Fleet Admirals Log
U.S.S. Lightbringer
The Iconians tried to invade the Klingon home world again today, so much wreckage. I cannot even begin to fathom how many ships we've destroyed. Its unreal, they just keep coming. Tactical Lieutenant Neral's weapon finger is developing another blister. Sickbay has reported he will be out of action for at least a day. I've recommended him for a commendation. It looked really bad, repetitive hand injuries are the worst.
Engineering reports we've fully reverse engineered the Iconian tech, ship operating efficiency has never been better. Some ships in the fleet are trying to rotate in some time at Risa inbetween sorties. The crew can use a change of scenery. Ships Counselor recently reported a 4 fold increase in contraband seizures, boredom is rampant. I've asked some of the security staff to begin work-out regimens with senior officers as I've noted quite of few are looking a little well fed as of late.
Last week the Academy sent us some cadets with the hopes they will get some wonderful hands on experience commanding the ship in combat. I am happy to report that they are performing admirably and have really given everyone a chance to catch-up on paperwork. I have never been prouder to command a Federation Starship.
PS - Sent in another complaint to the Klingon Defense Force about Captain Kagran and his improper use of comm's during combat.....
We keep hearing reports of a massive invasion of Iconian Heralds striking multiple worlds, however, we have yet to discover any evidence of such.
Starfleet Command claims that Iconians are opening gateways with impunity and forces are sacrificing non essential worlds to protect key ones. Apparently, Risa and Nimbus III are among worlds classed as essential, or as my science officer speculates, "Everyone at command is drunk and/or high on Romulan pharmaceuticals."
Sector patrols remain quiet, except for the occassional Tholian attack. Apparently they still find time to attack us instead of defending themselves from the Iconians.
Addendum: I am filing my 12th complaint today about being placed under the command of Kagran.
Not only does this man have no idea how to lead a parade, let alone an allied fleet, he clearly has a death wish, babbling about his Klingon afterlife after every single time he gets half our forces killed. It is my sincere belief that should we get the Krenim weapon operational, the first target should be his place of birth.
We have returned from yet another massive victory over the Borg. Two dozen cubes float wrecked, hundreds of thousands of drones lay dead and the Queen's head adorns my ready room. Our ship, after a brief layover at Risa, have been sent into the fray against the Iconians. I regret Kagan beaming us out before I could get T'kat's arm or M'rat's head. I have logged a complaint that my special task force... a force responsible for the Borg Queen's head and the destruction of over a dozen tactical cubes, a dozen cubes, countless spheres and probes... was forced to beam out because the Iconians started shooting at us after we put down their entire bodyguard forces. Had Kagan simply allowed me to complete the mission, T'kat's head, as well as M'rat would be in my mess hall for all the crew to marvel at.
The Klingons! They cut and run and get themselves killed and have the gall to call Starfleet officers weak?
I think next time I'll tractor Kagan's ship into the Iconian flagship and then assume command of the fleet and properly direct the assault.
After doing the fool's mission. Where we lost a story teller and trying to sneak into the Iconian Base. The ship was sent back to the Delta Quadrant to Kobali Prime. Since the Vaadwaur is still a much larger threat. After doing more trench warfare. We hope to get a new gear from the Iconian Resistance Force. Since the Iconians still hadn't really showed up in full force to threaten the planets. Those Vaadwaur are really a force to reckon with they are constantly on the attack. Even though we took out their leader. The ship and crew has spent months trying to deal with the Vaadwaur while we only spent a couple weeks on the weak Iconians. Yet they say the Iconians are a bigger threat. And somehow Starfleet says we need the gear to deal with the Iconians. But yet we beat them every time. Makes me really wonder what Starfleet is trying to pull here. At times I wonder if they had too much Andorian or Romulan Ale.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Iconian #7's log:
I see you hiding in the Kyana System. I KEEL YOU!
P.S. T'Ket ... my head piece is better than yours!
What once were credible threats to the safety of the Federation and indeed the entire quadrant have become little more than brief distractions. I must once again commend our corps of engineers and their latest efforts with starship designs and repurposed technologies. It is quite incredible that we have the means to not only match, but very clearly surpass the capabilities of every threat to our space.
Intel continues to be confusing. I wonder if the Klingons have 'enhanced' incoming reports as a means to bolster morale? Official reports state that the situation continues to be dire, however word of mouth from fellow captains among the alliance have been saying quite the opposite. Indeed my own experiences support those claims. All of us are hard pressed to find any sort of war at all.
I must also recognise the sheer capacity of our enemies, how they are able to consistently replace such heavy losses in ships and personnel is beyond me. I hold out hope that these factions will see sense and cease aggressive actions against our clearly superior forces.
Can anyone remember when we used to be explorers?
Ive spent the last 4 months patrolling the Romulan Star Empire and Federations border with absolutely zero incursions from the Iconians. We keep hearing reports of entire task forces and star systems lost but so far Starfleet and the Federation has yet to release casualty reports or any tactical updates on changes in the frontlines. If we are losing so many ships why hasnt my Fleet received any losses to date although a large portion of them are actively battling the Iconians when they do make an appearance? Why hasnt any of my crew, a very diverse crew from all over the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, lost any family or homes or know of any colleagues that has lost their families and homes?
This is very suspicious to me. Why is Starfleet being so secretive about our casualties if theyre willing to report that they are so severe? Even worse is that this Captain Kagran has been in-charge of the Alliances Combat Forces from the start and all reports indicate hes lost every engagement, supposedly he recently committed a large force to what amounted to a suicide mission that has only cemented the Iconians resolve. How is this guy still in command? Has Starfleet and the Klingon Council lost their damn minds?
My crew are growing restless out here. Not a peep from the Tal'Shiar and to date we've spent more time chasing Reman Raiders and cataloging minor star clusters than anything else. And while Starfleet claims we're losing ships and fleets left and right I cant help but notice that every ship assigned to the regional starbase here in this sector has yet to have been issued orders to the front.
Today, my crew has captured Captain Kagran on the request of Chancellor J'mpok himself. I have been assured that he will receive a fair trial, but his future looks grim. Indeed, what else can be expected looking at the charges.
It seems that Kagran was a member of the House of Tork, before this house was dishonored and disbanded because of its alliance with the Tal'Shiar. Yes, the very same Tal'Shiar who played a critical role in causing the Iconian War. Due to his technical skills, he managed to sneak into the KDF Mainframe (which as I've been told still used old-fashioned plasma firewalls). It seems he promoted himself to defense overseer for the Qo'noS sector, no doubt with the intent to allow the Heralds to capture and annihilate the homeworld of the people that destroyed everything Kagran had.
However, a simple hacking was not everything. His "strategy" of bringing in reinforcements to a large battle fought in the First City (reinforcements that should have been on the planet anyway instead of defending the Bo'marr monastery), consisted of sending the largest ship in the KDF, have them drop cloak, make a run in just two lanes instead of using the entire planet as a runway, let them drop shields long before reaching transporter range, and then have dozens of virtually defenseless ships be defended against an entire Herald fleet by a mere handful of ships. Some of which apparently have received experimental weaponry that ultimately failed, leaving half of my task force unable to even shoot down a single Herald frigate.
Fortunately, because of the heroic actions of my crew as well of those of the U.S.S. Get and the U.S.S. Rekt, we managed to ensure enough warriors made it to the First City to... miraculously disappear as me, together with 4 other captains, took a shuttle to celebrate victory, only to find we had to disable some weird form of devices and shoot hundreds of Heralds. This while Kagran remained in said shuttle, complaining about coordination instead of using the shuttles weapons to destroy any Herald forces.
To me, it seems that capturing Kagran will be a decisive blow to the Iconians plans. Reports are coming in from the Mirror Universe, where a similar struggle seems to go bad for the forces of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. On our side, it seems that all we are doing is performing stealth operations, not always with the best outcome. But for the rest, the Iconians seem to concentrate on defending their Dyson Sphere. They are relying on traitors in defiant races to allow for invasions, but no major targets have been hit. After the initial onslaught, it appeared that the Iconians lost so many forces that they prepared to only defend their home. However, following our staggering losses at the Herald sphere, they might go on the offensive. Who knows, we might need to bring our Miranda fleet out of mothballs.
Crew morale remains high, much higher than during the Undine invasion. At least we are not threatened on places it hurts. And it seems we are destroying enemy forces by the dozens.
A course has been set for the Khitomer. Our estimated arrival is in two days.
End log.
Join the Deltas today!
While the incoming reports on the Iconian front continue to be confusing and contradictory at best, I did manage to receive at least one reliable report, from the ships counselor .
It appears that an issue has arisen from AWOL captains and personnel .
While Starfleet is keeping this issue strictly under wraps , both confirmed and unconfirmed reports point to a decrease in activities and outright disappearances of noted captains across the board .
I miss the times when even our local sector space felt alive .
And speaking of feeling alive, the counselor also pointed to a most unusual metric she and chief engineer Argile put together .
According to their study monitoring the mental health , motivation , dedication and enthusiasm of the crew -- it all saw a steep decline sice our ship was chosen to participate in the joint task force dubbed "Delta Rising" .
The counselor also suggested both that this may be some kind of long term weapon deployed by the Vaduuar, and that perhaps a link exists between the AWOL captains in other parts of Starfleet and the Delta Rising mission .
Whatever the case, further study is clearly needed .
I have forwarded my findings to Starfleet command prior to completing our investigation in this matter out of concern that if this is indeed some kind of dormant mass weapon that has been deployed against us, with apathy and lack of motivation (and in many cases actual lack of ability to function) -- all of these symptoms may strike us at any time and we could be taken unawares .
I hope that that transmission made it out as we're currently stuck in a space-time causality loop that the crew affectionately dubbed "rubberbanding" and have no idea as to our standing next to relative time .
End log .
I have formally sent in a compliant that my experience and rank is not being put to good use by a mere Captain. I have colleagues in the KDF with the rank of Dahar Master and in the Republic as Admirals who have put in the same compliant. During a recent ground mission, why was a Lieutenant put in charge of the team?
End of Log
Took the crew to Risa today, the ship was due some upgrades so we locked her in orbit and rotated teams. I'm confident in saying that the vacation really boosted crew morale, though a couple of our younger Andorian cadets had a little heatstroke - I guess they were too oblivious to the warm, summer climate. A few other officers have come down with an upset stomach, probably something they ate; they should have known better than to try that Klingon-themed restaurant on the coast. I prefer my food dead and motionless.
Once upgrades and maintenance (on the servers) is complete, we'll be heading to DS9 to collect some Cardassian dignitaries and then transport them to K7 for something that we're being kept under wraps about. A Bajoran contact of mine tells me that the Cardassians want in on the war, big time, and they're putting in a request to the Alliance to relinquish the hold on the Cardassian Military (or current lack of it). Knowing the Cardassians, I wouldn't be surprised if they've already got ships in the pipeline, though I can't see them being launched without affiliation from the Alliance.
After that, we're heading to Mol'rhian to meet with D'Tan and go over some data the Republic have picked up from the gateways. He's been working with a team of Vulcans led by Sotek (some genius Vulcan scientist) who believes there may be a way to lock out every gateway in the galaxy through some sort of virus - that would be great, if not for all our ships in the Delta Quadrant and various Dyson Spheres. It is our hope that we can calculate where all the gateways are, and then lock out only the ones we want too. That'll be a hard blow to the Iconian/Herald fleet, whilst giving us ease of travel. I remain optimistic.
End Log.
After it was decided I had more pips on my collar than Kagran, or indeed anyone else in the whole bloody room, I assumed command of the entire task force. After deciding to wait a week for the Krenim weapon to be completed, because I'm not a pillock, I road tested it on Kronos. Hmm, that felt good, next fell Cardassia Prime, New Romulus, Iconia, soon the entire Alpha and Beta quadrants were mine, next the gamma and delta quadrants, then the rest of the Milky Way, then Andromeda, then THE REST OF THE UNIVERSE ITSELF!!!!!
