That Universal/Lt. Command slot would probably never happened but I might take a Lt. Commander Tactical/Command slot. Other Tier 6 ships added a new universal console slot to their sets, so I would assume the Odyssey would get the same thing. What do you think it would be?
Universal/Command can happen, I think. Of course, players will not like the Command all that much, since it seems widely considered to be the weakest specialization (in space).
But the Tier 6 Flagships have a lot of open questions, I think - will it be another 3-set (9-set if you get them for all factions)? Will it be just a single ship? But if it's just a single ship - does that mean no more Sensor Analysis for people that come from the Tier 5 Sci Oddy/Borta?
Or will it be an event reward?
I think the flag ships might be the ideal candidate for a 50 year Star Trek / 6 Year Star Trek Online Anniversary Event (grindable) reward...
I kinda hope for a 3-pack, if that means we also get new costumes. I am bored when a ship doesn't offer exchangeable parts.
And maybe a 3-pack could mean that each ship has access to a different Specialization?
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
They could always do both and give us a free/grindable Tier 6 Odyssey and a 3/9 Pack not too long after that. They did do that before when they gave us the free Star Cruiser and then added the Tac/Sci/Eng Cruisers to the C-Store later on.
The question is how could they make the T6 ody & bort different enough so they wouldn't simply be outshined by the command cruisers? Let's be real here, cryptic really nailed it with those. If the other cruisers wouldn't have access to the Gal, D'D, Excel, etc. skins nobody would have bought them.
SA would go a long way in giving them a uniqe touch since the only other non-sci ships who can do that are the sci ody & bort.
Would also be nice if they were "truly specialized" ships like the early intel ships, command crusiers and pilot escorts. Though I'd guess pilot maneuvers are pretty much out of the question for bigass crusiers.
The question is how could they make the T6 ody & bort different enough so they wouldn't simply be outshined by the command cruisers? Let's be real here, cryptic really nailed it with those. If the other cruisers wouldn't have access to the Gal, D'D, Excel, etc. skins nobody would have bought them.
I wonder the same about Pilot Escorts.
But I can still think of an idea how to make interesting Cruisers - give them Intel or Pilot abilities. That's why I wonder if they couldn't make one Oddy/Bortas/Scimi for each spec. The Command one might be unexciting, but the Intel and Pilot woudn't be. Just make the Command one the most beautiful looking skin, and there are enough reasons to buy them all.
And of course, they always can give them interesting traits.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
I guess Odyssey will be again a pack of three ships for each specialization. But at the same times classic "iconic" ships will be upgraded to T6 with single spec and basically mimic the layouts. Not that I mind, I would love a T6 pilot Sovereign
"Cryptic Studio’s Jack Emmert (2010): Microtransactions are the biggest bunch of nonsense. I like paying one fee and not worrying about it – like my cellphone. The world’s biggest MMO isn’t item based, even though the black market item GDP is bigger than Russia … microtransactions make me want to die.”
I don't want to break your dreams but you are conveniently forgetting two important rules established back during DR launch:
1. every t5-U/t6 cruiser must have 5 engineering consoles
2. t6 versions of previous t5 ships just have added 13th BOFF ability slot, one BOFF seating is turned into hybrid seating and it has 5 tiers of starship mastery with starship trait + new visuals
The hardest part for them to do a T6 Flagship is gonna be the console slots and power bonuses without doing another 3 pack (and burying the ship under a 6 console set...). Unless they can cook up some kind of "Combat Mode Selector" or <Insert Technobabble Here> to let the T6 Flagship switch between a new 4th mode and the previous Tac, Sci/Command, or Eng/War cruisers.
The Boffs? Easy(ish). T6 Oddy would probably have the Lt Sci -> Lt Cmdr Sci/Specialization, the Bort Lt Tac -> Lt Cmdr Tac/Specialization, and the Scimi Lt Sci -> Lt Cmdr Sci/Specialization. As for the specs...Command is likely, unless we get another spec before then that might fit better thematically. The sad STO player in me that remembers when the factions were different would hope that the T6 flagships get different specializations; Command for the T6 Oddy, Pilot for the T6 Bortasqu, Intel for the Scimitar, even though I hate that the most powerful spec currently available fits the scimi's theme.
I don't want to break your dreams but you are conveniently forgetting two important rules established back during DR launch:
1. every t5-U/t6 cruiser must have 5 engineering consoles
Not every ship. I expect a Tier 6 Tactical Odyssey to look pretty much like this.
