How well does this work out? I recently started playing again and have been getting intrigued with the science powers. I do have a sci captain (currently at level 52) but have always really enjoyed playing my eng captain due to the survivability (also seems the easiest to play on ground missions as well, but I am not a big fan of the ground missions).
I have a few c-store ships so I can run quite a few different ships (although most are cruisers I do have the Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit, the Intrepid refit, and the Vestas) but I am also not opposed to getting other c-store ships but it might be a while.
I do plan on getting into a fleet at some point but have been trying to learn the game since there have been many changes since I last played.
Granted I don't have as much,time,money or skills invested in that toon... But It can do some serious damage.Presently resting at 25k dps with all Free traits and very low on specializations, while my beam torp hybrid wells sits at 52k. Vesta is a good ship, but the Fleet Dauntless is pretty good too. I separate these from setups like the Scryer and Pathfinder (to me 'Standard')sci ships.
Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.
My character Tsin'xing
My character Tsin'xing
My character Tsin'xing
I ran a couple of alerts and the setup seemed to be pretty decent even though I have not respeced into it. Still trying to decide if I want to do it on this char or also get my sci char leveled to 60 and setup this way (already is partially, he has the spec for the most part just needs the gear).
I may not be happy with the damage I was doing previously because of the gear I have. Working on my rep to get the better torps, so will see how that goes. I think I do need to start working in the rep of my sci char because I do like what I see and would be interested to see how it would perform on him.
I also need to get a meter of some sort to see what the performance really looks like vs what I feel it works like.
My character Tsin'xing
Topologically speaking, Vesta and Scryer are homeromorphic anyway.
Only the Vesta can do that, and only on it's specialized fore DHCs.
It's not that hard nowadays to have very high, or even maxed, levels of both Aux and Weapons anyways, so not a huge problem on non-Vestas. A W->A core and KHG/Adapted MACO and a few points in Aux and other power Skill will have you sitting at decent Aux levels on the weapon preset.