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Neutronic Torpedo or Crystalline Entity Torpedo on an AP Build

lowy1lowy1 Member Posts: 964 Arc User
Any Thoughts or has anyone done any testing on this? I don't have the CE Torp yet because I am 1 shard short, but dont want to upgrade the Neutronic if the CE Torp is better with an AP Build.


  • gofasternowgofasternow Member Posts: 1,390 Arc User
    IMHO, I'd stick to the Neutronic. The Neutronic has an AOE effect that the Crystalline Torpedo doesn't. Yes, the Crystalline Torpedo can be buffed with the Antiproton Mag Regulator Tac console, but you'd get more with the Neutronic + Bio-Neural Gel
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    why not both?
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    why not both?

    Build space dedication and compromising your weapons loadout. And efficiency. Especially since the OP already said he has an AP build. Not to mention which are you going to devote your HYT/TS ability to use on if slotting both torps? I'm not a fan of unbuffed, non-HYT/TS torpedo fire.

    If you've got an already AP-heavy build, then the CE torp fits well with it. No special torpedo console because the CE torp counts as AP. Even the generic torpedo damage console doesn't buff it: It must be AP. You don't need to stuff in a Quantum torpedo console as you would for the Neutronic Torpedo, and stuffing in that Non-AP console weakens the rest of the AP weaponry.

    Stuffing in a torpedo into a heavy energy weapons build may be very disrupting to a build. But if one wanted to experiment with the CE torp on an already AP heavy build, just stuff it in and slot a torp ability somewhere (easier on an Escort, of course, with all the TAC seats) and you're ready to go. All those AP consoles will buff the CE torp the same as any other AP weapon.

    If you want to throw any other non-energy torpedo into an energy weapons build, then a sacrifice in build space has to be made if you want that torpedo to be more effective. You'll need torpedo or torpedo subtype (i.e. Photon, Quantum, Tric, etc) specific consoles, bonuses. Something has to give.

    I'm not saying Neutronic Torpedo is trash and CE Torp is "Teh Best." Both are great torps but it's dependent on the build and intent of the playstyle. Neutronic Torpedo is still a wrecking ball of destruction. But if I have an already AP heavy build, I'm not so sure.

    OP - You say you are 1 shard short. If I were you and you had some patience, I'd hold off on upgrading the Neutronic Torp. I'd wait for the next CE event and get that last shard and claim your CE torp. Unless you've already been playing with your Neutronic Torp and have fallen in love with its performance already, then by all means, upgrade her.
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    While on paper the AP torp does sound all fine & dandy it just, imho, kinda defeats a torps purpose: kinetic damage.
    I really don't see a reason to actually use it over a real energy weapon like beams or DHCs, besides maybe the power drain which really shouldn't be an issue with all the stuff we have now.

    Could be totally missing something crucial about the AP torp which makes it amazing since I haven't paid attention to it but even boff-wise it really dosen't add up, for an all energy build at least.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    While on paper the AP torp does sound all fine & dandy it just, imho, kinda defeats a torps purpose: kinetic damage.
    I really don't see a reason to actually use it over a real energy weapon like beams or DHCs, besides maybe the power drain which really shouldn't be an issue with all the stuff we have now.

    Could be totally missing something crucial about the AP torp which makes it amazing since I haven't paid attention to it but even boff-wise it really dosen't add up, for an all energy build at least.

    The problem is the issue Kinetic Damage has with Shields. If you want projectiles to do better, you really have to go out of your way to truly make them effective. It can work but it needs Torp Boat dedication. The OP has an AP build already and wants to throw in a torp, CE or Neutronic. The CE torp can seamlessly be thrown in without it disrupting his AP energy weapons. To throw any other torp in there is actually going to impact the rest of the OP's Antiproton build much more heavily. If he's not going to dedicate much build space to make the Neutronic Torp more effective, then what's the point on equipping a weapon that disrupts everything else?

    Personally, I've treated the CE torp as another spike weapon. A sort of Beam Overload if you will. I would use it in a forward heavy setup (i.e with DHCs, DBB) but not with the typical Beamboat. Unlike other traditional Kinetic damage projectiles, you do not need extra measures, extra gimmicks, special traits, special bonuses, to make the CE torp effective regardless of the target having shields up or not.
  • seriousdaveseriousdave Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    While on paper the AP torp does sound all fine & dandy it just, imho, kinda defeats a torps purpose: kinetic damage.
    I really don't see a reason to actually use it over a real energy weapon like beams or DHCs, besides maybe the power drain which really shouldn't be an issue with all the stuff we have now.

    Could be totally missing something crucial about the AP torp which makes it amazing since I haven't paid attention to it but even boff-wise it really dosen't add up, for an all energy build at least.

    The problem is the issue Kinetic Damage has with Shields. If you want projectiles to do better, you really have to go out of your way to truly make them effective. It can work but it needs Torp Boat dedication. The OP has an AP build already and wants to throw in a torp, CE or Neutronic. The CE torp can seamlessly be thrown in without it disrupting his AP energy weapons. To throw any other torp in there is actually going to impact the rest of the OP's Antiproton build much more heavily. If he's not going to dedicate much build space to make the Neutronic Torp more effective, then what's the point on equipping a weapon that disrupts everything else?

    Personally, I've treated the CE torp as another spike weapon. A sort of Beam Overload if you will. I would use it in a forward heavy setup (i.e with DHCs, DBB) but not with the typical Beamboat. Unlike other traditional Kinetic damage projectiles, you do not need extra measures, extra gimmicks, special traits, special bonuses, to make the CE torp effective regardless of the target having shields up or not.

