I posted this in the anarax timeship thread, but what's everyone's thought? Can/should those temporal set pieces be equipped now on the other ships? Can a Zahl cruiser use a Tipler Cylinder and visa versa?
"..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino
I guess we'll see tomorrow.
Also in a more marketing view if they really wanted to put these two consoles on the ship, they would have dropped the temporal lockbox at the same time because it would incite players to buy even more keys from the store.
I think it will goes like this: A set of 3 pieces with the Krenim, the Zahl and the Annorax's consoles. Another of 2 pieces with Manheim and Tipler.
It means that Manheim and Tipler couldn't be equiped on the Zahl and the imperium warship. So the consoles from the laters and the one from Annorax couldn't be equiped on the Mobius and the Wells.
The only mean to put a zahl shield on the Mobius will be to make a 5 pieces set, but i don't think that would happen.
Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend
It's a Krenim ship, so getting the Krenim set makes perfect sense. It's also a kind of timeship, so getting the Temporal set also makes sense. Yes, the other timeships are from another faction. But it's not hard to imagine that temporal research might produce similar technology.
It hardly matters to me, as I am unlikely to ever get a Wells or any other lockbox ship let alone the Annorax. I can't even keep up with the C-Store ships, let alone the lockboxes and never mind the fact I can only fly one ship at a time.
But then there is also the Lobi store 3 piece as well, temporal Torp/chroniton dual beam bank and tachy console.
So that is potentially a lot of set bonuses.
Also has there ever been a space set (Deflector/2nd deflector/core/engines/shield) that could not be equipped on other ships ?
Don't think so.
So yeah that might be interesting.
Seems I missed all of that.
no it's the ship coming in the next doff pack. it's on the same level as the bug ship, elachi dread, voth bulwark, etc.
i.e. it will be one of the most expensive ships in the game.
K, thx.
The Ancient Obelisk set. You can't get the full set bonus on every ship. Likewise quad cannons sets which are class restricted.
I'd really like for the Annorax console to be backwards compatible with time ships.
Now, the question I have had for some time that would be of interest here:
Have we ever seen evidence in the Cryptic engine that an item can contribute to two different bonus sets?
Because I think that sounds like a reasonable direction for desirable power creep's sake and one that would allow lots of interesting possibility/versatility with click consoles going forward.
A big issue is that as more weapons/console slots open up or on certain kinds of ships, click consoles become less desirable because of the opportunity cost. One way to bypass that would be to have ability consoles contribute towards multiple set bonuses.
So if say the Annorax counted as one item in a Krenim 3 piece set and one item in a temporal 3 piece set and you could also mix and match for 2 piece bonuses... THAT gets interesting.
If you're willing to count consoles too, yes. The Command Cruiser consoles can't be fitted on the Kobali Samsar, even though the Kobali console is part of that set. That seems to be the closest example if you're looking for whether the Krenim Dread's consoles could fit the Timeships or other the Krenim Lockbox ships is a probability. There's the partially unrestricted elements mixed with restricted ones all over, including the ones mentioned by stoleviathan99, as well as every low tier and high tier mixes. Anything from a lockbox cross-faction doesn't count towards a given C-Store set, so you can't use the Projected Singularity console to count as a piece of the set for the Galaxy consoles, even though both Romulan D'D and Fed Galaxy console sets have the same name and include a Molecular Cohesion Nullifier.
Actually, as far as STO's plot is likely concerned, I theorize that the Krenim technology is what forms foundation of the future of the Federations temporal capabilities. So it probably all gets traced back to Krenim origins. After all temporal agents speak about scanning and monitoring time, just like the Krenim can.
My character Tsin'xing