Anyone else as excited over this one as I am? Next to the Excelsior, it is my favorite Cruiser second to none. I've used it with both Engineers and Tacs, and have never had a problem with it.
The article also says we will be able to use the old skins as well, which may be a plus, as I'm not sold on the saucer section of the upgrade. I'll have to see it in game. Not that I am in anyway poopooing the artist who worked on it, respect always to the work they do.
My mother always told me to walk away from a fight, The Marines taught me how.
The console sounds nice, decent passive, potentially useful active/expire ability.
No mention of Hybrid seating, maybe Command?
I'll have to see it in-game to make a full judgement on the looks, but not a fan from the blog and leaked pics. Needs a large round saucer with a hole in the middle like the Scryer's, an all black paint job, and DHC hardpoints on the hull to get it what they heavily implied that the Avenger was supposed to be a take off of.
I don't mind the T6 Mogh skin though the "saucer" part isn't to my liking. However, not like you can't use the previous Mogh parts anyways, and the T5 version looked pretty decent to begin with.
T6 Mogai? That one I'm looking forward to the most of these 3. For ages and ages, the Mogai was my favorite Warbird in both PVP and PVE. I remember lighting guys up real good with the Mogai.
But since I have a Negh'Var on my Kling, a D'D on my Klungulan and other ships on my fed chars I'm not interested in that particular release.
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