Why not add them to the Lobi Store as character unlock? Those of us that run the event get the account unlock and those that don't have to purchase through the Lobi Store. Unless I am mistaken, that is how the Dyson ship is going with its WC and Secondary Deflector.
But you're not going to be allowed to get the ships again anymore.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
What if it were more maybe a skin that could be applied to a ship of the same class/type to give that appearnce, allowing those that were at the event an got the ship in game to not feel they are being gipped for their time spent obtaining it.
Yeah, some people will complain about buying something that goes on sale the next day, or other people getting something that used to be "special," but come on. The holiday ships (save perhaps the Chel Grett, Sarr Thelin, and the Nandi) are not that great, really. The Chel is outclassed by the Nandi. The Sarr doesn't really keep pace with the Recluse, and just about any serious carrier pilot out there will work their way into a Recluse eventually. The other 3 never really were worth much of anything, imo. (Tho I *LOVED* my neon pink ships!) I digressed, but I never did get on with the idea of "I did X to get something, so now some time later you did Y and I don't think its fair."
The Dyson and the Kobali ship there... those really should be available (The dyson currently is, I never cheched the Kobali one) because they have equipment that is part of other ship sets. I see no reason why not to allow the other ships to be acquired in a similar manner.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard