Yeah, TNG holds a special place in my heart and I generally rank it highest on Picard, Data, Worf, and Geordi alone, but it had some major problems in early seasons (Space Africans, anyone?), and season 7 was rocky at times, despite All Good Things being a triumph of awesome.
DS9...DS9 was Star Trek done right. And I love the characters; I shipped Bashir/Garak immediately after Bashir ran into Ops obsessing over Garak with a manic grin like a schoolboy with a crush, and Odo is my adorable little grumpy shapeshifting cutie and I won't hear a word against him, and Kira is awesome and badass, and THE Sisko is of Bajor, and Quark is quite simply the BEST example of rescuing an entire species from the scrappy heap ever, and even the bit parts are great.
I mean, Remata'klan from "Rocks and Shoals" was one of the primary inspirations for Omek, and Aamin Marritza (from "Duet") remains the only Star Trek character whose death I have cried over every single time without fail. I even stayed dry-eyed through Spock's death scene in Wrath of Khan once, although to be fair I was severely dehydrated and very sick at the time, but never through Marritza's breakdown and murder.
So yeah. DS9 was a better show, but I love TNG because personal reasons.
Dear God, it's like walking past a couple of tween girls reading a Teen Beat back in the 80s...
have your ears burst into flames yet? :P
My brow is furrowed and one of my eyes is twitching, lol, as I try to process the thought process - the logic - behind some of the reasoning about why such and such a show is the most/best Star Trek, when nothing offered has anything to do with Star Trek.
Cause in general, imho, the way it kind of goes is...
Here's Star Trek.
Here's Star Trek...for a new generation.
And now for something completely different that's not Star Trek.
Okay, okay, here's something that's at least kind of a little bit Star Trek.
Fine, fine, let's try to get back to Star Trek after having alienated everybody.
Dear God, it's like walking past a couple of tween girls reading a Teen Beat back in the 80s...
have your ears burst into flames yet? :P
My brow is furrowed and one of my eyes is twitching, lol, as I try to process the thought process - the logic - behind some of the reasoning about why such and such a show is the most/best Star Trek, when nothing offered has anything to do with Star Trek.
Cause in general, imho, the way it kind of goes is...
Here's Star Trek.
Here's Star Trek...for a new generation.
And now for something completely different that's not Star Trek.
Okay, okay, here's something that's at least kind of a little bit Star Trek.
Fine, fine, let's try to get back to Star Trek after having alienated everybody.
Kind of like how the one group decided Galaxy Quest was the best Star Trek movie ever?
And of course how every Star Trek movie ever made has been called the worst ever made at one point or another?
Kind of like how the one group decided Galaxy Quest was the best Star Trek movie ever?
And of course how every Star Trek movie ever made has been called the worst ever made at one point or another?/quote]
People like and dislike different things...have different ideas, concepts, and so forth of what something is. Not all of it grounded in reality in the least...but since it's all fictive anyway, and since it's all opinion anyway...outside of perhaps some desire to understand how somebody got to where they did, it tends to be no different than any discussion about anything else. Ford vs. Chevy, Intel vs. AMD, Nvidia vs. AMD/ATI, Chocolate vs. Strawberry vs. Vanilla, Apples vs. Oranges, Carrots vs. Celery, BBQ Pork vs. BBQ Chicken, etc, etc, etc...
Kind of unfair , for me to vote.
TOS was my first love, and you never forget that.
TNG "blandly went where kirk had gone before"in the first season, but eventually took on a life of it.s own. Great story telling, awesome character development, superior special effects, well written, and thought provoking , made it shine.
DS-9 was action packed, dark, gritty, and showed the Federation may not be the "Utopian" society it sells itself to be. Large scale space combat, Dukat, and Garak kept me comming back for more.
ENT had flaws, but I had to "thumbs up" several episodes.The concept was great, but fell flat a few times.
VOY sucked, poorly written, Mary-sue "Lost in Space" Star Trek flavored ,90's political correct garbage.
