I would love to see the ability to house one guns stats into another guns shell.
Simply put, Take X gun, and apply X guns model. Transfiguration in RIFT, in STO use the R&D system.
First gun I'd modify, TR Rifle (it's god awful) and put it into say a Mk 3 Plasma model, or maybe an elite fleet look.
Or maybe, Cryptic, just change the TR Rifle's look because it's way to big, and the stock goes right threw my arm.
Other thought is maybe the ability to modify the space beam colors, via R&D.
But mostly interested in gun model looks.
Even take a gun and revert it to a lower Mk model, but with the "innards" of the Mk 11+.
Convert a gun from beam to bolt, or vise versa, probably wouldn't work for space ones.
I really like the MACO gun skins from NX-01, maybe make a line of those guns.
For instance in Diablo III, you can 'Transmogrify' an item to permanently change its appearance (until you transmog it again) to that of a different item of that type. In Tera, you can purchase a weapon skin item and equip it into a costume slot which would override your equipped weapon's appearance with the skin.
Either of those would be great ways to offer Captains some customization options for their gear. And I'd be most appreciative of the option to use the basic phaser rifle with my M.A.C.O. rifle...
I also wouldn't mind a nametag system similar to Team Fortress 2 where we could give our weapons a custom name beside their 'official' in-game name.