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
While we still see no sign of any kind threat across the alpha, beta and delta quadrant starfleet reports of critical and dire scenarios pile up on my desk. Me and my crew still have no idea where and how these happened so we keep to look out for herald activities that are supposedly reported all over the allience's territory.
Occasionally we encounter small enemy groups but most of them pose little to no threat. I've seen commander Flores managing these situations with only her nose on the tactical controls and her arms behind her back. I also started to wonder if Q or some other higher being is involved since I can't figure out why a) she started to operate tactical controls with her face b) nobody, including me, even tried to stop her c) it actually worked out.
As we continue so boldy patrol where hundreds of other ships patrol too we experience various technical difficulties.
Systems fail occasionally, commands will be executed with a noticeable delay, our transwarp computer tends to mix up coordinates so we end up visiting ESD more often than we'd like to and various other problems with several consoles and enhanced ship systems.
Reports are getting sent to starfleet HQ in rapid succession but all responses explain that everything is working as intended by theirtechnicians and eventual repairs will be made on a thursday of no specific date.
End of Log
Over the last few months, news and Starfleet reports paint a dire prognosis about a 'Iconian War' that we've been unable to find. For the crew and I, this is causing confusion and leaving many to believe that Starfleet Command has gone mad. The reports speak of worlds being attacked, massive ship loses, enemies of overwhelming power and other things that we, even with our most intensive efforts- have been unable to locate or verify.
We have been called into action under the command various Captains a number of times. A very odd directive given that these officers are not of Flag rank and generally completely without any proven successes. There was also that disastrous mission for a supposed black op group headed by the greatest public figure head of the Klingon Empire- who quickly got himself killed. I can only suppose this was an successful plan by the current Klingon High Council to be rid of a political painful embarrassment of some type.
While all these recent events have been stated by Command to have been undertaken against the rumored Iconians, the resistance we encountered was insignificant. These opponents could not be the reported Iconians as they don't match the intel briefs in any way. I cannot overstate how pitiful these 'foes' are, indeed I in fact deeply regret the harm I've caused to these rather sad and helpless creatures. However despite our overwhelming advantages, in all cases we were called out before completing our objectives.
The only possible explanation is that Command has launch a massive propaganda war to justify the immense expense of new (and subpar) ship designs. I'm still getting offers from the ship yard for these ships, and while some are built on solid and proven frames- the additions seem ill thought out and of no significant value.
Things are different on the subcomponent level, the new Research Lab promises consoles that make our previous efforts on New Romulus look like the efforts of amateurs. However given how easily we've defeated any and all foes we've encountered, this too seems a senseless use of resources. Fortunately we have no better use for the resources nor does there seem to be any in the foreseeable future.
Why has Command undertaken such actions? This is more than incompetence, and does seem to board on insanity. Nor does it appear to have any end in sight.
The only bright spot I can look forward to, is Q's winter event...
The I.K.S Glory's Song continues to be victorious in many campaigns across all four quadrants. To date, the crew and I have successfully.
Taken down the traitorous House of Torg,
Saved Emperor Kahless, Chancellor J'mpok, and the High Council from the Fek'lhr Invasion
Destroyed the bulk of Tal Shiar forces under Colonel Hakeev
Saved Deep Space Nine from the Dominion by going into the Gamma Quadrant
Saved Earth Space Dock and Admiral Quinn from the Undine by fighting off an entire boarding party by myself...oh and a character with the mysterious "main character" armor.
Saved New Romulus on multiple occasions
Taken down the Vaadwaur in the Delta Quadrant
Stopped the Undine attacks against Allied Forces
Killed an Iconian
It is a good day to be a Gorn. With Captain Kagran's assault on the Herald Sphere, I watched a bunch of Klingon ships bite the dust; however, visual reports of the fleet before the battle saw no Orion, Nausicann, or Gorn forces ships. It was a good day for them to die. Thanks to the new "Emergency Weapons Cycle" system we installed, this Fleet K'Tinga still has the power to get it done.
