So I have the currency to probably buy any ship that I want, is the temporal science vessel still the best science ship? Even if it's not T6?
I'm creating a new liberated borg alt and I haven't played for a year. So if there's a better ship out there please let me know

PS: this new forum is terrible.
For PvE, it's flexible. Wells, Palisade, Pathfinder, Dauntless, Scryer, and the Besta trio are all solid bets.
I have never regretted it, but those who have claimed that its the 'best' science ship have never been able to convince me. The Vesta, palisade science vessel, fleet deep space science vessel and recluse(questionable science ship) all brought things to the table that they could do better then Wells.
Pre T6, if forced to chose only one, I would have taken a Vesta over the wells for grater versatility. Now with T6 the Scryer or dauntless both make for superior choices.
Now I don't want to sound down on the wells. You can do marvelus things with it if you know what your doing. There just isn't any particular strategy you can pursue with it that something else doesn't do better, and while it is versatile, the Vesta (still don't buy one, wait for the inevitable T6) is more so.
When a T6 Wells is released you can bet I will be all over it. I already have a small heap of EC set aside to purchase it, when the day comes. But the reason isn't because I expect it to be 'The best science ship'. I just love the look of its hull.
If the T6 wells ever comes out, will I have to completely rebuy the ship for who knows how many EC on the exchange?
250M is alot to spend if If I can't even get a free upgrade haha.
Judging by the T6 Bug ship, no free upgrade. While I don't expect most T5 lockbox ships to get a T6 version, I think the temporal ships are the most likely. Cryptic went to the trouble to make a romulan one after the box stopped dropping.
I'd play with my Connie, even if it only had some of the bells and a few whistles. As is, I use it to travel the sector Doffing even so.
FED Temporal or Krenim? Regardless, I wonder if the consoles will be transferred between them...
I'd guess Krenim