I love Voyager and Enterprise most of all, sure there was some irritating acting at times but that's just standard in Star Trek series. Kirk, Wesley, pretty much everyone from DS9, Kes, Archer etc.
Neelix didn't really bother me much, I liked the uniqueness of his character. Janeway was a way more badass boss than any other captain could ever hope to be!
They also had the most exploration and the best story lines IMO. I like story arcs like those used by Babylon 5. They give the show a meaning and direction to follow. Voyager was permeated by their drive and purpose of reaching home which just made it so much more real and interesting than some man-whôre flying around in a badly designed pie-pan collecting different strains of space AID's.
Star Trek: Enterprise Season 3 had the Xindi arc which is without a doubt the most interesting and best written in Star Trek history! It also did a nice job of showing the Federation's founding and a few other things.
Voyager had some of the best character development and very interesting stories.
DS9 had a sorta cool war but far too many annoying characters, Sisko, his son, Kira, Obrien, Obrien's bitchy wife etc.
TNG Picard was a boss of course but it just wasn't as interesting for me as a ship lost in the middle of the Delta Quadrant.
Enterprise had perhaps the best acting or atleast the fewest amount of annoying characters.
TOS started it all but acting and writing have improved by leaps and bounds since its inception, enough said.
Enterprise had perhaps the best acting or atleast the fewest amount of annoying characters.
That's because ENT had only three characters (Archer, T'Pol, and Tucker), with an occasional guest star (Malcolm). Same as TOS had three characters (Kirk, McCoy, and Spock), with occasional guest appearances by Scotty.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Enterprise had perhaps the best acting or atleast the fewest amount of annoying characters.
That's because ENT had only three characters (Archer, T'Pol, and Tucker), with an occasional guest star (Malcolm). Same as TOS had three characters (Kirk, McCoy, and Spock), with occasional guest appearances by Scotty.
Did...did that guy call the Sisko annoying? Did xe call Keiko "b****y"?
Keiko did not seem to fully understand the commitment required to be a military spouse--that much I will say. She seriously grated on my nerves as a military brat who has seen what it takes.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
I'm still crying at the thought of The Sisko (first name, "Don't F*** With") being called annoying...
That's The Sisko, d*** it! He's like the incarnation of Pure Awesomeness! The best combat CO in the entire series!
Maybe it's just personal taste but I REALLY hated his acting. Mumbling out lines under his breath like a stoned hippy or screaming and jerking around like a Demon-Possessed Epileptic, this guy had no middle ground. The pure horror of his acting qualities were surpassed only by the Down-Syndrome Scientologists that wrote most of his lines.
You know what? I'm not responding to that. I'm just going to be extremely insulted in private, and let you go about your day without explaining to you how deeply and personally insulting I found that post.
You know what? I'm not responding to that. I'm just going to be extremely insulted in private, and let you go about your day without explaining to you how deeply and personally insulting I found that post.
DS9 has more votes than everything else combined? Wow, though I guess that does explain some stuff around here.
TNG first-and-foremost here. Just hits the right notes with me, isn't serialized (I hate when shows do that since you can't simply pick it up and watch whenever), has a future where even if you fail at your ideals they're still something you try and live up to. Principle matters and outthinking the opposition is more important than overpowering them, probably why my favorite episodes are stuff like Sins Of The Father, Redemption 1, Tapestry, The Defector, or Captain's Holiday (silly ep but it makes me laugh). But yeah, throw away the first season especially because oh gawd its bad.
Ent up next, oddly enough. Immensely flawed, too many call-forwards, wasn't a fan of the Xindi arc, and loathed T'pol. And Archer seemed like a good guy trying to do right, but so facepalm inducing, but I give the guy some credit for trying to stick to principle even when bumbling along as he does it. On the plus side though, I liked Tucker, Reed was great, I dug the whole Human-Vulcan-Andorian interrelation thing going on, and Shran was so awesome they could do a spinoff about the voyages of the IGS Kumari. I liked the pre-Federation world even if it overdid the call-forwards. Really it had so much potential, had all the right pieces, just couldn't put it together correctly.
