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The Infamous Galactic Rangers & the Legendary Blacksheep Sqaudron Armada need Beta's & Gamma's!!!

dellveridiandellveridian Member Posts: 2 Arc User
Hey there! and Greetings be onto you my fellow STO players!!

Cap'n Nat here hailing you from the One...the ONLY!...Galactic Rangers Forever and Blacksheep Armada.

Yeap, there is and could only ever be one of us and that's for one (I think you'll agree)..very good reason.......

Given what our lot are like........... if there was another one of us we'd most likely find a way to:

A) Crash the server....
B) TRIBBLE up the internet....
C) Cause an intercontinental diplomatic crisis of near on EPIC proportions and.....
D) Just generally just cause the damned planet to go Doo-lally..... Gulp!....

That being said......

We are looking for........GAMMA & BETA Fleets!!!! - Pretty please, come on....join us.....we're harmless!!....(actually no thats a lie.....my bad..)....

We're a full blown T5 Starbased, Lvl 49 Fleet - does anyone actually know what that means anyways???...Damned if i do but it says it on this little screen thingy that pops up with i hit the button thingy in the corner so there you go :)

We are........ACTIVE!!!........Actually instead of getting us to talk on chat its actually getting us to shut the hell up that presents the problem.... mwah-ha-ha...

We run Rep STF's and Fleet mark runs pretty much everyday!

We have weekly Quiz Nights and PVP events (for those of you so - inclined such as myself because lets face it...killing Borg is fun but NOTHING beats wiping the floor with your fellow fleet mate and pounding your chest afterwards whilst indulging in your best Tarzan/He-Man impression.................or..................ahem....is that just me then??....)

We have our own Teamspeak server and also use Skype group call - (depends on what we feel like) but any player who prefers just to type talk is fine to and won't feel like they're missing out on anything.

We dont' care what level fleet you are or how much Gold Pressed Latinum you bring to the table!!

All we ask.......................................................

Is that your ACTIVE, have one HECK of a sense of humuor and are prepared to tolerate us lot ;)


If this sounds like a gig your fleet might be interested in drop me a line in game (cause i dont get on the forum often)
- natbasher@dellveridian & corran@dellveridian or my implacable fleet leader (who is very sensitive about his receding hairline so be gentle)....Ramon@24681012

See you in game! - Maybe, if your unlucky ;)

Cap'n Nat

Hailing frequencies closed.......i think....which button is that again??.......Dammit nope thats the sonic showers,,,,

OH here it is!!!......

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