In conclusion, I better get a statue, three ballads, and five operas at the end of this war. I mean I have saved the lives of the entire KDF High Council, the Federation's leading Admiral, and the Romulan homeworld. First Officer, Ashley Williams, formerly a Federation operative, informs me that the Elachi are attacking a Romulan space station for the umpteenth time. Back to the Grind.
Dahar Master Skarr'Tig, out.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
It's been a hectic couple of weeks lately, and many of us haven't been getting a lot of sleep. We're on the front lines again, every couple of hours the fleet is attacked be Elachi, Vaudwaar or Herald forces, it's getting too much. Yesterday we lost the Calypso and Nathan James, two days before that we lost the Concorde, Normandy, Beth'rak and Galdron, most of which went down with all hands. Neither the Heralds, Elachi or Vaudwaar leave much room for attempting a rescue, and they're relentless in their destruction. They'd rather be damned sure they annihilate a ship instead of crippling one and moving on to the next.
Last week, Shon and the Enterprise joined us, it was strange fighting alongside the flagship, a new experience for me, but she's elsewhere now. Starfleet is looking to gather more ships to support this sector, but the opposition is destroying ships quicker than we can build them; it's almost opposite from the tales of the Dominion War; the Dominion had the capability to manufacture ships at an alarming rate - something we severely lack. I'm amazed that Starfleet hasn't contacted Odo and negotiated aid, it might sound bad of me, but the Jem Hadar are just clones, created for the purpose of fighting; they're expendable, we are not.
There's something going on in the Argama Sector too, though nobody I speak to seems to know what. Various Transports have been escorted there under rumoured 'loaned' cloak - nothing shouts suspicious like a cloaked ship, be that a warship, destroyer or cargo ship. What concerns me more than that are the rumours of Breen ships assisting those convoys. The Breen don't work with anyone unless it's in their best interests, and the belief is that whatever is going down in Argama has the 'non-existent' Section 31 behind it.
That'll do for now. I best try get some sleep.
End Log.
That Klingon Captain Kagran just won't shut up while me and my crew are busy fighting the heralds and defending the Klingon homeworld he just keeps repeating the same words over and over again through the comm channel and it's giving my communication's officer a headach along with me and the rest of my crew as well. Look's like my cheif medical officer is gonna be really busy tonight dealing with many headach's maybe I should give him a promotion.
Some time ago we transported some Cardassian dignitaries to K7 for some internal negociations with some of the Alliance leads, one of the dignitaries in question, Irisa; a secondary governing official of the Cardassian Council spent a good portion of time with the officers whilst traveling from DS9 to K7, and stayed in touch.
Spoke to her on long range comms yesterday, and she too has heard of the Argala rumours, what's more, she knows
that one of the new Cardassian Warships is definitely being used for some purpose in that sector. I'm told she overheard a conversation, then asked a superior about it later only to be told she had heard wrong, so she did some digging and found out. It would seem that whatever is going down in Argala involves members of the central Cardassian government too - and to have one of the new Cardassian Warships so far from home, it must be important. Those ships are suppose to be quite the achievement, even if their number is low.
I find myself slightly frustrated if the powers that be are investing all these resources into secrets instead of putting their effort into the war front. Then there's the Admirals. All of them. There's more Admirals in Starfleet right now than there are Captains, and I'm never sure who exactly I'm suppose to be taking orders from.
I also had a message from a contact I met on Mol'rhian. Turns out Sotek (that genius Vulcan scientist) managed to blow up an Iconian Gateway - by accident. They're still working on locking certain gateways out, and turning other ones on. By all accounts another gateway had been found in the Delta Quadrant that held strong strategic value, they ran some tests, loaded their code, and the damn thing exploded. Luckily nobody was injured, though I don't think that little piece of information has made it all the way up the command chain just yet. I wouldn't want to be Sotek when D'Tan finds out.