DS9: some fun character interactions (Quark & Odo, Bashir & O'brien, Garak & anyone) but between the excess of grimdark, over-serialization, clunky romances (Kira & Odo, just go away), and a war arc that just went on for way too long and got too boring and too explodey (and B5 did it better anyways) and got sick of it. Had some great eps when they got away from the usual (my fav is House Of Quark) I just feel like more misses than hits.
Voy: DIAF. The basic plot had potential. Harry Kim and Tom Paris seemed at least likeable, and 7 of 9 could have been a very interesting character concept if she hadn't been written as a fanservice Mary Sue. But the aliens were worthless, the plots were idiotic, the drama was terrible, the writing was worse, and the rest of the cast needed to be marooned somewhere. Even the ship design grates on me. Burn it all, just to be sure.
TOS: I've only seen a few episodes, but what I have seen makes me cringe. I can live with the plots, I can live with the 60s effects, but James Kirk makes Johnathan Archer seem like a careful and insightful, or Mad Kathy seem like she's meticulously planning ahead. Plus Bill Shatner's acting is of the level you'd expect from an MST3K movie. How the heck this is considered such a classic, I'll never fully understand.
You missed the point. It wasn't your opinion of the show or the acting that was the problem. If you'd said that Brooks' acting was unnatural and the writing was poor, it wouldn't be a big deal. It was the Down's Syndrome crack, and stuff like that, that was uncalled for. You could have found a more appropriate way to express your opinion than that.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
You missed the point. It wasn't your opinion of the show or the acting that was the problem. If you'd said that Brooks' acting was unnatural and the writing was poor, it wouldn't be a big deal. It was the Down's Syndrome crack, and stuff like that, that was uncalled for. You could have found a more appropriate way to express your opinion than that.
Thank you and well said, gulberat.
@ lsegn:
Now that I have a head less full of rage, I'm going to lay this out here, full disclosure.
I have several neurological disorders--ADHD, OCD, mild Asperger's, and a truly epic case of Tourette's Syndrome--and I have a good deal of personal experience dealing with children with trisomy 21 (I was a "Buddy" for the local TOPSoccer program for the last 3 years, and a family friend has a son with trisomy 21). As such, I find it deeply personally hurtful when people use trisomy 21 (or Down Syndrome) as a substitute for "r*tard" or similar slurs, and given that my TS involves tics such as my arms literally trying to rip themselves from their sockets at random, I am beyond offended by the "demon-possessed epileptic" crack. I know people with epilepsy. It's not a laughing matter. I have something rather similar (the main difference being that it's not QUITE as bad as actual epilepsy for me and I get to personally experience every second of my muscles randomly spasming rather than blacking out as people with epilepsy often do), and there is nothing even remotely amusing about random muscle spasms. It is BEYOND offensive to compare epilepsy and similar disorders to what you (lsegn) see as bad acting.
It's hard enough for me to get through the day when I can literally start flopping uncontrollably like a fish out of water whenever my body chemistry is out of balance. Please don't make it harder for people like me by turning our problems into bad jokes.
Keiko did not seem to fully understand the commitment required to be a military spouse--that much I will say. She seriously grated on my nerves as a military brat who has seen what it takes.
I did notice that. The irritating thing about that is, she's a retired Starfleet science noncom herself, or at least a civilian contractor - she was a botanist on the Enterprise.
My own family sort of got lucky there. We did get transferred a couple times, but as an engineering duty officer my dad was working in shipyards, not aboard ship, and Mom was a reservist by the time they had me, and got out when I was a year old.
Keiko did not seem to fully understand the commitment required to be a military spouse--that much I will say. She seriously grated on my nerves as a military brat who has seen what it takes.
