So I'm fairly new to the game and I've been toying around with different races and such, and I think I have finally settled on the Romulan faction as my main. I'm also pretty sure I'm going to go KDF align when the time comes. However, I am not sure if I want to roll a Romulan or a Romulan looking Alien.
Looking over the traits and whatnot, are the Aliens weaker than the Romulans in terms of PvE or PvP? Is the Romulan racial trait (and the Operative and Plasma weapon traits) better than the extra trait you can get from an Alien?
I would prefer Romulan, but man, I gotta have a beard on my toon to truly be happy with it (or at least SOME facial hair), but if the Romulan traits far outweigh those of an Alien, I can forsake the beard if needed.
Also, I really am having a tough time deciding between Engineer or Tactical Officer. I know it, like the ship choices, comes down to playstyle, but I'm not sure how my playstyle would translate in the game.
Essentially, I like aggressive, hard-hitting types that are quite durable with some form of self-healing while being fast and agile. But I also want the option to Tank if I so desire. I normally play Retribution/Protection Paladins, Blood/Unholy Death Knights in Warcraft, and favor two-handed weapon Paladins and dual-wielding Rangers in D&D/Pathfinder. Hmm, Wolverine would be a good example of my gameplay. I like the option for stealth, but if it's between stealth and durability, I choose durability.
So tell me, what Career/Ship type/Race would be ideal for this playstyle?
That which does not kill us makes us stronger -- Friedrich Nietzsche
When it comes to species, I've never seen any reason to favor one over another, as its pretty even out on the Romulan side. As for career, I've heard people go on at length about only Romulan tacs being good, cause Romulans are a damage dealing faction. But, as someone who prefers rp and just having fun playing the content, it is my august opinion that having fun with your character choice is more important than min-maxing the ultimate uber deluxe half-million dps cannonboat. Also, as someone whose favorite characters are KDF Rom Sci and a Fed Engi, it is my opinion that Science and Engineering officers are often more interesting to play than Hey Diddle Diddle, Straight Up The Middle Tactical officers. (Whi seem to comprise about two thirds of the player base sometimes, there being exceptions, of course.)
But I agree with Tolmarius - there's something to be said for just choosing a species to be, and rolling along with it. In general terms, Romulans are no better or worse than any other species, gameplay-wise.
I'm also not a big fan of Tactical, moreso because I don't enjoy the available abilities. Science and Engineering have a lot more varied gameplay. Either way, especially when you're in space, you'll be relying mostly on your bridge officers' abilities - your commander's abilities just add to the overall mix.
The key with Romulans is that we fly warbirds - not escorts, not science ships, not cruisers, just warbirds. Some ships are of course more escort-like or more cruiser-like, but as a general rule the warbird is a do-it-all. It's not as total of differentiation as being a Federation science captain trying to fly a Defiant-class - you can be a Romulan science commander and hop into basically anything. Warbirds are very versatile ships.
And if I go Engineering (which I am leaning more towards anyways) and pair up with a high turn rate warbird, I should have my ideal mix of damage, agility, and durability?
Thank you for the replies.
Basically, Aliens are more flexible on that front at the loss of some specialization, whereas Romulans do have a better focused specialization (plasma weapons) at the loss of some flexibility (General Traits).
Tactical Team is a good tac boff power to aid in this as well because it automatically balances your shields as they are hit while it is active(just be careful as over reliance on it can make you lazy).
Engineers in space are kinda meh imo, the miracle worker power is great but everything else is bleh, on ground they can shine in a couple roles, personally I like to go with either a lot of drones for a lot of extra dps, or make generators and a turret so I can bunker up on the ground and make my away team pretty hard to kill.
As for race, Im not a min/max type player but Ive never seen anything in the racial traits that really put you in a 'weak' spot in pve. As for pvp, its dead in sto thankfully and what pvp does happen is chock full of min/max crit TRIBBLE that spend buckets of cash for the ultimate setup.
Remans - Infiltrator Trait
Romulans - Romulan Operative
Liberated Borg are actually a horrible choice if your focus is Space Combat. "Efficiency" used to be great years ago but Cryptic nerfed that trait to oblivion. When LOR hit, my very first Rom character was a Liberated Borg Romulan Engineer. I do not regret the Engineer aspect but I regret making him Liberated Borg. He did not get access to Romulan Operative.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
I'm still building the Reman toons, but they really unexpectedly grew on me. Much like Ferasans in the KDF faction.