End Log
I've heard reports of a war with the Iconians although Clarity has had nothing but skirmishes, those Herald raiders barely hold together better than Birds of Prey, the crew is bored a couple of officers have asked when we'll resume hostilities with the Klingons or the Romulans... What I wouldn't give to see a D'deridex right about now.
I have to question Kagran's competence sending a fleet of ships to take control of a sphere only to retreat with victory at hand... Such a senseless waste of life, if it weren't for this ceasefire I'd hunt him down like the incompetent fool he is, might even raise the crew's spirits...
Hopefully someone will inform me where and when the war really happens, I'd like the be there. End log.
"Theres a war they say, were losing they say! So why haven't we died in glorious battle with honor yet? Why are we destroying herald ships by the thousands and hardly taking losses every time we defend the homeworld?
I Mean, I'm not surprised that the heralds are no match for warriors such as us, but the hype about their prowess is ridiculous given how many times we've handily defeated them.
Our losses are massive? Well until Kagran sent a whole combined fleet on a frontal assault on their main base, I could challenge you to show me these losses and you'd have nothing to say! Pah!
After all these new, borderline manufactured losses now, we've Killed M'tara, and were told we have no other choice but to use a cowards weapon, one which does not deliver victory, only, in the best of all possible and unlikely cases, the absence of the glorious battle itself.
This is ridiculous. Computer, end file."
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
I've heard reports that the Heralds are now targeting civilian ships. So I've seen fit to court-marshall my entire crew to fast-track their disbarment from Starfleet and entry into general citizenry. We must be completely authentic here. I've also had the Poseidon converted into a garbage scow. We aim to leave on one of the outbound civilian convoys tomorrow. Perhaps now we'll catch sight of a Herald.
Date - Irrelevant
I, Dr. Victor von Doom, leave this recording as a gift to history - or what shall be left of it.
My plans proceed at pace, as should be expected of Doom. Kagran, though bothersome, continues to winnow the strength of those who may oppose me while simultaneously coercing said enemies to use their meager resources and intellects to construct a weapon which will give me absolute mastery over all that is, was, or will ever be. I am quite pleased with this Doombot's performance to date, though I am somewhat surprised it has not yet been discovered considering how grossly defective it is. Perhaps I simply overestimate my enemies' intelligence.
My one flaw - if indeed I have any - is that I am too generous to those inferior to the great Doom.
Speaking of inferiors, the Iconian Heralds have launched their daily assault of my fortress on Qo'nos again. They do not seem to understand what "impregnable" means, but I should not expect differently from creatures with such limited intelligence. It proves annoying, but when combined with the crystalline creature does seem to keep my foes' attention diverted.
I suppose I should thank them in some way. Perhaps I will bestow upon them the great gift of Doom's benevolent rule when I am finished, but are such addle-minded creatures truly worthy of the great Dr. Doom? Perhaps a quick death would be more appropriate.
I am far too generous.
I keep hearing terrible things about the Iconian War! It seems all the major worlds are under attack, and the minor ones have already been wiped out. The Iconians are EVERYWHERE!
So the Federation says, anyway. I've seen no evidence of it, and I personally KILLED an Iconian!
I Have seen some weird things, though. Some insane Klingon clone attacked an Iconian with a pointed stick (he called it the "Sword of Clueless" or something) and managed to chop off an Iconian's arm before he got himself waxed. Seriously. I am not making this up. He ran in yelling, and cut off this supposedly invincible six-eyed freak's arm with a ludicrously impractical knife. How tough can these Iconians be?
After which, cloneboy's idiot second in command has us all beamed out before we can finish the one-armed loser, and leaves the Sword of Clueless behind along with his boss's stiff. And these guys are supposed to be brave warriors? I've seen braver epohhs!
Speaking of epohhs, that reminds me. Seeing that there wasn't REALLY a war on or anything, we all went to Risa for the summer. It's lovely, by the way, I DID see one Iconian there - L'Miren was hanging out by the dance floor with a Horga'hn in one hand and a tribble in the other, chanting, "I want an epohh friend," over and over again. I think she had too many Mai Tais.