I did notice that. The irritating thing about that is, she's a retired Starfleet science noncom herself, or at least a civilian contractor - she was a botanist on the Enterprise.
My own family sort of got lucky there. We did get transferred a couple times, but as an engineering duty officer my dad was working in shipyards, not aboard ship, and Mom was a reservist by the time they had me, and got out when I was a year old.
To be blunt, when you are a military spouse, you either have a military career and service commitment in your own right, or you recognize that you are marrying the career and all of its attendant risks and discomforts, as well as the person, and you accept whatever inconveniences that causes for your own career. I stand by that statement regardless of the genders involved. If you are unprepared to do so, a relationship with someone in the military is probably not for you. Sorry...that's just how I see it.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-) Proudly F2P.Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
You missed the point. It wasn't your opinion of the show or the acting that was the problem. If you'd said that Brooks' acting was unnatural and the writing was poor, it wouldn't be a big deal. It was the Down's Syndrome crack, and stuff like that, that was uncalled for. You could have found a more appropriate way to express your opinion than that.
Thank you and well said, gulberat.
@ lsegn:
Now that I have a head less full of rage, I'm going to lay this out here, full disclosure.
I have several neurological disorders--ADHD, OCD, mild Asperger's, and a truly epic case of Tourette's Syndrome--and I have a good deal of personal experience dealing with children with trisomy 21 (I was a "Buddy" for the local TOPSoccer program for the last 3 years, and a family friend has a son with trisomy 21). As such, I find it deeply personally hurtful when people use trisomy 21 (or Down Syndrome) as a substitute for "r*tard" or similar slurs, and given that my TS involves tics such as my arms literally trying to rip themselves from their sockets at random, I am beyond offended by the "demon-possessed epileptic" crack. I know people with epilepsy. It's not a laughing matter. I have something rather similar (the main difference being that it's not QUITE as bad as actual epilepsy for me and I get to personally experience every second of my muscles randomly spasming rather than blacking out as people with epilepsy often do), and there is nothing even remotely amusing about random muscle spasms. It is BEYOND offensive to compare epilepsy and similar disorders to what you (lsegn) see as bad acting.
It's hard enough for me to get through the day when I can literally start flopping uncontrollably like a fish out of water whenever my body chemistry is out of balance. Please don't make it harder for people like me by turning our problems into bad jokes.
I have ADD, OCD, social anxiety and severe Gender Dysphoria so don't think I'm not sympathetic. All the insults were directed squarely at that actor and so I apologize if they were taken in other way that might be offensive. To me insulting is a form of art, but I should have realized that not all people would see it in that way. As I said i have social issues, so the way I intend or interpret things is very different from the way others do. Again I apologize for causing offense but please realize that all my insults were intended solely for that actor. It's just the way my mind works. I do not understand what it's like to be offended because I can't be offended.
I have ADD, OCD, social anxiety and severe Gender Dysphoria so don't think I'm not sympathetic. All the insults were directed squarely at that actor and so I apologize if they were taken in other way that might be offensive. To me insulting is a form of art, but I should have realized that not all people would see it in that way. As I said i have social issues, so the way I intend or interpret things is very different from the way others do. Again I apologize for causing offense but please realize that all my insults were intended solely for that actor. It's just the way my mind works. I do not understand what it's like to be offended because I can't be offended.
It's difficult at times, yeah? Cause it gets into saying something to A, that has nothing to do with B or C. B and C don't come to mind at all, and no insult is meant in the least to B or C...just A. So how does one go about insulting A, when the odds are there will be somebody that's not even B or C that ends up being offended by it, eh?
I have ADD, OCD, social anxiety and severe Gender Dysphoria so don't think I'm not sympathetic. All the insults were directed squarely at that actor and so I apologize if they were taken in other way that might be offensive. To me insulting is a form of art, but I should have realized that not all people would see it in that way. As I said i have social issues, so the way I intend or interpret things is very different from the way others do. Again I apologize for causing offense but please realize that all my insults were intended solely for that actor. It's just the way my mind works. I do not understand what it's like to be offended because I can't be offended.