I guess Odyssey will be again a pack of three ships for each specialization. But at the same times classic "iconic" ships will be upgraded to T6 with single spec and basically mimic the layouts. Not that I mind, I would love a T6 pilot Sovereign
I would like a Tier six Sovereign as well
I am fan of the Galaxy class and Sovereign class. I like Federation cruisers.
The Odyssey (if a single ship, and not a pack deal) shouldn't need to be tactically-focused. I would like more than a mere Command boff setup too; throw in an Intel.
I don't want to break your dreams but you are conveniently forgetting two important rules established back during DR launch:
1. every t5-U/t6 cruiser must have 5 engineering consoles
2. t6 versions of previous t5 ships just have added 13th BOFF ability slot, one BOFF seating is turned into hybrid seating and it has 5 tiers of starship mastery with starship trait + new visuals
1 mostly true, but not a rule. The Presidio and Geneva do not have 5 Engineering Consoles. This rule so far seems to only apply to non fleet level C-Store ships that are upgraded to Fleet Standard. The Odyssey will follow the '3 pack rules' like the Command ships. They will likely come either individually, in a faction 3 pack, or a cross faction 9 pack. These ships will be Fleet Level like the Command ships and do not need to adhere to the 5 Engineering console rules.
The rest is pretty spot on. The T6 version of the 'Flagships' will likely have the same console layouts as their T5-U counterparts and follow the BoFF station rules you have stated in your post.
The big challenge is going to be the specialist station. Simply put, while Command by it's nature seems to fit with 'Flagships' I believe making these ships Command would be a mistake. The market is already overly saturated with Command Cruisers and making these Command would make them 'more of the same.' It would make them into another ship you buy just for the skin and trait. Boring.
Intel would fit as well, but I don't think they can do that for one reason.. the Scimitar. Giving a T6 Scimitar access to OSS would be potentially game breaking. Since this ship will likely have the Scimitar as a Cross Faction counter part, that has to be considered which makes things tough.
If anything, Cryptic might have to come up with a new specialization just for the Flagships. I'm not opposed to that idea. Personally I think it would be cool if they got a specialization that was unique to Faction Flagships only. I'll say this though, if they did an Intel specialization, they would sell like crazy.. especially the Scimitar. I admit it, I would buy them.
1 mostly true, but not a rule. The Presidio and Geneva do not have 5 Engineering Consoles. This rule so far seems to only apply to non fleet level C-Store ships that are upgraded to Fleet Standard. The Odyssey will follow the '3 pack rules' like the Command ships. They will likely come either individually, in a faction 3 pack, or a cross faction 9 pack. These ships will be Fleet Level like the Command ships and do not need to adhere to the 5 Engineering console rules.
I'm of the belief that there will be one T6 Odyssey, one T6 Bortas, one T6 Scimitar and one T6 Vesta. Why? Because if not, they're going to have to ideally create twelve more skins, when they only really need to create four. Buyers of the Vesta and Scimitar are better off here (because there are already a variety of skins available compared to the Odyssey and Bortas). I will truly be amazed if these ships are released in tri-packs. I'll be further amazed if there are no cosmetic changes between them.
With regard to their specialist seat, if Cryptic have any sense, they'll differentiate between the ships. Each of the T6 Flagships should come with either a Commander level Hybrid Seat and an Ensign Hybrid Seat, or a Lt.Commander Hybrid Seat and a Lt. Hybrid Seat. Specifically:
Provide the Odyssey with a Command Hybrid and Intel Hybrid
Provide the Bortas with a Command Hybrid and a Pilot Hybrid
Provide the Scimitar with an Intel Hybrid and Pilot Hybrid (she might be a command level ship, but she's a tactical focused ship at the end of the day, and thus doesn't need command abilities)
I wouldn't be surprised if it winds up having both Intel AND Command BOFF seats.
I would love for the flagships to get duel specialisations.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
I will truly be amazed if these ships are released in tri-packs. I'll be further amazed if there are no cosmetic changes between them.
Why would this surprise you? There is no cosmetic difference between the current 3 Odyssey versions, and there is very little between the Bort and Scimitar variations. The Vesta is not part of this topic at all, that's it's own animal and has nothing to do with the Flagships. It's not like they would have to do all completely unique skins, they're just variations of one another.
The precedent of doing 9 skins has already been set by the Command Cruiser cross faction bundle as well as the original Tier 5 Bundle. All of those ships have a unique skin, so it wouldn't be the first time they have done this. Doing this also encourages sales because people like to 'kitbash' to make their own look. This worked well for the Command ships, and should be expected here as well.
