After taking a good look at the AWESOME Quality of Life improvement that is the event reclaim store window, containing the ships we have unlocked doing the winter/summer events and some launch events ...
The awesome feature can be made even more awesome by filling it with the other event only rewards that are currently missing from it :
The original Odyssee & Bortas vessels from the
2y Anniversary
The Ambassador and Kamarage Retrifit from
3y Anniversary
Tritanium Rending Bat'leth from
KDF Day of HonorZefram Cochrane Shotgun from Mirror invasion
Mirror Hakeev duty officer from Mirror Invasion
Crystalline Shard pet from Crystalline Catastrofe
Baby Nanov from
Republic DayPet Phoenix from First Contact Day
Mariah Kilara MarrEmergency Conn Hologram
Please fill out the store with all these awesome items ... or .. if not in this store ... the promo/legacy shop in the C-Store ....
PS .. feel free to also unlock the other old rewards in there, like the tribble test rewards we unfortunatly missed over the years ... optionally as a account unlock purchase with zen ...
cryptic: ok, we may have made a bit of a mistake, but we have an idea to say sorry
players: oh yeah really, a cuddly toy or something
cryptic: haha, no, from now on out when ever you earn an event ship on a character... it will unlock for all characters on that account.
player: thats cool, but you know, this was all a bit of a shock, and i really had my mind set on that risian corvette for my delta recruit.
normal player:*dumbstruck
entitled player: but i want more.. i want it all
come on man really?? think of it this way, they could have given us a burger, instead they gave us steak with all the trimmings, and a nice desert. asking for more on a full stomach, just because they have been generous is just being greedy and acting a bit spoilt in my opinion.
Who are you to say i am not ???
I am merely requesting for the devs to consider the OTHER EVENT ONLY 1 OFF ITEMS that SOME of my characters have, but alot do not ...
If i was some entitled TRIBBLE that just wanted some stuff i never had for free, i would not have suggested an option where u could pay for the items i do not have yet.
There are several things at play here, and one of those is LIMITED AVAILABILITY OF SPECIALTY ITEMS which has always been said was the reason this MUCH REQUESTED FEATURE was not implemented untill now.
That being said, i am still ENTITLED to SUGGEST to Cryptic that there are more event only items that alot of players were only able to get on a few characters way back when, and are currently completly unavailable to all the NEW DELTA TOONS we have made for the events, and do not wish to send off on suicide missions ....
Also some of these items have a very high "fun" value for making something different .. .like the last Antiproton Energy Torpedo ........... which i forgot in my list. .....
This is already reclaimable in the dilithium store reclaim tab
afaik , only with characters who have already played the event (aka .. have the event flag)
My Ship Builds: USS Conqueror, HMS Victorious, HMS Concord, ISS Queen Elizabeth, Black Widow III
Click here to view my DeviantArt.
Im guessing u mean the SAMSAR one .. but ye ... fill those sets ...
Oh .. and the 200k fleet cred oddy/bort ... there's SOOO much stuff in teh fleet stores those creds can better be used for .....
Even buying doffs from the fleet personal officer would probably get you more in EC on the exchange to buy a better ship for your char ... not even thinking if that 200k FC was generated with DIL.
they went pretty overboard as a way to resolve this issue.. and all you can think of is more, i want more. and part of your argument for this is the suggestion that because your delta characters don't have access to some of the 'fun' stuff that other characters do, on account of them not existing at the time of the older events, you are sending them off on suicide missions? you arnt after a 'quality of life' improvement, you just 'want it all' plain and simple.. gimme gimme grabby grabby!!
just a quick check, but you do understand the concept of limited and special?
that you are asking for more is a pretty clear indication that you aren't satisfied, let alone extremely, see when folks are satisfied with something they tend to be, well, satisfied. it is greed and/or an entitled attitude leads folk going, 'hang on, this is great, what more can i get out of them?' which interestingly translates to lacking in gratitude too.
just my opinion though
The whole reason this came up was because somewhere in the Dev chain some things were decided ...
Some good, some that seemed good at the time ....
Ships for doing an event and rewarding participation in it ... and the amount of "participation" required ...
What your personal take on the decision of "taking away the option of doing a participation project from precious years" may be ... alot of players did not see the good point in removing these options for them, especially after the investment that had been done in creating that content in the first place.
The account-wide discount was an awesome boon, that greatly improved the quality of life to a good part of the active game population by reducing the grind for them and their (army of) alts.
The "earning" of the old ships the long way for new accounts afaik was never seen as a bad thing .... aka ... any new account would have to run 3 full cycles of the event activity to "earn" all 3 of the event rewards available. ... that was seen as really earning the item (and still much better off than ppl who did the winter event 200x to get the ship on all their 8 characters before that)....
This screen with the ships is a great way to relieve alot of annoyances with the old system. ..
It is however also an impossible to reach carrot that is dangled with ... "guess what you can never hope to obtain for your character ...."
Therefore ... still .... requesting the OPTION to EARN event tagged gear, like the previous was possible with the ships projects.
Best case scenario ... have everything that was an event item (aka.. done with a event reptype project requiring a number of participations with an item) ...
And after the item has been unlocked for the account by doing the reputation event, having the item placed in a shop window to be reclaimed on other characters afterwards (free like now is always nice
Wether that shop window is in the event store, the dil store-recliam tab, or the Zstore legacy\promotion tab.
Therefore i am advocating the option to participate in the events for new players, and in the "true" Free-2-play fashion, have the ability through work to get the same items other players have.
Conversely that reduces the pressure to participate with events as they are introduced. That is a powerful psychological tool to support this free to play game.
"Don't play now? Well you'll never earn this ship/item. Its not a necessary ship or item in order to enjoy, compete in, or otherwise enjoy the game but unless you're willing to spend time in STO right now you won't earn it."
That applies to both new and old players alike as whatever has been made time exclusive is compensated for by upcoming content. You may not be able to earn X but someone with X who isn't putting time into an event isn't going to be able to earn Y. Over time it tends to balance out or at least become a moot point as X's and Y's fall into the background of "nice but rather token" content, replaced not only by Z but major C-store, reputation, lock box, and systematic (fleet, crafting, R+D) releases.
Basically time exclusivity (except in rare cases like the Anti-proton torpedo and the dyson destroyer) doesn't have any real impact on important gameplay choices. Conversely, time exclusivity can have an impact on player motivation which contributs to this game being here tomorrow.
[And here's the main point]
Its not nice to have things denied to you arbitrarily but in order to argue against this issue you have to make the case to Cryptic that what they're doing is coming at more of a cost to us than they're getting out of this deal. And as it stands I don't think you can make that point, not generally.
Actually, that's more the case with paid games (ex. MechWarrior, Skyrim, Halo). Post-launch time exclusives were (from what I've observed) pretty much introduced with the online games that gave rise to the F2P market, if not F2P games themselves.
Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!