Been hoping that the developers will release a T6 K'tinga, but barring that, I've been doing some experimenting with my Fleet T5-U K'tinga to see what I can squeeze out of it. After purchasing the new Klingon Pilot Raptors, and really liking the forward firepower, five slots front and two rear. Fleet T5-U K'tinga is a four and four ratio. So I threw the 360 disruptor in the back which gives me a fifth forward firing weapon and, even though it's not a disruptor, at least it's a beam, the radiant omni-directional anti-proton beam, which is also a 360 arc. That gives six forward firing weapons. The four tactical consoles I'm using are 2 disruptor bonus and 2 beam bonus. So the anti-proton weapon gets a bonus from the two beam bonus tactical consoles.
I'm liking the results. Fleet T5-U K'tinga with 6 forward firing weapons! I was going to throw in a torpedo, but decided against it as it would drop the effectiveness of the beam weapons, so for all intent and purposes, it's a pure beam boat.
Anyone have a layout for the K'tinga that seems to be working well?
AHoD will help on Tac captains, but I struggled to get TI down when using vessels with only three Tac abilities.
Aux2Batt could also do well, though you're giving up a lot more for dropping down the Aux to 5 than you used to.
Also, for at least some extra firepower forward, try sticking disruptor turrets with [Rapid] on them aft, they'll proc their own CRF basically.
Having fun with her, though. She's in the D-7 costume, and the captain and BOFFs are all Alien-gen TOS Klingons with the disruptors from Night of the Comet. Lots of old school fun!
So... from a platform perspective, if you want a agile, durable cruiser and got the gear to circumvent its limitations its more than a solid choice. A little light on tactical consoles for my taste, but then it would run circles around all my other ships in its class.