I will truly be amazed if these ships are released in tri-packs. I'll be further amazed if there are no cosmetic changes between them.
Why would this surprise you? There is no cosmetic difference between the current 3 Odyssey versions, and there is very little between the Bort and Scimitar variations. The Vesta is not part of this topic at all, that's it's own animal and has nothing to do with the Flagships. It's not like they would have to do all completely unique skins, they're just variations of one another.
The Odyssey and Bortas were released before the Scimitar, initially as an anniversary reward. It was only after that they became the bundle versions you know of today. The Scimitar didn't have that anniversary version, and as stated, was released later at a time when the Republic was relatively new and Cryptic actually cared more about the Republic (in turn, providing the Scimitar with better customization options).
The precedent of doing 9 skins has already been set by the Command Cruiser cross faction bundle as well as the original Tier 5 Bundle. All of those ships have a unique skin, so it wouldn't be the first time they have done this. Doing this also encourages sales because people like to 'kitbash' to make their own look. This worked well for the Command ships, and should be expected here as well.
The Command ships were something new, the Flagships aren't. If you look at all the (re)releases to date, they've only come with a single new skin. Only the newer ships/designs have come with more.
If you look at all the (re)releases to date, they've only come with a single new skin.
All the re-releases to this point have been ships that did not come in a 3 pack, so there is no real precedent here.
This would be the first cross faction pack release that was inspired by a Tier 5 equivalent. As you said, Command ships and for that matter Pilot ships were all new releases.
Still, the precedent of a 9 pack with 9 skins is there and has been done on more then one occasion. I would expect multiple skins for cosmetic reason as it helps drive sales. Overall, it's not relevant to me personally, since I don't buy the large packs, I'm more the type to buy 1 or 2 ships.
I feel the opposite of you, I would be surprised if they didn't have unique (or at least semi unique) skins. For the Odyssey though, it's entirely possible they'll stick with the current and make that one skin for all 3.
If you look at all the (re)releases to date, they've only come with a single new skin.
This would be the first cross faction pack release that was inspired by a Tier 5 equivalent. As you said, Command ships and for that matter Pilot ships were all new releases.
Still, the precedent of a 9 pack with 9 skins is there and has been done on more then one occasion. I would expect multiple skins for cosmetic reason as it helps drive sales. Overall, it's not relevant to me personally, since I don't buy the large packs, I'm more the type to buy 1 or 2 ships.
We're both assuming there's going to be a c-store release. From that article posted the other week (the blog like thing) it was implied that the Odyssey was being kept for something special; if that is an anniversary (like the Samsar) then we'll only actually get one chance at the T6 version, and they wouldn't need to create a whole bunch of new skins because they'd only be releasing the one (or three - per faction) ships.
If you look at all the (re)releases to date, they've only come with a single new skin.
This would be the first cross faction pack release that was inspired by a Tier 5 equivalent. As you said, Command ships and for that matter Pilot ships were all new releases.
Still, the precedent of a 9 pack with 9 skins is there and has been done on more then one occasion. I would expect multiple skins for cosmetic reason as it helps drive sales. Overall, it's not relevant to me personally, since I don't buy the large packs, I'm more the type to buy 1 or 2 ships.
We're both assuming there's going to be a c-store release. From that article posted the other week (the blog like thing) it was implied that the Odyssey was being kept for something special; if that is an anniversary (like the Samsar) then we'll only actually get one chance at the T6 version, and they wouldn't need to create a whole bunch of new skins because they'd only be releasing the one (or three - per faction) ships.
Yes, of course the entire thread is theoretical, none of us know for sure what they will do. I believe they will probably do both, introduce a 'free' version that will be an event reward followed by a C-Store release. I have a hard time believing they'll pass up the opportunity to market a flagship pack for sale.
Back a little more on topic.. the stats.. the biggest question for me is still the specialization type. I just hope it's not command for the reasons stated earlier. Making these command would just be more of the same. I am hoping for either Intel (ideal) or a new specialization that will come later into Season 11 prior to this release.
Back a little more on topic.. the stats.. the biggest question for me is still the specialization type. I just hope it's not command for the reasons stated earlier. Making these command would just be more of the same. I am hoping for either Intel (ideal) or a new specialization that will come later into Season 11 prior to this release.
I think with them being the flagships they are, they're bound to have command powers (the Odyssey and Bortas anyway). The only saving grace would be if the command powers in this instance were secondary to either intel or pilot, or maybe even something else if there are plans to add more specializations down the line...
Regardless, in no respectable way can I see Cryptic releasing their flagships short on command powers.