It's difficult at times, yeah? Cause it gets into saying something to A, that has nothing to do with B or C. B and C don't come to mind at all, and no insult is meant in the least to B or C...just A. So how does one go about insulting A, when the odds are there will be somebody that's not even B or C that ends up being offended by it, eh?
Yes, political correctness be damned. Whatever happened to the good old days? *sigh*
Jerry: Tom, that was kind of clumsy.
Tom: I'm reporting you! I've got an aunt, that's got a friend that she plays bingo with on Thursday nights, where the friend likes to trade coupons with his neighbor, where the neighbor's a member of the Kiwanis, and one of the guys there has a wife that's clumsy since her accident...and I'm highly offended on behalf of them all!
Oh, the good old days. When I could slap a woman on the face in public and tell her to get back in the kitchen...when it was OK to call black men "boy" in public...when people with gender dysphoria were told to go "man up" or whatever...
Don't you all just love the good old days? Back when Kirk kissing a black woman on TV was controversial? Back when Brown vs. Board of Education was controversial, and Bull Connor used dogs and high-pressure hoses on peaceful marchers? Back when we were killing Vietnamese children with firebombs because the government that claimed the land including their village was communist?
Wow! Can we please get back to how DS9 was the best show now?
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though. JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
DS9...DS9 was Star Trek done right. And I love the characters; I shipped Bashir/Garak immediately after Bashir ran into Ops obsessing over Garak with a manic grin like a schoolboy with a crush, and Odo is my adorable little grumpy shapeshifting cutie and I won't hear a word against him, and Kira is awesome and badass, and THE Sisko is of Bajor, and Quark is quite simply the BEST example of rescuing an entire species from the scrappy heap ever, and even the bit parts are great.
I mean, Remata'klan from "Rocks and Shoals" was one of the primary inspirations for Omek, and Aamin Marritza (from "Duet") remains the only Star Trek character whose death I have cried over every single time without fail. I even stayed dry-eyed through Spock's death scene in Wrath of Khan once, although to be fair I was severely dehydrated and very sick at the time, but never through Marritza's breakdown and murder.
So yeah. DS9 was a better show, but I love TNG because personal reasons.
My character Tsin'xing
My brow is furrowed and one of my eyes is twitching, lol, as I try to process the thought process - the logic - behind some of the reasoning about why such and such a show is the most/best Star Trek, when nothing offered has anything to do with Star Trek.
Cause in general, imho, the way it kind of goes is...
Here's Star Trek.
Here's Star Trek...for a new generation.
And now for something completely different that's not Star Trek.
Okay, okay, here's something that's at least kind of a little bit Star Trek.
Fine, fine, let's try to get back to Star Trek after having alienated everybody.
Kind of like how the one group decided Galaxy Quest was the best Star Trek movie ever?
And of course how every Star Trek movie ever made has been called the worst ever made at one point or another?
My character Tsin'xing
TOS was my first love, and you never forget that.
TNG "blandly went where kirk had gone before"in the first season, but eventually took on a life of it.s own. Great story telling, awesome character development, superior special effects, well written, and thought provoking , made it shine.
DS-9 was action packed, dark, gritty, and showed the Federation may not be the "Utopian" society it sells itself to be. Large scale space combat, Dukat, and Garak kept me comming back for more.
ENT had flaws, but I had to "thumbs up" several episodes.The concept was great, but fell flat a few times.
VOY sucked, poorly written, Mary-sue "Lost in Space" Star Trek flavored ,90's political correct garbage.
Neelix didn't really bother me much, I liked the uniqueness of his character. Janeway was a way more badass boss than any other captain could ever hope to be!
They also had the most exploration and the best story lines IMO. I like story arcs like those used by Babylon 5. They give the show a meaning and direction to follow. Voyager was permeated by their drive and purpose of reaching home which just made it so much more real and interesting than some man-whôre flying around in a badly designed pie-pan collecting different strains of space AID's.
