Hello, I am looking into setting up my Arbiter with the Aux2batt build, but I want to use only the Engineering commander. The thing is that I want to use the universal LTCom as Tactical, and the LTCom as Intel, so I only have 1 engineering boff avaiable.
My idea is to set up Emergency to Weapons 1, Aux2batt 1, Engineering Team 3, Aux2batt 3, but I cannot find Aux2batt 3. Is there any named boff with it? Incidentally, I have access to an engineer but she is unable to craft that manual (and according to the wiki, is a boff-only skill, so I need one with it to make a manual)
In practice, if going A2B you can actually run with just the single copy and it works reasonably well on a beamboat. One copy cuts cooldowns by 30% every 28 seconds, which is pretty close given that your EPTx skills are cooldown 31.5 seconds (vs 30 second global with 2 copies A2B), FAW is 21 seconds (vs 20 second global). Throw on a Conn Officer for Tac Team cooldown and you probably wouldn't notice the difference from a double-A2B build, and you get to keep your aux 2/3 of the time on top of that for things like [amp] bonuses or Nukara traits.
About having 7 tactical skills, that is not accurate: I have 4 (1 ensign and 1 LTCom universal, used on TTeam + Tactics Beta + FAW3, and the Ensign offers me nothing...) and 3 intelligence (Overrider Subsystem Safeties 3 + EMP Probe + Intelligence Team 1), and I need to use the Commander Engineer as Emergency to Weapons 1 + Aux2bat1 + Engineering Team 3 + Aux2Bat3. On the Science boff, I would carry Polarize Hull 1 (or Hazard Emitters 1) + Science Team 2. I would think about changing E2W1 for E2S1 and EngTeam3 for E2W 3 if I had enough healing, but that's all.
Sincerely, I am quite disappointed on the ship. Its only saving grace is the console and the 2 console bonus (VATA + this one), since it is EXACTLY the Avenger, with a T6 Trait and an Tactical/Intelligence LTCom. It would be far more relevant if the Ensing were also universal, and the ship would not need to be updated to Fleet version (specially if you happen to have a Fleet Avenger...). The trait is sweet (and I shudder to see it working with Surgical Strikes, but...)
If somebody asks me about buying the ship while having the T5U Fleet Battlecruiser, I would definitely say it's not worth it.
No wonder it's not working for you! You're doing it wrong! Get some Tac team doffs and some DCEs and use TT in the ensign, FAW1 on both your LTCs APB1 and 2 on the tac and intel of your choice on the remaining two intel abilities. For the eng use EPtS1, RSP1, EPtW3, DEM3.
As for the ship not being worth it, they managed to take one of the feds best faw boats and then made it more OP...
Last I looked KLW1 started around 60 million EC, equivalent to about $20 for a single ability if one paid for it buying keys. That kind of price is really for whales alone.
Also, the new version cannot use the Cloaking Device I got from the Gal-X so long ago (the same in the Defiant, and which we were able to slot in the Avenger if we wanted to).
So yes, good ship, but not worth it if you already have the Avenger T5-U. Not to mention if you already have an Intel ship (Eclipse, for example)