Hi all,
I was just wondering what the best doffs are for a Tac Presidio running an all beams build (Marion excluded because of price).
So far Ive got an Aux to Damp doff, a EptX debuff cleanse doff, an EptX power bonus doff and thats it. Got three more slots to fill now im ditching my neutronic torp in favour of another beam.
Im thinking of gettng a hangar recharge doff, but that still leaves two slots. Any thoughts chaps? Also open to replacing the doffs I already have.
Extra points to anyone who can make Tachyon Beam not suck - im considering adding it to my build at ensign level purely to take advantage of the Nandi trait, and the Improved Tachyon Beam starship trait which I hear is surprisingly awesome. I know theres a turn rate debuff doff for tac beam, but couldnt find any others.
Many thanks to all respondents (:
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Im currently running one copy of each of EptS and EptW, hopefully those DCE's will increase their uptimes a lot.
It turns out though I can only slot one WCE (debuff or power bonus) at a time. I reckon debuff is probably better. But with 3 DCE's, one WCE and one Aux to Damp boff that still leaves one slot free.
Any suggestions? Im currently torn between an EWO (+ Shield power when firing energy weapons) and an Exocomp battery doff, but Im open to other ideas too.
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