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How many people here think the players will get to fight Iconians in-game?

And I mean the actual Iconians, not their servitors or Heralds?

I think the way the story is unfolding, they are suggesting real Iconians are too OP to fight for us, so they are only told in cut-scenes, we will never actually fight them as a player base.

Does that disappoint you, or did you expect this given how much they hyped up the Iconians to be?

If we will fight them, do you expect to take on the Iconians on ground, on just in space, or both, and how do you think they can convincingly pull that off without making them too easy, or too OP (even in normal difficulty)?
Deep Space Nine in HD, make it so!


  • timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    Similar to what we did in that recent FE. We used those energy beams to weaken the iconian to the point where a batleth could hurt the Iconian. If we had opened fire at that moment from the balcony she would have been toast.

    So, the boss battle against one or more of them would have a few phases where we first have to escape their op attcks up to a moment where we can somehow debuff them/make them vulnerable. This could repeat a few times.

    A similar mechanic was used for that Vaadwaur boss on the Romulan flagship.

    Just be creative with the mcguffin to weaken the Iconians.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    We already are. The "Heralds" are Iconians but I'm sure they changed it last minute to "Heralds" to avoid the huge anticlimatic effect. So for me by all intends and purposes Heralds are Iconians.

    If we fight the cutscene bosses at one point they will he HP spoges with huge ability spam and cannon fodder mob armies that occasionally one-shot you.
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
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  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    The last episode or so of the story arc may involve this, against M'Tara, exploiting a similar weakness used against T'Ket.
  • sunfranckssunfrancks Member Posts: 3,925 Arc User
    I doubt we will fight the actual Iconians in solo a mission. It is more likely that would be saved for an STF, like fighting a boss like Manus at the end of Infected..

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    What I feel after I hear about every decision made since Andre "Mobile Games Generalisimo" Emerson arrived...

  • sysil84sysil84 Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    I will easily defeat any Iconian until it gets down to 5% health. Then the Iconian will use it's 'Cut-scene' power, last seen in 'Blood of Ancients', and kill me.
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