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Lockbox Rerun Feedback

canis36canis36 Member Posts: 737 Arc User
The Lockbox reruns are a nice thing and while I don't want to see them go away, I do think we're at the point where the sheer number of different lockboxes dropping is impacting the enjoyment of the game as they do drop at least (and in some cases more) often than regular loot and when a lockbox rerun is going it's very easy to fill your inventory with lockboxes requiring a player to spend more time doing inventory management than normal.


  • drakonlord56drakonlord56 Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    Each different lock box occupies inventory space. Right now I'm discarding most of them and just keeping one or two types. So before you pick one up look at what type it is.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User
    I hate how they are shoved into our faces all the time. I also think (I can't prove it and it is possibly just my biased personal view) that lockboxes get looting priority so when pressing "f" to pick up multiple types of loot, lockboxes almost always go first.

    I shred them immedeatly as I don't open them anyway. I wish there was a "ignore lockboxes" options to pick up loot.​​
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