About us:
This fleet started off as a gaming clan on a Real Time Strategy game called Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots on November 24, 2004. We pride ourselves in the types of members we recruit. Our goal was to create a brotherhood and we successfully did that in less than a month. We built our clan on these three foundations: Excellence, Tradition, and Brotherhood. Our members come first. We realize that they are the ones that make our fleet what it is. We also participated in several rivalries and competitive tournaments. Community numbers dropped yearly on RoN and eventually the developer and online host went bankrupt and closed their doors forever. Steam decided to take over the rights to the online system for RoN and our clan still thrives there remaining one of the oldest surviving clans on the game.
On April 06, 2013 the Apocalypse Survivors (Federation Fleet) successfully expanded to Star Trek Online. I got the fleet to Tier III mostly on my own. Once we started recruiting our fleet quickly went from Tier III to Tier V. From Tier 0-Tier V it took our amazing members 11 astounding months to pull off!!! Again we PRIDE ourselves in the types of members we recruit.
Our KDF fleet soon followed. Upon member's request our KDF Fleet was founded in November of 2013. Most focus was on our Federation fleet, however, we have some really dedicated and active members on our KDF side that work hard to build and manage it. The fleet is currently working on Tier IV Starbase projects with a Tier 2 Embassy, Tier 2 Spire, and a Tier III Mine.
Fleet Information:
>>>We have a helpful and kind community that is always looking to help one another. We use a channel to communicate between our 3 fleets (2 Federation and 1 KDF).<<<
-Our fleet is always on the lookout for new players to join our brotherhood. We want to build a community and we find it important to recruit newer players. We realize that they are our future.
-With that being said our fleet is looking for more veteran players to help our newer members. Our fleet was founded on the premise of helping anyone in need and we find that you can never not have enough knowledge. This includes returning veterans or old players that are simply looking for a more laid back type of fleet where they can share their knowledge with others.
-We have Raidcall as our temporary Voice Comms although it is not required for basic members in the fleet it is highly encouraged.
-Our current website is
www.wp.rghake.com but it will be moving to asfleet.rghake.com soon.
-If you are interested in our fleet please contact the fleet leader in game
Thank you and have a great day!