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For players and fleets.

xtern1tyxtern1ty Member Posts: 796 Arc User
edited July 2015 in Earth Spacedock

We know there are many among you looking for good allies and a good fleet to participate with. We have met some through the years and hope more of you will come forward; especially those of you who have heard of what we try to accomplish but may be reluctant to participate due to the rumors spread about us by malicious groups. What we are looking for:

- Players in non-active fleets who are looking for a team or active fleet.
- Players and fleets good at PvP and interested to have teaming allies.
- Fleet building players looking to build a fleet focused on reaching T-5.
- Fleets who have already reached T-5 and have players looking for a fleet to contribute to.
- Well established players who are helpful and willing to share their knowledge in a channel setting.
- Trek fans and light rp's who want to connect with others of the same.
- Capable players interested in administrative positions, especially players with experience.
- Players active in these forums.

For players: You must have at least 1 level 60 character. You must not support griefers or griefing groups such as NoP/Dental or have any affiliation with their group. Having an already established team of friends with you is a plus.

For fleets: We are open to fleets looking for allies and armada partnerships. Your fleet must not support griefing groups such as NoP/Dental or any of their allies. We will not recruit any fleet's members to our own without express knowledge and permission of its leader(s) and require the same courtesy.

For Armadas: We are open to Armadas who want to ally with us as an individual fleet or entire group. Your Armada must not support griefer groups as NoP/Dental.

Channel: We do not require participating players and allied fleets to participate in our multi-fleet service channel, though they are welcome to if they want. The channel is common ground for us, where responsibility for its maintenance is equally shared by all participating fleets. In that regard, it is one of the few if only truly multi-fleet administrated channel on STO. Armada fleet partners will have spots reserved for them place mods to help with administrative tasks for the channel.

Goals: We are building a fleet alliance network. One of our chief goals for this network is to provide a STO community-supported alternative for the numerous players who do not want to participate in griefer/bully groups and griefer supported channels such as those backed by NoP/Dental or other single fleet managed channels. Other chief goals we want to establish is channel-wide crafting access and PvP teaming access; along with an expansion of our current free Starbase/holding invites, free access to fleet ships, game help, troubleshooting and PvE teaming services. Our ideal partners are reliable independent groups and fleets like ours who are in for the long-term.

About us: We are an established gathering of cooperating multi-faction fleets, ranging from T-3 to T-5. Our namesake fleet XTERN1TY is both fed and KDF. We are equally well known as a helpful and supportive group, as well as being fiercely vocal against griefers and bullies on STO; a stance which has earned us much undeserved ill repute from their types, but a stance which is right nonetheless and we do not waver from it. Our players are primarily long-term players and mixed F2P and subscribers. We are active teamers and some among us including myself are pvp enthusiasts.

If you have any questions or want further info, feel free to ask. If you have opinions about us, please keep them civil and keep posts on topic. Trolling, name calling or flaming will be flagged. @askray, please keep an eye the usual trolls do not derail this thread, thank you.

If the words Helpful, Established, Long-Term and Trek-fan apply to you, feel free to get in touch with us here or in private. We look forward to meeting you!
Post edited by xtern1ty on


  • blueweakblueweak Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    Dear Xean,

    Are you truly trying to extend your bounds from your own fleet thread to try and coax other players into your terrible fleet? I speak from experience: You require other members to complete tedious tasks, donate upwards of 15,000 dilithium before they are even allowed to access your fleet bank. Here at the Starfleet Dental Academy, we have an open door policy. After a simple background check, you have full access to fleets and banks! We don't hold out on our members when they are the ones who built our fleet.

    You forget to mention that your members are the ones who built your fleet. You wouldn't have gotten to where you are without them. You also forget the difference between a boss and a leader. A boss dictates how everyone works with no room for advancement. A leader leads their allies to success with plenty of room for advancement.

    Anyone who reads this thread, be warned: Xtern1ty will just milk you dry of your success and push your face into the dirt at the end of the day. Join the Academy and experience what it truly means to be appreciated.


    Diplomatic Authority (got a promotion!!!)
    Starfleet Dental/Academy

    PS: Your channel is still private.
  • nimshaenimshae Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    I wish your fleet all the best, but I have to say as a totally non biased party this does not read as an advertisement, but rather a horrible warning. Affiliate with us and you will be open to harrassment. Who would find this acceptable other that people who enjoy dispute and discord.

    My general opinion and take it or leave it as you will, taking any aggressive action against another regardless of your reasons being justified or not are very much open to perspective. Freedom fighters are just terrorists by another opinion.

    I myself, nor any of our admittedly small close fleet have heard anything malicious about either of the fleets you name, nor have we witnessed any negativity in game as a direct cause. However that cannot be said for your advertisement that actually paints the very fleet you are trying to recruit to in quite a negative and extremist light.

    Maybe something to think about...again, just an unbiased view. Good Luck and I hope very much the path you are taking leads where you expect.
    SSO Fleet Understands that this is a game, that it's sole purpose is to escape from the harsh realities of life. Thats why we promise, we offer fun, frolics without the mandatory rules and structure. Come escape with us, we dare you.....
  • blueweakblueweak Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    Dear nimshae,

    I respect your post and believe this may cause quite a stir with the OP. If he decides to send you hate mail, please let a forum moderator know. This isn't the first time this would have happened. They have gone so far as to harass friends of mine who "called out" xtern1ty and his fleet.

    I try to keep a level head with this and appreciate your kind words.


    Diplomatic Authority
    Starfleet Dental/Academy
  • xtern1tyxtern1ty Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    nimshae wrote: »
    I wish your fleet all the best, but I have to say as a totally non biased party this does not read as an advertisement, but rather a horrible warning. Affiliate with us and you will be open to harrassment. Who would find this acceptable other that people who enjoy dispute and discord.

