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Command cruisers vs.Fleet D'Khellra/Aelahl

willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
edited June 2015 in Romulan Discussion
My klingon-allied Toon got her plasm. Leech today so i think i am going to level this toon up for a bit.

She, like all my toons is an Engineer and i am not a big Fan of Escort/Pilot ships except on my main Toon (also i really don't like how the kllingon/Romulan ships look)

So i thought that i could get the Aelahl and D'Khellra fleet versions OR the command cruiser Pack.

I know that the C-cruisers would be 1000 Zen cheaper but that s not so important for me. THe main reason why i don't like them for my Fed toons i that they don't have the crusier commands but no Romulan ship has those.

I intend to use them with Fleet Embassy and Spire consoles but not focus on crafted weapons but use the Rep. Store Romulan Plasma Beams and DBBs instead

So what would be better? The Command Pack or the Aelahl/D'Khellra. I would buy the D'Khellra first so i can replace the Aelahl with a T6 Mogai if the rumors about that ship are true.
Post edited by willamsheridan on


  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    For the KDF & Feds, I rail constantly about the design issues of the Command FDCs. The lack of Weapon System Efficiency Cruiser Command is a major, major Downgrade. Personally, I'd throw away that stupid Hangar Bay if it meant I could have Weapon System Efficiency on the Fed & KDF versions of those ships.

    For the Roms however, this isn't an issue. They don't have Cruiser Commands on Cruiser-styled Warbirds anyways, so it's a not a problem. I would say the Command FDCs are a very attractive option for a Rom that wants a Cruiser kind of an experience.

    To be more specific, only the TAC & SCI versions are of use. The game doesn't need ultra-heavy Eng Cruisers that have next to no Tactical ability. The TAC version has LtCdr TAC and 4 TAC, 4 ENG consoles. Solid enough. The SCI version gives you a SCI Cruiser kind of ship. More SCI-oriented ships with GW is appreciated anywhere.

    Traits? The TAC version's "All Hands on Deck" is fabulous. SCI version's trait is useless to most unless you run a Flow Caps build featuring Tachyon Beam. ENG version? One of the trashiest Starship Traits in existence.

    Command FDC pack or buy in singles? TBH, I should have just gone with the TAC version purchase. The Command FDC set isn't all that, most especially so if you do not have the Samsar's Console. Not to mention a 4-piece console set is extremely limiting, taxing on a build. On top of this, only 1 of the traits from the Pack is of real use anywhere else.

    In short, TAC Command Warbird is a solid "TAC Cruiser" style of ship. The SCI version is viable. But if you only will spend for 1 ship, TAC Command all the way. That trait is fabulous and you can take that to practically anywhere else and make that other build better.

    Now, compared to the T6 D'Deridex or T6 Aehlal?

    The D'Deridex was one of the first cruisers in STO that literally could do it all. TAC, ENG, SCI. Having the LtCdr TAC *and* SCI stations made the D'D a very flexible ship in the same way the Guardian is for the Feds. However, it's not particularly strong in TAC or SCI because of the 3 consoles for each. It's enough to get the job done but not a big feature. The Trait? Not very useful. First, it's tied to RSP which inherently is one of the longest BOFF ability CDs in the entire game. Secondly, it has an extremely short range. For a ship that moves like the D'D does, the trait with RSP use is not useful.

    The T6 Aehlal?... I used to like the Aehlal a whole lot. When DR released, it was a decent enough Non-Fleet T6 "TAC Cruiser" styled Warbird. The hope was that the Fleet version would land the ship a 4th TAC Console, because the Aehlal had no special particular leaning to Science anyways. But what does Cryptic do? It doesn't get a 4th TAC and it REALLY hurts this ship. The saving grace for the Aehlal is having limited access to Intel. Namely Override Subsystem Safeties to help make up some extra punch when you attack. The Trait is nice for Battlecloaking ships because it drops a decoy to catch aggro. If you want a TAC Cruiser styled Warbird, I can't recommend the Aehlal at all anymore. The Fleet version is very bad.

    TLDR for your T6 options:

    If you want a flexible ship that can do it all, the T6 D'Deridex is the choice.

    If you want a TAC Cruiser styled ship, the Rom TAC Command FDC is great. The trait All Hands on Deck is outstanding.

    If you want a more dedicated SCI Cruiser styled ship, the Rom SCI Command FDC is great.
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    So the Aelahl is not good and theD#Deridex/D'Khellra is "standard" but has a very low turnrate.

    but 2/3 of the command cruisers are good (and i will find use for the 3rd and if its just for the Uni consoles).

