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Ferengi D'Kora owners club

lithulanlithulan Member Posts: 30 Arc User
edited July 2015 in Earth Spacedock
It has been my dream to create a fleet that contains only Ferengi D'Kora owners.
If you are a Ferengi captain who owns and flys a D'Kora & would like to join me in this venture please respond to this posting.
I have one other captain so need 3 more to even start the fleet.

If you are a Ferengi captain who doesn't own a D'Kora but wants to please respond also.

Once started we can start to petition the Devs for stuff they have forgotten:
:) Somewhere on the D'Kora bridge to hang our latinum bricks.
:) The option for a Ferengi personnel officer when we get to that point.
:) Ferengi personel in our holdings including Latinum dealers who are FERENGI.

I have been saving Ferengi chef DoFs & Ferengi BoFs for anyone who joins and wants them along with a few Ferengi boxes.

Oh and we will be beta-ing to my current fleet which will give us some access to their high tier facilities.
Do you have the lobes for this opportunity?
Post edited by lithulan on


  • wakerobertswakeroberts Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    I've got a D'Kora for my alt. She's a great ship. I already have a fleet though, the Ferengi Revenue Marine. It's a fleet for Ferengi characters with Ferengi vessels, either the D'Kora or the Nandi. If you'd like, find me in game. I'll send you an invite.
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