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Preparing for Bug Hunt ...

cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
... and don't want to suck too much.

I play a Science Captain and have:
Refracting Bulwark 3 pc set (or swap the Cryo Rifle for a Split Beam)
Pulsewave Assault rifle
Fluidic Kit
  • Exothermic Induction Field
  • Hyperonic Radiation
  • Biofilter Sweep
  • Plasma Feedback Cascade
  • Hypospray – Melorazine
  • Fluidic Antigens
  • Peak Health
  • Medical Vanguard

How des this look so far?


  • xiesha911xiesha911 Member Posts: 36 Arc User
    •Plasma Feedback Cascade
    •Hypospray – Melorazine

    Bugs do not use energy weapons :smiley:
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    ... and don't want to suck too much.

    I play a Science Captain and have:
    Refracting Bulwark 3 pc set (or swap the Cryo Rifle for a Split Beam)
    Pulsewave Assault rifle
    Fluidic Kit
    • Exothermic Induction Field
    • Hyperonic Radiation
    • Biofilter Sweep
    • Plasma Feedback Cascade
    • Hypospray – Melorazine
    • Fluidic Antigens
    • Peak Health
    • Medical Vanguard

    How des this look so far?

    Just an opinion, build the set and play with it the way you like.

    I'd suggest dropping the last three modules. Biofilter Sweep (BF-S) is good for you, if you do not have an EV suit, and the team if the team is lacking protection. If I run BHE with MACO gear I bring BF-S along, I used to run it in MACO gear without it-before I tried it. But BF-S works wonders for clearing the goo and its effects-it might be worth it to try it once so you can see it's effects.

    I found Hyperonic Radiation only so-so damage wise and the long duration cut its effectiveness for me. If you have the Risan ground doffs that add a % chance for brief hold to Exo it might be worth it to slot them. Or there are doffs that provide a chance to reduce the cool down of Exo. Or you could slot ones that possibly shoot fireballs.

    I'd suggest slotting two heal modules, for yourself and to use on the Explosive Expert to keep him alive.

    I run BHE with the Refracting Bulwark set and find the 2 and 3 piece bonuses usefully.

    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    Thank you for the replies!

    @xiesha911 - Ah, er. Yeah. Hmm.

    @gerwalk0769 - I slot three Gravity Field variant Geologists and that's been fun to see.

    Well, so far it's about kit modules. Easy fix. :)
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    Use the field researcher trait and the unstable dampers kit module (-energy dmg resistence for enemies) - I take it you also have a biochemist for even more -dmgres slotted? - so they get heavily debuffed.​​
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    On the Biochemist - oh yes. I'll need to get to a Spire for the 6th DOff slot to ground, so maybe a second Biochemist goes there. I like the Armory Officer when the extra turrets deploy, yet for BH, maybe something better ...

    EDIT - I switched out two Gravitic Field Geologists for the Radiation Variant (as I had them in the roster) then tooled around some ground action and could see a difference in CD for both abilities.

    I think the concern with Exothermic Induction is that the NPCs will run from the flames, thus spreading them out.

    Post edited by cmdrscarlet on
  • woodwhitywoodwhity Member Posts: 2,636 Arc User
    On the Biochemist - oh yes. I'll need to get to a Spire for the 6th DOff slot to ground, so maybe a second Biochemist goes there.

    1 biochemist only (its restricted)
    I like the Armory Officer when the extra turrets deploy, yet for BH, maybe something better ...

    Totally useless in bughunt ;)
    I think the concern with Exothermic Induction is that the NPCs will run from the flames, thus spreading them out.

    No concern in BHE. The bugs dont run away, they either use TM28 (which isnt triggered by Exo) or just attack.​​
  • jerichoredoranjerichoredoran Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    When you get to the spire also grab a medical tricorder module. The heal is big, gives resistances and the cd short.

    Many tacs run the graviton spike module which keeps the targets a bit longer in the flames (for other STFs if bugs dont run away).