    But wouldn't it be still far more effecitve just to use a DBB or DHC for forward firepower?
    To make the AP torp matter you have to use some boff powers either way and that ends up in the usual mashup of several different weapon powers in a limited amount of tac slots.
    I just don't see a point in replacing aa energy weapon which does work in tandem with all the others with one that dosen't.
    Or can it really consistently spike high enough to outperform a 4th/5th DHC/DBB dps wise?
  • kittyflofykittyflofy Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    While on paper the AP torp does sound all fine & dandy it just, imho, kinda defeats a torps purpose: kinetic damage.

    Well, actually if your build is ap and you have a proper boost to your ap energy weapons, the crystalling ap torpedo is amazing. Plain and simple. Dude im dealing almost 8000k damage with it. I mean, who cares if it doesnt deal kinetic damage... lol. Logical things in this game dissapeared ages ago.

    The only con of the ap crystalline torp is the cooldown. Ridiculous. But if you see it just an addon to your build, its great. I use it once my enemie's shields are down, the crystalline torpedo is lethal.

  • welcome2earfwelcome2earf Member Posts: 1,748 Arc User
    Sadly, the pre-release kneejerk to this torp made the devs pre-nerf it to oblivion insofar as its ridiculous cooldown makes it silly for any build. Even after seeing it's not even remotely OP, the devs refuse to make its CD inline with most torps.

    Go Neut or better yet, Bio.
  • kittyflofykittyflofy Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    As i said, you need to see this torp as an "addon" and use it wisely. In my opinion if you have an AP build the AP crystalline torp is an amazing addon, but it is just personal opinion. It deals a lot of damage and if you use it in the right timing (when your target's shields are gone) its far far far better than the neutronic torp.
  • lowy1lowy1 Member Posts: 964 Arc User
    Appreciate the input. Even with only the Gel Pack, Neutronic and TS1, I am satisfied with its performance. I can still get 60k+ crits and that is with VR XIV. I run beams on a fleet arbiter with 1 DBB, the 2 Omnis and the KCB in the back.

    I used to run the Gravimetric 2 piece with the console for the crit chance buff but as I have been tweaking and adjusting and I was getting better performance with the additional cd reduction from the console. Cannons are out of the question because I use the pilot space trait and run high defense for reciprocity.

    On the Bio, I use the Enhanced Bio and Gravimetric on my Sci CPTS Torp Experimental Science Vessel and it is lethal in it's own right, especially with the Protonic Arsenal 3 piece and Kemocite Laced Weaponry. But,in an attempt to add variety I put the Neutronic on my main because at the time it produced the most damage unbuffed of the Torps. I just wasn't sure because I hadn't had a chance to use the CE torp that it would or would not surpass it of it it was just a gimmick because it synergized with my AP build. But it sounds like it is worth waiting for since I am guessing the CE will roll around in the next couple months.

  • shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    While on paper the AP torp does sound all fine & dandy it just, imho, kinda defeats a torps purpose: kinetic damage.
    I really don't see a reason to actually use it over a real energy weapon like beams or DHCs, besides maybe the power drain which really shouldn't be an issue with all the stuff we have now.

    Could be totally missing something crucial about the AP torp which makes it amazing since I haven't paid attention to it but even boff-wise it really dosen't add up, for an all energy build at least.

    Considering npcs have little to no DRR, kinetic and energy weapons are eqauls in this regard. The only major thing the CE torpedo is lacking, is an additional effect like the neutronic has + the neutronic has a bit more overall dmg.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    If you've got an already AP-heavy build, then the CE torp fits well with it. No special torpedo console because the CE torp counts as AP. Even the generic torpedo damage console doesn't buff it: It must be AP. You don't need to stuff in a Quantum torpedo console as you would for the Neutronic Torpedo, and stuffing in that Non-AP console weakens the rest of the AP weaponry.

    It should be pointed out, though, that the Crystalline AP torp sneakily comes pre-nerfed, as it were, and that you need 5x Epic AP Locators to bring its damage output to a level where regular torps start off (with the latter still being able to be boosted further by torp Tact consoles). The CE can be boosted by EPtW too, so it's not all bad.

    It's a pretty firing torp, though. ;) When it actually *does* fire, as it has a wickedly slow cd.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    meimeitoo wrote: »
    If you've got an already AP-heavy build, then the CE torp fits well with it. No special torpedo console because the CE torp counts as AP. Even the generic torpedo damage console doesn't buff it: It must be AP. You don't need to stuff in a Quantum torpedo console as you would for the Neutronic Torpedo, and stuffing in that Non-AP console weakens the rest of the AP weaponry.

    It should be pointed out, though, that the Crystalline AP torp sneakily comes pre-nerfed, as it were, and that you need 5x Epic AP Locators to bring its damage output to a level where regular torps start off (with the latter still being able to be boosted further by torp Tact consoles). The CE can be boosted by EPtW too, so it's not all bad.

    It's a pretty firing torp, though. ;) When it actually *does* fire, as it has a wickedly slow cd.

    Since the AP enthusiasts already have 4-5 AP Spire Consoles and all that, it's even better B)

    Neutronic Torpedo has an equally long CD though. I remember people complaining about that when that weapon was new. But the pretty numbers achieved with it offset it, though.

    Both are great weapons. But I just feel the CE Torp performs better for an already existing AP build that the OP stated he has and wants to stuff this or Neutronic Torp in.
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