Star Trek: Enterprise Season 3 had the Xindi arc which is without a doubt the most interesting and best written in Star Trek history! It also did a nice job of showing the Federation's founding and a few other things.
Voyager had some of the best character development and very interesting stories.
DS9 had a sorta cool war but far too many annoying characters, Sisko, his son, Kira, Obrien, Obrien's bitchy wife etc.
TNG Picard was a boss of course but it just wasn't as interesting for me as a ship lost in the middle of the Delta Quadrant.
Enterprise had perhaps the best acting or atleast the fewest amount of annoying characters.
TOS started it all but acting and writing have improved by leaps and bounds since its inception, enough said.
That's because ENT had only three characters (Archer, T'Pol, and Tucker), with an occasional guest star (Malcolm). Same as TOS had three characters (Kirk, McCoy, and Spock), with occasional guest appearances by Scotty.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
Did...did that guy call the Sisko annoying? Did xe call Keiko "b****y"?
I...I think I need to go cry into a pillow now.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
That's The Sisko, d*** it! He's like the incarnation of Pure Awesomeness! The best combat CO in the entire series!
Maybe it's just personal taste but I REALLY hated his acting. Mumbling out lines under his breath like a stoned hippy or screaming and jerking around like a Demon-Possessed Epileptic, this guy had no middle ground. The pure horror of his acting qualities were surpassed only by the Down-Syndrome Scientologists that wrote most of his lines.
Dude, it's not real!
TNG first-and-foremost here. Just hits the right notes with me, isn't serialized (I hate when shows do that since you can't simply pick it up and watch whenever), has a future where even if you fail at your ideals they're still something you try and live up to. Principle matters and outthinking the opposition is more important than overpowering them, probably why my favorite episodes are stuff like Sins Of The Father, Redemption 1, Tapestry, The Defector, or Captain's Holiday (silly ep but it makes me laugh). But yeah, throw away the first season especially because oh gawd its bad.
Ent up next, oddly enough. Immensely flawed, too many call-forwards, wasn't a fan of the Xindi arc, and loathed T'pol. And Archer seemed like a good guy trying to do right, but so facepalm inducing, but I give the guy some credit for trying to stick to principle even when bumbling along as he does it. On the plus side though, I liked Tucker, Reed was great, I dug the whole Human-Vulcan-Andorian interrelation thing going on, and Shran was so awesome they could do a spinoff about the voyages of the IGS Kumari. I liked the pre-Federation world even if it overdid the call-forwards. Really it had so much potential, had all the right pieces, just couldn't put it together correctly.
DS9: some fun character interactions (Quark & Odo, Bashir & O'brien, Garak & anyone) but between the excess of grimdark, over-serialization, clunky romances (Kira & Odo, just go away), and a war arc that just went on for way too long and got too boring and too explodey (and B5 did it better anyways) and got sick of it. Had some great eps when they got away from the usual (my fav is House Of Quark) I just feel like more misses than hits.
Voy: DIAF. The basic plot had potential. Harry Kim and Tom Paris seemed at least likeable, and 7 of 9 could have been a very interesting character concept if she hadn't been written as a fanservice Mary Sue. But the aliens were worthless, the plots were idiotic, the drama was terrible, the writing was worse, and the rest of the cast needed to be marooned somewhere. Even the ship design grates on me. Burn it all, just to be sure.
TOS: I've only seen a few episodes, but what I have seen makes me cringe. I can live with the plots, I can live with the 60s effects, but James Kirk makes Johnathan Archer seem like a careful and insightful, or Mad Kathy seem like she's meticulously planning ahead. Plus Bill Shatner's acting is of the level you'd expect from an MST3K movie. How the heck this is considered such a classic, I'll never fully understand.
TAS: Never seen it.