Then again, maybe that wasn't REALLY L'Miren. There's a Ferengi on Risa who is selling people these overpriced personal holo-emitters. Maybe he has a new one out. Hate to see the price tag on THAT one!
I forgot to tell you that Tom Paris called me to invite me to hear him and his half-Klingon daughter argue for an hour while we watched an incompetent rebel hacker/slacker die. That was tons of fun, I can tell you. Almost as much fun as flying through asteroids (which we also did). Happy, happy, joy, joy.
Back on Risa, I was browsing the bookstore and found a sci-fi pulp novel called "Tales of the War"! While my Science Officer T'Resa went on a floater tour, and my Chief Engineer D'Vex went powerboarding, I grabbed a deck chair and read it.
And now it all makes sense! There IS no Iconian threat, no war, no destroyed planets. It's all just a pulp novel!
They might have picked a tougher villain than the Iconians, though. Like a nanov. And I don't mean the BIG nanov, either.
Oh, I mentioned I killed an Iconian. For a superior intellect, she sure was a moron. She KNEW she was being drained of her life by repeatedly gating back and forth to attack us, but she just kept doing it, and droning on the whole time about how we were doomed and she was going to kill us for our insolence. Finally, I got so fed up, I just capped her with my Plasma Repeater, just to shut her up. I think her name was M'Tara. M'Tard would have been more accurate.
I still keep getting weird mash notes from Sela in the Gamma Quadrant, too. Still stalking me, I guess. Take her out for lunch one time, and she NEVER lets go. Move ON, girl! Sheesh!
Anyway, all my love to you both aboard the Apnex Sea! Take care, and don't worry about this "war" news, it's all a marketing ploy from Earth's 26th Century Fox.
Your loving son,
P.S. Destroyed a dozen Federation freighters and installations yesterday. Those guys have more of our fine blue ale than WE do! I left some Iconian ship pieces with their debris as a joke. Bet they make another Iconian scare story out of that!
awesome story
Captain's Personal Log....
The failed assault that broke the back of not just The Federation, but the Romulans and Klingons alike have left an impact felt. Everything we thought we were doing right was wrong. And even in the highest ranks of Starfleet to the lowest ranked crewman, the Prime Directive slowly begins to slip out the window as we begin to think that Temporal Mechanics might be a great idea. While Captain Nog's team continues work on the device, those of us who survived the onslaught against the Heralds have retreated back to the Krenim research facility to lick our wounds, so to speak. Several ships with an on board temporal department have loaned their officers strengths out. And while our ship's team was away, we were tasked, like so many other ships, to patrol the outter rim around the facility.
The problem with this stems from the Heralds can open a portal at any time, anywhere, so if our ships are spread thin..... Hard to say. Regardless, we've spent the last week rotating our patrols raound the research base. It's calm, quiet. Peaceful. And it's driving us all insane. Being shot at is more tolerable than doing nothing. It's almost like we're sitting waiting to be hunted. I, personally haven't felt this much terror since we crossed the Hirogen. Day after day, communications, sensor logs, swapping rotations with other ships; It becomes ar outine, a monotonous one where you begin to feel every vulnerable spot on your belly being watched by a predator you can't see. Several requests to relocate to a frontline assignment has been denied. Admiral Tuvok's orders are clear, the best of the best have to protect that research base. So is it so wrong for me to wish we weren't the best of the best?
The dead quiet will continue until this device is finished, the tension onboard the Sekhmet can easily be cut with a knife. Very few are talking to each other, the pressure, the waiting, the tension may very well break our family's back on this ship, and with this man souls under my command, I fear the pressure may get to me at the worst possible moment. Maybe some prefer this to being shot at and trying to survive a fight. I know those we lost in our previous mission might think so, but to those of us who survived, we begin to think that we're just being led to the slaughter. I guess only time will tell. As we shift rotation with the USS Aventine, I wil be spending every possible moment trying to not cave under the sheer terror the silence brings. After all, what's that saying about the calm before the storm?
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton