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Rebuilt Justice Order <RJO> Looking for members.

ajrod09ajrod09 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
Fleet Name: Rebuilt Justice Order <RJO>
Founded: Stardate 90127.69 (July 9, 2012 23:47)
Website: TBA
Faction: Federation / Romulan Republic
Contacts: Corban Dallas@Corban
Requirements: no prior requirements
Core Values: Honor, Respect, Camaraderie, Fun

Rebuilt Justice Order <RJO>, was originally established to help all players veteran, casual, new, and returning. Our focus was to develop a fleet that would help each other out and anyone else regardless if in the fleet or not. We want to make sure everyone has a fun environment. RJO wants all members to have a sense of Honor, Respect and Camaraderie within the fleet. to us you will not be just a number in a roster.

Rebuilt Justice Order, originally named "Guardians of Valor", was established by a few veteran players who saw the need to help others. Our Fleet was established but never got off the ground. It was a time of many changes and most players with most new recruits joining the "big fleets" left little around for our small fleet. Over time the members disbanded and some even stop playing.

There was one who never gave up. Corban Dallas@Corban remained in the fleet and was able to continue to contribute to make something of the fleet. With the help of his own alts... He was able to finally get to fleet level 1 with a Tier 1 Shipyard. Now Corban is looking for other players to help in his quest to raise a Fleet with the same dedication in order to have a sense of Honor, Respect and Camaraderie.

What RJO needs:
  • Players:
    • The backbone of the fleet
    • All player types accepted(new, old(veterans),Casual, if you are military AD,Reserve,RET you are welcomed also.(nationality not important)
    • Fleet Donations are NOT REQUIRED to be a member
    • Play at your own time
  • Leaders:
    • Prior experience in Fleet Leadership not required
    • Must Adhere to the Fleets Core Values
    • Must Place members above themselves
      Spock wrote:
      "The needs of the many out weight the needs of the few"

General Rules:
  • Members and Leaders must have a desire to help out each other and the Fleet as a whole (Recruiting, STF's, Mission Help, etc.)
  • Non Participation does not remove players from Fleet but it is encouraged when players are available.
  • Members who desire to earn Fleet Credits for themselves can contribute to our Fleet Holdings
    • Contribution is not a requirement but will aid in our efforts to progress as a Fleet
  • Role Playing accepted and or encouraged
  • Family friendly (We understand some have families like myself and that takes precedence over gaming)
  • Must have FUN after all this is a game.
  • I will not tolerate any harassment of any kind within the Fleet. Those guilty will be removed and reported.
Fleet Ranking and Benefits:
If you have made it this far congratulations. You may have some interest in our Fleet. Now to the good Stuff. Unfortunately in order to acquire Fleet Ships or Fleet Items you will need to contribute to the Fleet. In order to access Fleet Stores you will have to have be promoted and have the needed requirements to purchase set items.

Fleet Ranks:
RJO Fleet Ranking is based out of Military ranking(I was prior military so used same approach to fleet)
  • ALL members will start out basic rank Cadet
  • If you stay and after initial entry you will be promoted in rank until you reach the Ensign Rank
  • From Ensign to Captain(last Rank Before Fleet Admiral) Ranking will be determined by;
    • Participation
    • Donations/Contribution
    • Recommendations of Fleet Member/Leaders
    • Adherence to the Core Values
  • If a Member who wishes to get a fleet ship and has made the contributions necessary but is not interested in leadership role they may acquire a temporary leadership position in order to purchase required items from fleet stores.
  • Once they have acquired the necessary items they will be demoted to previously held rank. Any abuse of this system will be basis on removal from Fleet.
Current Holdings:
  • Shipyard Level 1

How To Apply:
Well you finally made it to the end now comes the decision making. Will you join Rebuilt Justice Order?
  • Send Private message to Corban Dallas@Corban
  • Please State the Core Values of RJO
  • Brief reason for joining
  • Brief expectations of accomplishment while in RJO
  • Email Message to Corban Dallas@Corban (preferable)
  • Please Include in the email the Core Values
  • The Core Values should be reason enough to why you want to join, but you are welcomed to tell me your reason for applying.
  • Please indicate what you expect to accomplish while in RJO

Thank You and Good Luck!!!

Corban Dallas@Corban
Fleet Admiral, Rebuilt Justice Order
"The needs of the many out weight the needs of the few"
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