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Sience - Mirror Mogai - Build Help

wotertoolwotertool Member Posts: 99 Arc User
edited June 2015 in Romulan Discussion
Hello everyone,

This is about a science romulan KDF-aligned character.

As I did not find a nice looking free ship for myself, I took my favourite romulan ship and bought the more science heavy version off the exchange.

I tried to make it go well, but I am neither proud of the consoles, nor of my skill points ^^

Respec them is currently not an option, but might become one in future.

Here is my build (please don't hit me):

I once used more universal console in the tactical slots, but got rid of them and bought at least something to begin with, however, sometimes I thought about switching to Bio-Disruptor weapons for RP-reasons (disruptor green > plasma blue) (I did keep everything space-important from the reputation and filled it into the unused romulan and klingon ships).

I do have money to buy expensive stuff (and expensive starts with 500k to 1 Mio, depending on what it is), but I tried to get as much free stuff into my bird as possible. And this horrible thing is the result.

However, I want to be able to play advanced missions without a babysitter and that is why I ask the forum now for help.

As for the traits, I used every available space trait on my character (except of that singularity one, might switch the ground trait out for that one).

But regarding the space reputation traits, I am a little bit overwhelmed.

The game itself doesn't teach me much about anything and I am not playing ST-Forum that often.

I am open to big changes (skills, traits, weapons, consoles, BO abilities), but I don't expect that someone makes a science toon now for me. Small changes to get advanced running is enough for now.
Well actually, since we are at it, being able to deal with that iconian probes of energy-suckers and vaudvaar impulse-speed-flying-while-on-red-alert attack ships would be a great step ahead.

I hope I did not forget any necessary information.

Thanks in advance.

I did not own the Dyson Science Destroyer on this toon when I set everything into sandstone, but thanks to that acount-wide unlock of reputation ships, I could use one now, but I am not that eager currently.
Post edited by wotertool on


  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Well, first off, get rid of the Cannons and go Beams. Unless you're really "into" cannons, beams are the way the game is played now.

    Second for a Sci toon, I'd recommend a "drain" build., with Polaron weapons. as it's one of the easiest, cost effective and successful directions for a Sci toon.

    You don't mention whether or not you have access to the Plasmonic Leech? It's comes on a Tier 3 (?) KDF C-Store ship and is one of the "must have" consoles. I haven't included it in the build, but it can make a massive difference in power levels.

    Also if you have got the EC, I'd recommend getting as many Romulan BOff's with Superior Romulan Operative as you can for the extra Critical Hit chance and Damage.

    Something like this could work, though it's not easy on your chosen ship. http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=poldrain_0

    I've tried to choose either totally free mission replay gear, gear that is relatively cheap to buy or easily obtainable Rep gear. Traits are easily obtainable from the Rep system as well. You won't see massive DPS numbers, but you can use your Grav well to hold a group, then hit them with the Tyken's and Siphon, once the shields are gone, theirs hulls will melt in seconds.

    Set you weapons power to 100 and your Aux power to as high as you can while keeping around 30-35 in Shields and engines.

    You don't mention if your in a Fleet, but Fleet variants of some of the consoles will also improve your performancee.
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I have a Mirror Mogai which is using a loadout very similar to bendalek's. My Rihannsu is also Respeced to support such a ship. I have Fleet Mine RCS and Neutronium Consoles and the Fleet Embassy Threat Reduction Consoles in Mk XII flavor. One or two of these by themselves isn't going to save the world, lol, but the aggregate of them are significant combat multipliers.

    If you are KDF aligned spend the time to go get the ship which has the Plasmonic Leech Console. A Leech also adds significant power to Rommie ships.

    EDIT: I also have full access to all of the Nukara Rep items. These are sometimes overlooked by people but they are pretty good for PvE. A shield breaker build is usually a welcome sight in most STFs. A Science oriented shield breaker build may be something I will tinker with this weekend. Thanks for the idea, people.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • bendalekbendalek Member Posts: 1,781 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Also to add ... Polaron's and and Romklink Sci's are a great match :)

    You can get the Dominion Polaron weapons from Mission Replay's in the "Cardassian Struggle" (along with the Jem-H space set) episode "Boldly they rode", although the mission is a PITA, those weapons include both the Polaron Energy Drain proc and the Tetryon Shield Drain Proc, so they are very nice weaps for a drain boat.

    If you have Superior Romulan Operative BOff's you should have a higher than average Critical Hit Chance, so you could also intersperse some of the Protonic Polaron weapons available from the Dyson Rep. The direct t hull "protonic" damage is only applied on Crit Hits, so Rom's have the advantage there as well.

    And as mentioned, the Plasmonic Leech is almost a "must have " for a Rom toon. Because of the Singularity Cores we use, we are "somewhat" disadvantaged in the power department, this can be easily ameliorated, but the best solution is the Plas Leech.

    I think it's the "Scourge" or the "Vandal" C-Store ship it comes on in the KDF ship lineup. With a high "Flow Caps" level and the Plas Leech, you can suck the life right out of any enemy, and add all that power goodness to yourself :)

    Having all of your power level sitting consistently over 100 and theirs at 0 makes for some very fun playtime.
    Oh, hoho hohhhhh, Oh,, hoho, hohhhhh
  • wotertoolwotertool Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Thank you for the suggestion, I will look what I can in the coming days!
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