The biggest reason for assuming that there will be a 3-pack of the Fed and KDF flagships at least is that the Science variant of these ships has Subsystem Analysis. If they only release one and it didn't have subsystem analysis, it would be perceived as a downgrade by some players. But giving it to everyone? Seems unlikely.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
I think it's either dual spec or all-universal spec (LTC All-Uni). They want to make the "flagships" worthy of that name again, I guess.
^ Memory is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
"No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
"A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
"That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
I think with them being the flagships they are, they're bound to have command powers (the Odyssey and Bortas anyway). The only saving grace would be if the command powers in this instance were secondary to either intel or pilot, or maybe even something else if there are plans to add more specializations down the line...
Regardless, in no respectable way can I see Cryptic releasing their flagships short on command powers.
Unfortunately, this^.
As sad as it is command space powers are lackluster for the most part but cryptic does not get tired of slapping them on pretty much everything, and there's no other thing that fits the description of "command" better than a flag ship.
It's pretty much unavoidable and we should be ready for this dissapointment.
The best we can hope for is that it hits the engi cmdr. and not the far more useful tac, sci or universal lt.cmdr. seats.
I also don't believe in a dual spec for the flagships. Those are reserved for the premium box & promotion ships and as sure as hell won't be purchasable in the c-store or delivered on a silver platter in form of a grindaversary. That just isn't how cryptic works.
Why even speculate yet? It'll probably have a shiny new specialization seat if anything, maybe even in addition to a Command seat. It IS the super-special flagship class and all.
But the Tier 6 Flagships have a lot of open questions, I think - will it be another 3-set (9-set if you get them for all factions)? Will it be just a single ship? But if it's just a single ship - does that mean no more Sensor Analysis for people that come from the Tier 5 Sci Oddy/Borta?
Or will it be an event reward?
I think the flag ships might be the ideal candidate for a 50 year Star Trek / 6 Year Star Trek Online Anniversary Event (grindable) reward...
I kinda hope for a 3-pack, if that means we also get new costumes. I am bored when a ship doesn't offer exchangeable parts.
And maybe a 3-pack could mean that each ship has access to a different Specialization?
SA would go a long way in giving them a uniqe touch since the only other non-sci ships who can do that are the sci ody & bort.
Would also be nice if they were "truly specialized" ships like the early intel ships, command crusiers and pilot escorts. Though I'd guess pilot maneuvers are pretty much out of the question for bigass crusiers.
But I can still think of an idea how to make interesting Cruisers - give them Intel or Pilot abilities. That's why I wonder if they couldn't make one Oddy/Bortas/Scimi for each spec. The Command one might be unexciting, but the Intel and Pilot woudn't be. Just make the Command one the most beautiful looking skin, and there are enough reasons to buy them all.
And of course, they always can give them interesting traits.
1. every t5-U/t6 cruiser must have 5 engineering consoles
2. t6 versions of previous t5 ships just have added 13th BOFF ability slot, one BOFF seating is turned into hybrid seating and it has 5 tiers of starship mastery with starship trait + new visuals
The Boffs? Easy(ish). T6 Oddy would probably have the Lt Sci -> Lt Cmdr Sci/Specialization, the Bort Lt Tac -> Lt Cmdr Tac/Specialization, and the Scimi Lt Sci -> Lt Cmdr Sci/Specialization. As for the specs...Command is likely, unless we get another spec before then that might fit better thematically. The sad STO player in me that remembers when the factions were different would hope that the T6 flagships get different specializations; Command for the T6 Oddy, Pilot for the T6 Bortasqu, Intel for the Scimitar, even though I hate that the most powerful spec currently available fits the scimi's theme.
Not every ship. I expect a Tier 6 Tactical Odyssey to look pretty much like this.
I would like a Tier six Sovereign as well
Hoping for a Yesterday's Enterprise Bundle
My idea for the bundle
Bridge Officers: Lt. Commander TAC, Commander ENG, Lieutenant SCI/Intel, Lt. Commander UNI/CMD, Ensign UNI
Consoles: 3 TAC, 5 ENG, 3 SCI
The Odyssey (if a single ship, and not a pack deal) shouldn't need to be tactically-focused. I would like more than a mere Command boff setup too; throw in an Intel.
1 mostly true, but not a rule. The Presidio and Geneva do not have 5 Engineering Consoles. This rule so far seems to only apply to non fleet level C-Store ships that are upgraded to Fleet Standard. The Odyssey will follow the '3 pack rules' like the Command ships. They will likely come either individually, in a faction 3 pack, or a cross faction 9 pack. These ships will be Fleet Level like the Command ships and do not need to adhere to the 5 Engineering console rules.