You missed the point. It wasn't your opinion of the show or the acting that was the problem. If you'd said that Brooks' acting was unnatural and the writing was poor, it wouldn't be a big deal. It was the Down's Syndrome crack, and stuff like that, that was uncalled for. You could have found a more appropriate way to express your opinion than that.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by
Thank you and well said, gulberat.
@ lsegn:
Now that I have a head less full of rage, I'm going to lay this out here, full disclosure.
I have several neurological disorders--ADHD, OCD, mild Asperger's, and a truly epic case of Tourette's Syndrome--and I have a good deal of personal experience dealing with children with trisomy 21 (I was a "Buddy" for the local TOPSoccer program for the last 3 years, and a family friend has a son with trisomy 21). As such, I find it deeply personally hurtful when people use trisomy 21 (or Down Syndrome) as a substitute for "r*tard" or similar slurs, and given that my TS involves tics such as my arms literally trying to rip themselves from their sockets at random, I am beyond offended by the "demon-possessed epileptic" crack. I know people with epilepsy. It's not a laughing matter. I have something rather similar (the main difference being that it's not QUITE as bad as actual epilepsy for me and I get to personally experience every second of my muscles randomly spasming rather than blacking out as people with epilepsy often do), and there is nothing even remotely amusing about random muscle spasms. It is BEYOND offensive to compare epilepsy and similar disorders to what you (lsegn) see as bad acting.
It's hard enough for me to get through the day when I can literally start flopping uncontrollably like a fish out of water whenever my body chemistry is out of balance. Please don't make it harder for people like me by turning our problems into bad jokes.
I did notice that. The irritating thing about that is, she's a retired Starfleet science noncom herself, or at least a civilian contractor - she was a botanist on the Enterprise.
My own family sort of got lucky there. We did get transferred a couple times, but as an engineering duty officer my dad was working in shipyards, not aboard ship, and Mom was a reservist by the time they had me, and got out when I was a year old.
To be blunt, when you are a military spouse, you either have a military career and service commitment in your own right, or you recognize that you are marrying the career and all of its attendant risks and discomforts, as well as the person, and you accept whatever inconveniences that causes for your own career. I stand by that statement regardless of the genders involved. If you are unprepared to do so, a relationship with someone in the military is probably not for you. Sorry...that's just how I see it.
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I have ADD, OCD, social anxiety and severe Gender Dysphoria so don't think I'm not sympathetic. All the insults were directed squarely at that actor and so I apologize if they were taken in other way that might be offensive. To me insulting is a form of art, but I should have realized that not all people would see it in that way. As I said i have social issues, so the way I intend or interpret things is very different from the way others do. Again I apologize for causing offense but please realize that all my insults were intended solely for that actor. It's just the way my mind works. I do not understand what it's like to be offended because I can't be offended.
It's difficult at times, yeah? Cause it gets into saying something to A, that has nothing to do with B or C. B and C don't come to mind at all, and no insult is meant in the least to B or C...just A. So how does one go about insulting A, when the odds are there will be somebody that's not even B or C that ends up being offended by it, eh?
Yes, political correctness be damned. Whatever happened to the good old days?
Jerry: Tom, that was kind of clumsy.
Tom: I'm reporting you! I've got an aunt, that's got a friend that she plays bingo with on Thursday nights, where the friend likes to trade coupons with his neighbor, where the neighbor's a member of the Kiwanis, and one of the guys there has a wife that's clumsy since her accident...and I'm highly offended on behalf of them all!
Don't you all just love the good old days? Back when Kirk kissing a black woman on TV was controversial? Back when Brown vs. Board of Education was controversial, and Bull Connor used dogs and high-pressure hoses on peaceful marchers? Back when we were killing Vietnamese children with firebombs because the government that claimed the land including their village was communist?
I SO miss the good old days, don't you?
Not cool, guys. REALLY not cool.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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Sure. DS9 had the best and most memorable bad guys, and the best episode in the entire franchise ("Duet"). Also, it had the Sisko.