuffing/healing/tanking. While using the damage dealer class to do damage.
That is why I dont support other class be dealing equal damage. Because the roles of each class in PvE exist. Players just got to choose to play those roles they excel or at least know those roles that they excel in game due to diversity you can choose or build your toon in this game.
However, I do support buffing eng and sci in their current roles or their respective powers (sensor scan/miracle worker) in PvE which heals/tank or debuff.
People saying numbers have not dropped have obviously never played the game when it had significantly more people.
To say numbers are the same as a few years ago is just plain nonsense. They are clearly less. Far less !
And that bobbydazler dude... wow ? Really ? When will you take off your rose tinted glasses ?
Sure you are not forced at gunpoint to play all these stupid events. But fact being that since these events the STF Q's themselves are dead. So you have no real choice to play them, otherwise you simply can't play. You sit in a Q for 10 mins, 15 mins then the timer pops up, some idiot does not accept it and you are dumped back into a Q again.
It's ridiculous.
The game has had events in the past and I can remember seeing 300+ people on the events alone and the rest of the STF Q's still had dozens of people playing them and Q's would pop in 30 secs to a minute.
Because people were not witness to that and have not played that long they don't see any difference. Coz they started playing when the game started to drop off.....
My character Tsin'xing
-Delta Rising
-Quality issues
-Lack of hope things change for the better
Geko has the license and much luck that he is without competition. Thats it.
The current Summer gab is much worse than 1,2 and 3 years ago.
Only free stuff like cca gets peeps to log at all and they only do so exactly as Long as they have to.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
1. No game balance
2. No holy trinity (tank, healer, dps)
3. BUGS!
This is not in any order. These three things could save STO! It could be a real good MMO if they would introduce these things!
nobody is forcing you to grind CC and the other stuff on even 1 toon and definitely not on 8, you are doing it by your own choice.
there are plenty of other things in game you could be doing if you choose to do them instead.
your not playing the game the way Cryptic wants it to be played, your playing the game the way you have chosen to.
if you would rather be hitting the dyson sphere or aiding the deferi or even just tagging epohh go and do that instead.
there are a ton of activities you can do in the game, it doesn't all shut down just because there is an event running but if you choose to play the event then you only have yourself to blame.
the same applies to all the other grinds in the game, players do them out of choice and then complain like they have been forced to do it instead of just saying "to heck with it I don't want to do that today I think I will go play some foundry missions instead".
*feel free to replace 'foundry missions' with any other game content you choose*
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
That and repeating the same thing for the 200th, 500th time had a factor in it as well. :P
The trinity does exist in the game. But the game doesn't force the player on these roles just to complete missions.
veterans like you should know this by now.
2) You don't need the "holy trinity" in every mmo. However, you do need better balance between the "classes" available. When one (Tactical) grossly surpasses the others, you have a problem.
3) I'd actually say stability, although one could argue that this fall under bugs. When I try to log on, only to get dropped back to the login screen after rubberbanding around for 5 minutes, it makes me want to just log off and go to Azeroth instead.
they are not forced to do it at all, they can manage just as well without the new shiny after the event as they did before the event, they chose to do the event because they like the look of the shiny and wanted to have it but they are not forced to use it at all or forced to play the event.
personally the only thing I really wanted was the 50k dil that's why I chose to play the event, the new shiny has gone strait in my bank and chances are I will never use it, just like I never use the other items from these events like zefram Cochrane`s shotgun.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Even in these forums, you can see how lacking of game knowledge certain players have especially those have an issue with damage. Damage has a certain ceiling except you have to know how to get there. It is like being in marathon and one runner complains that the marathon being endless running except that particular runner has only ran one meter from start.
For comparisons purposes, It is vastly easier to max out damage resistance than damage.
I don't see the balance issue that way. Tacs are not really better/surpasses in what the sci or Engs do. i don't see tacs doing better on what other classes captain powers. I don't see tacs having better form of eps power transfer, miracle worker etc in the form tac captain power.
for example the clear difference between choosing to forgo food (fasting) and being forced to go without (starving), fasting is a choice, while starving is being forced.
or you could say, I am needing to earn a living so I am forced to work but if I'm wanting to take time off I'm choosing to take a holiday.
or if I'm wanting to play sto I am choosing to play the parts I enjoy most and if I am needing to go to sleep I am forced to stop playing and log out.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
would not mind one bit if they did, I chose to play the ship events not only because i wanted the ships but because I enjoyed the event.
same with this event, I chose to play the event not only because i wanted the dil but because I enjoy the event.
but I don't need to play it with all my characters so I am not forced to do so, I chose to play it with them because I wanted to.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
no they did it to stop wingers moaning every time they run the event.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
Not to mention that with items like the Samsar Console or even the hull regenerating consumables that we can now craft, other classes can emulate and even surpass miracle worker. There is however, nothing that an Engineer or Science Officer can to to replicate tactical abilities.
Science Officers and Tactical Officers have the best abilities with Tactical officers being the best overall. Engineers honestly are significantly behind the curve. The only thing that Engineers really still have in their favor is ground combat.
As for the original topic of player numbers, when I get on during prime hours for US time, there are still tons of players on. Heck, I was annoyed the other day because I was trying to level up a new ship using Borg Red Alerts and couldn't get enough shots in because there were so many people doing Red Alerts. It just depends on what time you're on and what content you're doing.
You are beating the wrong tree here. Tactical are damage dealer. Sci in PvE are debuffers not Sci damage dealers. I dont know why players insist on this. Thats why if you want to push the limit of DPS/damage of a Tac beyond to higher levels, you need a Sci Debuffer.
This is a build issue. I wont copy paste my tac build to my eng. This means you can make do without the leech, supremacy or even power skills as Eng and get same power management as a Tac with all of those.
If your choice is a situation where you dont need more heals. Yes this is true. But that would be a players choice. It is a choice going to ISN or ISA or HSE needing more heals or not needing at all.
You are all looking at this the wrong way. the Samsar Console can also be used by the Engineer. The same way you can put items that makes your captain deal more damage, like the new energy amplifier.
If you put yourself in situation that you dont need more heals, yes the tac will look better. but if you put your situation where you need support and more heals.
Look at the highest DPS in ISA or HSE. in ISA, Sci debuffer. in HSE, Eng tank/healer. Those were done with support using their strengths. Debuffing/healing/tanking. While using the damage dealer class to do damage.
That is why I dont support other class be dealing equal damage. Because the roles of each class in PvE exist. Players just got to choose to play those roles they excel or at least know those roles that they excel in game due to diversity you can choose or build your toon in this game.
However, I do support buffing eng and sci in their current roles or their respective powers (sensor scan/miracle worker) in PvE which heals/tank or debuff.
To say numbers are the same as a few years ago is just plain nonsense. They are clearly less. Far less !
And that bobbydazler dude... wow ? Really ? When will you take off your rose tinted glasses ?
Sure you are not forced at gunpoint to play all these stupid events. But fact being that since these events the STF Q's themselves are dead. So you have no real choice to play them, otherwise you simply can't play. You sit in a Q for 10 mins, 15 mins then the timer pops up, some idiot does not accept it and you are dumped back into a Q again.
It's ridiculous.
The game has had events in the past and I can remember seeing 300+ people on the events alone and the rest of the STF Q's still had dozens of people playing them and Q's would pop in 30 secs to a minute.
Because people were not witness to that and have not played that long they don't see any difference. Coz they started playing when the game started to drop off.....