The rest is pretty spot on. The T6 version of the 'Flagships' will likely have the same console layouts as their T5-U counterparts and follow the BoFF station rules you have stated in your post.
The big challenge is going to be the specialist station. Simply put, while Command by it's nature seems to fit with 'Flagships' I believe making these ships Command would be a mistake. The market is already overly saturated with Command Cruisers and making these Command would make them 'more of the same.' It would make them into another ship you buy just for the skin and trait. Boring.
Intel would fit as well, but I don't think they can do that for one reason.. the Scimitar. Giving a T6 Scimitar access to OSS would be potentially game breaking. Since this ship will likely have the Scimitar as a Cross Faction counter part, that has to be considered which makes things tough.
If anything, Cryptic might have to come up with a new specialization just for the Flagships. I'm not opposed to that idea. Personally I think it would be cool if they got a specialization that was unique to Faction Flagships only. I'll say this though, if they did an Intel specialization, they would sell like crazy.. especially the Scimitar. I admit it, I would buy them.
With regard to their specialist seat, if Cryptic have any sense, they'll differentiate between the ships. Each of the T6 Flagships should come with either a Commander level Hybrid Seat and an Ensign Hybrid Seat, or a Lt.Commander Hybrid Seat and a Lt. Hybrid Seat. Specifically:
Provide the Odyssey with a Command Hybrid and Intel Hybrid
Provide the Bortas with a Command Hybrid and a Pilot Hybrid
Provide the Scimitar with an Intel Hybrid and Pilot Hybrid (she might be a command level ship, but she's a tactical focused ship at the end of the day, and thus doesn't need command abilities)
I would love for the flagships to get duel specialisations.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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Why would this surprise you? There is no cosmetic difference between the current 3 Odyssey versions, and there is very little between the Bort and Scimitar variations. The Vesta is not part of this topic at all, that's it's own animal and has nothing to do with the Flagships. It's not like they would have to do all completely unique skins, they're just variations of one another.
The precedent of doing 9 skins has already been set by the Command Cruiser cross faction bundle as well as the original Tier 5 Bundle. All of those ships have a unique skin, so it wouldn't be the first time they have done this. Doing this also encourages sales because people like to 'kitbash' to make their own look. This worked well for the Command ships, and should be expected here as well.
The Command ships were something new, the Flagships aren't. If you look at all the (re)releases to date, they've only come with a single new skin. Only the newer ships/designs have come with more.
All the re-releases to this point have been ships that did not come in a 3 pack, so there is no real precedent here.
This would be the first cross faction pack release that was inspired by a Tier 5 equivalent. As you said, Command ships and for that matter Pilot ships were all new releases.
Still, the precedent of a 9 pack with 9 skins is there and has been done on more then one occasion. I would expect multiple skins for cosmetic reason as it helps drive sales. Overall, it's not relevant to me personally, since I don't buy the large packs, I'm more the type to buy 1 or 2 ships.
I feel the opposite of you, I would be surprised if they didn't have unique (or at least semi unique) skins. For the Odyssey though, it's entirely possible they'll stick with the current and make that one skin for all 3.
Yes, of course the entire thread is theoretical, none of us know for sure what they will do. I believe they will probably do both, introduce a 'free' version that will be an event reward followed by a C-Store release. I have a hard time believing they'll pass up the opportunity to market a flagship pack for sale.
Back a little more on topic.. the stats.. the biggest question for me is still the specialization type. I just hope it's not command for the reasons stated earlier. Making these command would just be more of the same. I am hoping for either Intel (ideal) or a new specialization that will come later into Season 11 prior to this release.
Regardless, in no respectable way can I see Cryptic releasing their flagships short on command powers.
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Dual spec would be nice, and would probably sell pretty well. It would also make the flagships stand out from other C-Store ships.
Unfortunately, this^.
As sad as it is command space powers are lackluster for the most part but cryptic does not get tired of slapping them on pretty much everything, and there's no other thing that fits the description of "command" better than a flag ship.
It's pretty much unavoidable and we should be ready for this dissapointment.
The best we can hope for is that it hits the engi cmdr. and not the far more useful tac, sci or universal lt.cmdr. seats.
I also don't believe in a dual spec for the flagships. Those are reserved for the premium box & promotion ships and as sure as hell won't be purchasable in the c-store or delivered on a silver platter in form of a grindaversary. That just isn't how cryptic works.
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