    Really look into traits increasing expose chance. Many of your skills can do that and its a major damage boost to your team. Protection wise CC-Armor would be your strongest option but yours should work too.
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    Thank you for the replies!

    @jerichoredoran - the Xindi Sci Kit gives [ExpDmg][ExpHit][ExpDur]. With your advice, is this the Kit to use?
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Did this character unlock the winter event store? If so you might be able to get Endothermic induction field. The chill effect does wonders vs enemies that mainly attack with melee.

    Nanite Health Monitor is great too. :p it's classic. It's new cousin is also useful. I forget the name but it came out of the Xindi lockbox1. It has an NHM-like effect in that it will revive you if you get KOed with it active, OR if the buff expires it will give you a CD reduction for your kit powers. Automated Adrenal Hypo maybe? Also it makes you run/walk faster while the buff is active.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • jerichoredoranjerichoredoran Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Xindi Kits with ExpHit would be nice too. At that time i was mainly thinking of Pack Leader trait but couldnt find the name. There are also some (racial) traits increasing expose chance (remans, betazoid, telepatic, lucky), may be even more sources.

    Endothermic instead exothermic is also a good mention
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    Hmm, interesting feedback!

    So far this is what I've gathered:
    Armor, gun, shield as above
    Kit - Delta Expedition (looked on exchange for a Xindi Kit and cold only find [ExpDur], which may be decent)
    • Electro-Gravitic Field (Research, support)
    • Exothermic Induction (Research, offense)
    • Biofilter Sweep (Medic, buff)
    • Medical Tricorder (Medic, heal)
    • Active Immunity Overload (Research, Buff/offense)

    Captain Traits:
    Covert / Creative
    Field Researcher / Lucky
    Medical Vanguard / Fuidic Antigens
    Soldier / Vicious
    Peak Health

    Rep Traits:
    Vanquish (Dyson T3)
    Defiance (Dyson T5)
    Reactive Shielding (Romulan T3)
    Omega Weapon Proficiency (Omega T3)
    Identify Vulnerability (Nukara T1)

    2x Doctor
    3x Geologist
    1x Biochemist

    I was a little surprised how few Ground DOffs I have that I perceive would be useful, much less at VR quality. My Rep traits may need some tweaking for Bug Hunt and that's still in review. My Captain Traits could use some attention as I have focused my attention to Space Traits. Would Coalition Ground Tactics be a worthy consideration?

    Thank you for looking!
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    The only good Xindi kits are the ones that increase expose chance on enemies. The others are ok, but you can find kits that do a lot more at fleet holdings.

    BTW, what are the abilities of your doffs(yes they have a variety now)? Biochemists with the resist penalty power and the Geologists with the CD reduction power are probably most useful to you. the geologists with the instability power don't proc very often... :/

    Also, I'd probably use Triage over tricorder. AoE heals don't require you to target an ally to use them. Just push the button and Triage heals you and everyone in range.
    Post edited by markhawkman on
    My character Tsin'xing
  • gerwalk0769gerwalk0769 Member Posts: 1,095 Arc User
    Endothermic is lovely.
    Joined STO in September 2010.
  • jerichoredoranjerichoredoran Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    Also, I'd probably use Triage over tricorder. AoE heals don't require you to target an ally to use them. Just push the button and Triage heals you and everyone in range.

    Triage has that advantage, but Tricorder has only 6-7s cd (with commando spec) much bigger heal and also resists buff. And of cause getting a cheap UR Tricorder variant from fleet spire instead expensive VR Triage from exchange...

    For traits you could also look at Savior, same mechanic as Vicious just for healing. That should also buffs proc heals like rep trait Reactive Healing Accelerator (heal on outgoing crit) and Energized Nanites (5% of outgoing dmg => heal).

    You list is also missing the most effective trait Concusive Tachyon Emission. Buffed up that one-hits every delver in the room. The faster they die the less incoming damage to you and team.
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    Doh. So, I switched out Defiance for CTE and plays few missions ... yeah, I'll keep that slotted no matter what.
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