So why was this done?
At first I thought it was because it was a certain combo that was too powerful. However shopping for a new Warp core to replace me utterly useless A>S core I suddenly see at least two W>S cores still in the shop...
So I've had to pay DIl and tech points to upgrade the core (this was done before the Introduction of the super tech upgrades), as well as Dil and fleet credits to buy the original core.
And now I've got to fork over all over again because ....?
While I am somewhat peeved at this, I'm not ranting, just curious. Because while I know the old saying about never ascribe to malice what you can assign to incompetence, it does look like a bit of a unpleasant move.
I would have prefered a different mod myself as well (W->A), but i guess regardless which mod they choose, someone would dislike it. I also doubt letting us pick which mod we want instead of the the second W->S would have been easy to implement if that is even possible with the current system at all.
Letting it stack would be obviously imbalanced - that would basically be triple-dipping.
In addition, W->S is highly desirable. Except a few science vessel (and not even all of them), everyone runs maxed out weapon power. That means W->S is not one option of many, it's the only option worth taking. That means it's pointless to offer it as a choice.
You say A->S is gimped or useless, but is it? Remember, no one can pick W->S. So you only have to compare among the other options.
What's your second highest power level? Is it shields, engines or auxilliary?
In my case, I pretty much default it to Aux. I always got a few science skills or engineering skils that benefit from it, where as I can boost shields very effectively with Emergency Power to Shields and get even extra resistance for it, where as the Emergency Power to Auxilliary is only really offernig benefits if you fly a science vessel.
And I certainly don't need more Engine Power on any ship, I'd just overshoot enemies all the time.
It seems to me that X->S or X->A is the most desirable, and E->X is almost guaranteed to grant the least benefit possible on any ship build in the game.
So it's either A->S or S->A. Cryptic picked A->S.
I'm really disappointed with this change. As I said, I don't plan to spend resources to either get a new one or upgrade the current one to gold rarity.
Link: Castra - a german Fleet.
Maybe for cores some sort of warp core potential boost. maybe combined with warp coils or subsystem repair or EPS.
It would involve some effort to test new mods, but the stacking issue wouldn't happen.
Not really... Most people who used the W->S Cores often would also use the Nukara offensive trait or defense trait. So they would have high or max Aux. So using anything but A would've made it bad for a lot. IE most drop engines down to the lowest it can be. So the benefit would suit them much poorer than had they got A instead.
Top DPS 102k
[Edit:] I obtained another W>S from the fleet holding and it works ok.
Most people have max. weapon energy and purchased the w->s core exactly because of this reason so imho changing w->s to w->a or w->e would have be better then changing w-> to a->.
Link: Castra - a german Fleet.
Everyone that picked W->S obviously considered his shields the most important power level to buff, otherwise he would have picked W->E or W->A.
Thus, A->S makes more sense. The power you were most interested in the first place keeps getting buffed - and from Engine and Auxiliary, Auxiliary is likely to be the highest. No one needs extra engine power in STO.
I was doing nothing wrong, wasn't using an exploit, but my items have been nerfed because these crappy devs are too lazy to fix their mistakes in a sensible fashion.
The very least they could do is offer me a Fleet Credit Refund so I can pick a Warp Core that will be an actual benifit to me. But of course they won't, it's the 'Cryptic Way.' Just TRIBBLE everyone over and let them deal with it.
Fleet credit I couldn't give a beagle's behind about; upgrading my [W->S]x2 to Epic, however, how's about they restitute my Dilithium for that?!
I think you got your logic wires crossed here.
Yeah, I get that. I upgraded my now junk Fleet Core to Mk XIV, that's just Dilitihum in the trash. Now I need to buy a new core and spend even more to upgrade it.
At this point, seriously just considering forgeting the entire thing. I like this game, but I'm so sick of this company and the way they just don't care about players at all. I can't fathom the idea of thinking it's ok to TRIBBLE over a large portion of players just because they're either too lazy or too stupid to fix a problem correctly.
Problem: Some players had W -> S x2 which was a waste because only one of them worked.
Solution: Change all W - > S below Epic Quality to a completely useless mod. Fix the few epic cores and completely TRIBBLE over the huge amount of players using this incredibly popular fleet core.
Just blows my mind how little they really care about things like this. They consider it perfectly acceptable to just nerf things for no reason instead of applying a real fix.
Which is what I wound up doing: getting a [W->S] [W->A] core (which I made Epic too).
Their reasoning (if any took place at all) feels rather bizarre. I take it they figured A is probably the next highest subsystem you have, so let's make it [A->S] then (which immediately constitutes a nerf, as A was your *second* highest subsystem); foregoing on the most obvious, namely that W is still your highest, and that any W->X option was preferred. Then they probably realized they can't turn the whole thing into [W->S] [W->A], as there's already a core like that. That would have left [W->E] (theoretically, [W->E] would actually benefit the most, point-wise, what with Warp Core Efficiency and all, and ppl generally going low on the E slider). Or, you know, just have *fixed* [W->S]x2!
On upgrade to Epic:
If Current_Mod == '[W->S]'
Epic_Mod = '[A->S]'
Epic_Mod = '[W->S]';
That was the obvious solution and the only fair thing that doesn't TRIBBLE either group of players.
The current method isn't a 'fix' by any means, it's simply Cryptic deciding which group of players gets the shaft because they're either too stupid or too lazy to fix it the right way.
Does anyone know, if I upgrade my UR Fleet Warp Core to Epic will I get the W->S back? Or is it totally random?
If I can get it back by raising it to Epic, I might just bite the bullet.. but if the Epic mod is totally random then I'm not going to risk it.
I wouldn't trust it. I now don't put anything past them, including to show the nerf only when it's too late.
Thanks for the info, I didn't realize the Epic Trait was a fixed mod. At least there is that.
I wouldn't trust it, as said before. I'm using a that very fleet core and mine was changed. It was changed to A->S on all 4 of my characters.