    So basically for romulans the command cruisers are the better choice but for Feds they are not so good?

    I have the CC pack on my Fed toon and i rarely use them. I really miss my Cruiser commands even with a leech.

    For my Klingon toons i'll get the Negh VarT6 with Commands btw.

    I think i'll get the Command Cruisers then because they look better than the D'Deridex, D'Khellra and
    Aelahl and the bit less hull should not be a problem
    Now i only need to get 2 leeches for my Fed allied Romulans (my klingon gets them from the Nausicaan ship)
  • royalsovereignroyalsovereign Member Posts: 1,344 Arc User
    So the Aelahl is not good ...
    Keep in mind that Warmaker can be a bit ... biased. I mean, don't get me wrong, I was really disappointed when the Fleet Aelahl stats came out and it got another SCI console instead of the fourth TAC. But he's making it sound as though the ship is now trash. I'll agree that the /Fleet/ Aelahl is not a great value, and that some of the newer T6 ships are ahead in the power creep curve. But all 3 of my Roms use the base Aelahl, and it is a good, flexible ship. And frankly, I'm strongly considering getting the new T6 Mogai just to use its trait on the Aelahl - EPtW buffed thru the roof + lots of ENG slots = pewpew^2. :)

    "You Iconians just hung a vacancy sign on your asses and my foot's looking for a room!"
    --Red Annorax
  • willamsheridanwillamsheridan Member Posts: 1,189 Arc User
    Did you get the Morrigu? My second Rom char is about to reach lvl 50 and i don't want to use the Samsar anymore. But i am also not sure about theCommand cruisers anymore. i fly the T4 D'Deridex with the TOS retrofit phasers now and the T6 is a good ship, 3 tac consoles, 3 sci to boost the leech, and enough eng for plenty of Uni consoles.

    About the Mogai/Morrigu. I read that there was a T6 Ar'kif coming. Comparing the lower Tier versions: should i wait for the Ar'Kif or get the morrigu ? I honestly have never been a fan of the Mogai. Hull too short, Wingspan too wide but the Morrigu looks better. Still not sure if the Morrigu or T6 Ar'kif will be better (i prefer a cruiser playstyle, not too much escort) but since i already have the Arbiter for my fed i can't get a reduced three ship pack for my Orion and Romulans so 2 ships for 3500 (fleet) each. The Ar'kala/Armitage would just be 7500 for 3 ships (6000 for the pack, 1500 each for fleet) and there is no doubt that i will get the Armitage.

    Also compared to the other ships the morrigu has only 4/3 weapons not 5/3, lower hull, no cruiser commands (like all Rom. ships) but 5° more turn which is not really needed with DBBS and 5 Tac consoles. no idea if thats better or not

    So the T6 D'Khellra for Romulans and Negh'Tev for Klingons are good enough to be useful in normal and advanced queues with Rom. Plasma for Roms and Biomol. Disruptors for KDF?

    I can't afford to craft CritDx3s on now 5 chars and those weapons are easy to get because the romulan rep only has marks, no rare marks and the undine Rep is also nice and i will use faction specific weapons too
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    Both the T6 Mogai and the supposed T6 Ar'kif are in the Escort style of ships.

    You also need to look at the entire set of stats of a ship. You're taking 1 or 2 lines of stats and comparing completely different ship styles.

    The, the T6 Mogai has 4/3 weapons. 7 weapons total, yes. As an Escort, it flies MUCH BETTER than any Cruiser. It has a great Console and BOFF layout. The LtCmdr ENG and LtCmdr Universal/Intel stations supplement the Mogai extremely well. An Escort that lets me slot EPTW3 + OSS3 and not interfere at all my considerable TAC abilities that are backed by a Cmdr & Lt TAC station with 5 TAC Consoles. The console set suits it very well, especially the 2 piece bonus that gives -25% weapons power cost. A nice thing for any Escort.

    For the record, I have the T6 Mogai and I love it. I also bought the T5 version back when LOR released. I loved it in PVE and certain in PVP when I used to do it, and it was my preferred warbird for PVP.
  • karlbarbkarlbarb Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    Honestly, I've been playing the new D'Deridex (D'Khellra) on my engi, and despite the molasses turn rate, it is an *amazing* ship given it can do .. anything. But it is true that it's Starship Trait is garbage, sadly. I don't even slot Reverse Shield Polarity on it as it has limited engineering slots (I use the uni for tac).
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