First, some background information:
Holodeck ticket #3,389,006:
Math error in automatic conversion of camera distances
The sector space revamp has made ships smaller in sector space. To account for the smaller size of ships in sector space, the camera distance is automatically converted when the user moves from system space to sector space or vice versa. However, this automatic conversion does not keep the appearance of the ship the same. My testing shows that the game uses the following formula to convert camera distances:
SystemSpaceDistance = (50/11) * SectorSpaceDistance
However, my ship looks bigger at a camera distance of 50 in system space than it does at a camera distance of 11 in sector space. After taking several measurements, I believe the following formula is more accurate, but I don't know the exact scale used to resize the ships:
SystemSpaceDistance = 6 * SectorSpaceDistance
So ships are smaller in sector space than in system space. But not all the differences I see can be attributed to differences in scale. There appear to be some differences in shape. Take a look at the screenshots below. I tried to take the screenshots at camera distances that would make the ships appear the same size in system space and sector space, but I wasn't able to match the sizes exactly.
Chimera Heavy Destroyer
system space,
sector space
Mat'Ha Raptor
system space,
sector space
Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit (Nebula)
system space,
sector space
T'varo Light Warbird Retrofit
system space,
sector space
I don't think all the differences in the screenshots above can be attributed to differences in scale. As I said before, there appear to be differences in shape. Particularly noticeable are the differences in the nacelles of the Chimera and the "fin" at the back of the Nebula. So what's going on here? Are the differences due to
field of view? Or do the ships actually have different shapes in system space and sector space?
Waiting for a programmer ...
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The appalling lighting in Suxtor-Space doesn't help either, tends to flatten the appearance of ships, losing detail, lack of specular picking up highlights, diminished bump/normal effects etc.
As for different models, there were a number of ships that suffered from scaling issues when Suxtor-space was introduced, Vaad cruisers that didnt get scaled down, effects for borg consoles not shrunk when the ship was so the borg bits ended up bigger than the ships...
Basically its bad cameras and bad lighting on shrunken copies of the models.
Set a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...</b></size></center>
I'm not sure which parts of the ship you are referring to.
Some of the visual effects still don't look right.
Holodeck ticket #3,389,033: Visual effect errors in sector space
Thank you for the link.
Obviously, I took both screenshots while the ship was in Regenerative Mode.
But there is still a perspective change associated with that.