    My general opinion and take it or leave it as you will, taking any aggressive action against another regardless of your reasons being justified or not are very much open to perspective. Freedom fighters are just terrorists by another opinion.

    I myself, nor any of our admittedly small close fleet have heard anything malicious about either of the fleets you name, nor have we witnessed any negativity in game as a direct cause. However that cannot be said for your advertisement that actually paints the very fleet you are trying to recruit to in quite a negative and extremist light.

    Maybe something to think about...again, just an unbiased view. Good Luck and I hope very much the path you are taking leads where you expect.

    Hi nimshae,

    Thank you for your well wishes, much appreciated.

    I do understand what you mean. Contrary to what they would have you believe, we don't harass people unless it's griefers themselves up to no good and we have stopped these griefers on numerous occasions from picking on others. We ourselves are not aggressive until they attack us as they choose to do in our forum threads, which they troll. For our potential allies' own safety, it is important our friends know ahead of time. There is nothing negative about wanting to look after your friends.

    NoP/Dentals are unscrupulous, they spread lies about us at will even though players have spoken out against it. The nature of these forums give them an advantage, because they are free to taunt us, however if we try to post what they do to the full extent, it would break forum rules and we would get ourselves banned. Added to that, they have a deeply entrenched network and brag they have devs in their pockets. The basic idea they give is they can do whatever they want without consequences. So you see, we fight with one hand tied behind our backs, but we still manage to survive. For them, they want to turn STO into their personal game of manipulation. For us, we want to enjoy STO as it was intended, without the griefers.

    All I'm doing is being upfront and honest.


    Bottom line: I do not approve of griefer's abusive ways, and unlike many, I speak what's on my mind and am not afraid to stand up for others who are right. If any others feel as I do, feel free to link up with me. You won't owe me anything, I won't ask anyone to kiss my feet or do anything bad to you like they describe. That's stupid. I'm just a regular player standing my ground to do what's right while others are trying their darndest to be morons.

    nimshae, thank you for your views, best of luck to you as well. :)

    Post edited by xtern1ty on
  • blueweakblueweak Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    Dear Xean,

    Please stop pulling the wool over nimshae's eyes. There are multiple accounts of you harassing my members during our 2-week giveaway event on Risa. I gave away over 2 billion ec in Contraband to players who asked for it. Even though I said one 5-Contraband stack per player, they were allowed to go on multiple "toons" to claim another stack. I was mercilessly harassed by you the entire time.

    I have requested a chance for diplomacy with your fleet multiple times and yet you pull scenarios out of thin air, demanding that I remove players from the game to suit your own selfish desires. I will not destroy my fleet because you have had spats with us in the past. We are allowed to enjoy this game as much as you are, but the harassment must stop.

    Our fleet allows players to donate from the lowest rank. Your fleet requires players to become rank 2 before they can donate. Your fleet requires a 15,000 dilithium balance before you even consider talking to them. We guide our members every moment they are online.

    I don't know who is the real villain here; I have done everything I can to help all members of my fleet, whether they are in the Academy or Starfleet Dental proper. I have a lot of sway over the leadership in both fleets and I do my best to ensure safe travels between new members and veterans.

    Ask anyone within both fleets and they will tell you of great deeds I have performed. As a former Dean of Starfleet Dental Academy, I had multiple students graduate under my leadership. Many have moved on to become First Officers in Starfleet Dental- a rank that most veteran members still struggle to reach.

    You post your chat logs of one specific instance, yet leave out all the other instances of baiting members of my fleet. As long as you keep lying to the public, I will work towards exposing your lies.


    Diplomatic Authority
    Starfleet Dental/Academy
  • xtern1tyxtern1ty Member Posts: 796 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Keep the PM's coming fellow players and Anti-griefers. Whether you have a fleet or not, feel free to chat with us here or in private. For every lie they tell you, we will tell you the truth. Also, having given thought about nimshae's advice, I am removing all requirements to link up with us. The griefers are lame and there really isn't much they can say if your fleet chooses to show support for us publicly or privately. You can also choose to remain anonymous so they won't know your fleet supports the anti-bully/anti-griefer movement. I guarantee we will not divulge any information about you and the same for anyone who wishes to defect from griefer fleets or provide us information on their activities as some already have. I will edit my OP to reflect the changes.
  • blueweakblueweak Member Posts: 60 Arc User
    Dear Xean,

    It is good to know you are finally rallying support against trolls. Starfleet Dental has taken the necessary steps to prevent terrible acts of hate towards players in the future. When I co-founded the Starfleet Dental Academy, I hoped that one day we would have players policing protecting others, keeping the Erotic Role Players and trolls out of the game. I was successful for a number of years, having many students graduate under my leadership. The academy is still around today and with players who actively register.

    I asked a few of your fellow members how they felt in your fleet and it was mostly positive. It was disheartening hearing about your constant rants against my members and the glorious fleet they serve. I held a ceremony this weekend, honoring lagomophic for his deeds to help support your glorious fleet, XTERNITY.

    If it isn't too much to ask, could you please refrain from harassing our fleet in future events? I had to explain to lagomorphic's family ahead of the ceremony that there were some unfavorable uninvited guests harassing the children.

    Kind regards,

    Diplomatic Authority
    Starfleet Dental/Academy
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    This is pretty much a recruitment thread for your fleet. Which you already have a thread.

    Also, calling out fleets or players as griefers is not allowed. This is your only heads up post you will get from me in the subject.

    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

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