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The Star Trek Alliance of Roleplayers - S.T.A.R.

zanethesagezanethesage Member Posts: 68 Arc User
Star Trek Alliance of Roleplayers

Hello my STO friends and comrades! My name is Zane Seos, Fleet Ambassador for the Trust. Since Armadas have finally hit Holodeck, it's time for me to unveil the big curtain that I've been hiding this under!

Now then, I assume that you've read this far! If you're still interested, buckle up.

What is the S.T.A.R.?

S.T.A.R. is a multifleet coalition concept that has been in development since pre-Armada, and came into formation around the time of Season 9.5 or Season 10. The idea is that S.T.A.R. is a loose out of character coalition of likeminded roleplay fleets that are looking to branch out and meet new people, and create new stories and campaigns.

S.T.A.R. intends to be a harmony of fleets, with the interest and willingness to invest in the coalition under principle. When Armadas came out, it appeared that the system still favored the larger fleets that were more interested in the gameplay. Well, what we're trying to do here is nearly the opposite. We're intending to use a system designed for one purpose for something completely different. In our system, being the Alpha, Beta, or Gamma will mean nothing to us. The perks are just nice bonuses. What we're really going for is the companionship out of character, and the awesome stories that will come out of seeing new people and creating new legacies!

S.T.A.R. is also unique. We have written down our core ideas and the bylaws that will govern us as we partake in this Armada. These documents will help us maintain our loose structure and rules and enable us to operate smoothly while we enjoy the original principle of S.T.A.R.

Why Would You Want to Join?

Since this concept has been refined and is flexible, we intend for mature audiences that are looking to get more out of their roleplay experience in Star Trek Online, both fleets and individuals. S.T.A.R. has special addendums within its bylaws that allow for individuals as well as fleets to join and partake in the luxuries provided. Not only is membership largely unrestricted by fleet status, roleplay experience as well is not a factor. S.T.A.R. has also thought of those who might just be getting into the craft of writing like a roleplayer, and offers the ability to join as a junior member of sorts, in order to learn the "tricks of the trade". All in all, S.T.A.R. has room for roleplayers of all creeds and all walks of life, and we want to hear your stories.

Who We Want

~~~Fleets to join the Armada!
This is the meat and potatoes of our concept, but also by its very nature the liver and onions. In order to officially start S.T.A.R., the bylaws require that there be a number of fleets who agree with the concept and would like to see this investment grow both themselves and everyone involved. As was previously stated, the fleet's standing is not important in this matter. What matters is the names that are willing to take that risk and put their neck on the block in order to say "hey, this is our show too". That being said, we're looking ONLY for fleets that would take this matter seriously and be more interested in the overarching concept rather than the game mechanics. They're just a bonus to us.

~~~ Individuals looking to get more out of their online roleplay experience!
S.T.A.R. recognizes that every character's story is important. And the handle that trails off their name is even more important. With this regard, S.T.A.R. is designed to not discriminate against whether or not you're in a fleet. I personally have met some fabulous people in game who are roleplayers but prefer not to attach themselves to a fleet out of their own personal concerns. With S.T.A.R., you can elect to stay the individual, and by joining the S.T.A.R. as just a single player, you join as your handle, not as your character, that way you can enjoy the luxuries no matter what character or faction you may be on.

~~~Roleplay newbies!
Roleplay benefits most when you have fresh eyes and fingers in the mix. S.T.A.R. recognizes this and wants to be able to help the up and coming get their wings (or nacelles, however you might want to look at it :) ) in the community. The bylaws have sections in them detailing S.T.A.R.'s willingness to help teach those who wish to learn the ways of the roleplay craft within a chat forum and how to best convey the image of their character.

What The Future Holds

As an old throwback to my original fleet posts, this seemed fitting to include. It's largely still the driving force behind the S.T.A.R.

Now we get to the good part: Why are we saying we're looking for other roleplay fleets, and not just members? Quite simple. We have an idea: Make friends with other fleets, share our stories, and make new joint campaigns that we all can be a part of. This may sound bold and perhaps even outlandish, but I'm confident that in this community, if you find people like you that enjoy similar things in game, you'll never be bored or alone!

I used to be a part of the old world MMORPG The Scape of Runes (surely you can imply what game ;) ) , and there, before the drastic changes, we had clans before clans were cool. And there, we had our own coalition. A parlimentary body of players from many clans, and each were represented. Later, that coalition became a federation of its own, with nearly 250-300 clans represented by their leaders under one banner. Now, that federation is a thing of the past, perhaps a legend. Some dispute it even existed. But those that were a part of it know in their hearts it did.

And now, I want to make something like that in Star Trek Online. An alliance of canon roleplaying fleets, formed under its own constitution and parliamentary procedure, that exists for the the love of Star Trek, the love of stories, and of course, for the love of the game. A group that leads each other, and that fosters storytelling, ability, skill, renown, and of course, friendship. A group that offers thoughts, ideas, grievances, and concerns to each other, their friends, and the Developers. These tenants, and those that we hope to instill in each member that have not yet come to light, are what drives us to seek out new friends in new alliances.

Final Word

Whew! If you've made it here, thanks for reading everything! It took me quite some time to write this post, but I wanted to make sure it caught your attention! You've made my wrists feel like their work was not in vain!

Should you have any questions of any kind, please DO NOT hesitate to contact me via PM or Mail in game at @zanethesage, and we'll do our best to answer your questions. (I'm on probably the most out of all of us listed)

Thanks for reading, and live long and prosper in this great world of ours, and in our other great world, Star Trek Online.



  • zanethesagezanethesage Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    We're meeting Saturday with some of the fleets we've talked to in the evening. If you're an RP fleet with a canon focus, get a hold of me in game via mail or PM at my handle @zanethesage. I look forward to hearing from you!

  • zanethesagezanethesage Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    We've still got some room in our in-game Armada for interested RP fleet parties, and always are accepting allies in general! Get a hold of me in game via mail or PM at my handle @zanethesage if you want details!
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