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Popcorn Trek

vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
I've played STO for about 2 years now and just took a break of a month. I missed the great times with my fleet mates, I didn't miss the game. At all. Despite being a Trekkie, despite having devoured the series and the movies. How come?

During my absence I played the Settlers 7 and Dead Space 2. Great games. What differs them from STO is that they have a beginning and an end. Something MMO's obviously don't have but that's not the point. The point is that they share a commonality with STO. The Settlers 7 and Dead Space 2 are good entertainment during the time you play them and when you put them aside you're happy. Just like a Popcorn movie. You just want some light Hollywood entertainment, spend some time watching a movie with friends and then go on. But that's it. They don't get you thinking and discussing like Deus Ex* would have. You could play DX like a popcorn game but there's more if you want to. Hence why people still like to play it. STO is very much like the Settlers 7 and Dead Space 2 in that sense. It's a popcorn game. You play it, you put it aside.

So how's that a problem? Just like a popcorn movie you're satisfied playing missions once. However we're meant to continue playing STO yet it doesn't offer much gratification for your mind for doing so. In a sense it's a bit empty. At least I don't remember discussing any controversial content with anyone. There is none. It's popcorn entertainment. Popcorn Trek.

Fair enough, but it's no incentive to play it over and over again and simply adding more and more item rewards doesn't change that.

On the other hand the Star Trek movies and series offered a lot more. While we did have shows just for the entertainment and they did tell a great story we also had things like "what makes a concious being" (Data/doctor fighting for their rights), the Ferengi depcting an extreme capitalism example or the Borg foreshadowing today's technology development. Some of the discussions that have been depicted in the movies we will be facing as a society at some point.

I'm fairly certain that these stories are the reason why people like to watch those movies again. Also Starship Troopers for example offered a lot more if you wanted. STO hardly does and it's what makes me unhappy. Assuming a lot of Trekkies are grown ups and that they like to use their brains I guess I may not be alone in this.

I don't find that constant stream of items, traits and ships adding value to the game. I want more. Either a multiplayer (PvP) that is not broken beyond repair and get's me doing things with my fellow fleetmates other than constant repetitive PvE item grind or introduce some actual mind-content into the missions. Things I can discuss and argue about with people. Not just pew pew. Or why don't you just add both?

You did great at Popcorn Trek. I'll keep on playing it. I'll also keep on playing it once and putting it aside after.

*Sorry to anyone having to re-install now :D
Post edited by vocmcp on


  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I grew up on TOS so I can go back and re-watch it a few times a year. My kids think it is campy and stupid - the way people act, the way they dress, they way the tech works, etc. To someone something is always going to be popcorn while being steak and potatoes to someone else. :)
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    To someone something is always going to be popcorn while being steak and potatoes to someone else. :)

    Very true indeed. I guess to most people Starship Troopers is nothing but popcorn while it's more to me.
  • dpsloss88dpsloss88 Member Posts: 765 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Stream of traits and items sell zen and make money for Cryptic. That is the reason they are rolled out at break neck pace....
  • alopenalopen Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    The problem is it keeps getting harder, and harder, to pick it back up, after a long hiatus. In their efforts to keep the game solvent, Cryptic adds, deletes, and changes so many things, it's not even fun trying to learn the new junk anymore. Who wants to read through 10 pages of release notes, when you just want to jump in and play? We won't even get into the amount of bugs Cryptic creates everytime some coder so much as breathes on a keyboard over there.

    Couldn't agree more. What's worse is some of these overpowered traits come from lockboxes (kemocite). OP is right, mindlessly grinding pve for pve just isnt entertaining. Pre-DR you could makeshift a build fairly quickly for PvP now that is gone and every time i get bored of sto for a month or two, its an bigger pain to come back. Some think changes in games are good, but not if the change is in a terrible direction. Honestly, the best summay is their own devs who admitted that more hp for npcs is as good as better AI.
  • originalspockoriginalspock Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Firstly, you can't compare a mmo to a fps or rpgs. They have way easier authoring tools like a closed offline environment, stories that are usually only meant to play a single time. Mmos go FOREVER. Second, wait till you play DS3. Spoiler *** It's Cliff Hanger buy our TRIBBLE deja vu. But to myfirst ppoint , you're comparing apples and oranges. With all due respect I have played probably about 500+ games in my life. Rts , turn based, ccgs , mobile, vr, 3d yatta yatta. From Atari to Nintendo to Sega to snes to game boy to game gear to virtual boy to sega saturn to dream cast to jaguar to CDI to ps1 to N64, to ps2 to game cube and beyond.

    Trust me. As a person who followed all of Startrek Onlines development from the podcast known as Hailing Frequencies when their hour segments for Startrek games were about second life , armada and sims mods. I remember when Kinneas first broke the news 4 years before the STO came out. Trust me when I tell you Startrek games as a whole were nonexistent. If STO dies, there would be zero decent trek outside of a mobile app game. That's it.

    One thing to also contemplate , Startrek as a whole is no longer a pop culture phenomenon. It for the average person is something to be laughed at an poked fun at. Don't think so? Look no further then shows like the big bang theory , and jj trek. We are a niche audience and as a niche audience we should adjust our expectations accordingly.

    I truly respect your views , but I think Cryptic has done a great job not selling out the Startrek experience. Sure there are silly things in the game like Lockboxes and Dinosaurs .But I see them as necessary troupes which are required to not only provide a new element of gameplay , but something that brings in a slightly larger customer base then the hardcore. This imo is absolutely necessary for making more trek..like we have been getting, and keeping the wheels from falling off the proverbial train.
  • originalspockoriginalspock Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Also a word of advice for everyone. Don't play one game too long. When it starts to feel like work , come back later. I am a veteran Diablo 2 and Anarchy Online player , trust me trying to get to 99 in D2 or level 220/30/60 makes leveling and acquisition of gear here seem like a walk in the park. I think the most important thing when you're on your recreation time is it fun? If not , leave it alone. There are plenty of games out there to enjoy. You are your biggest obstacle , not trolls , not Cryptic, you. If I start getting bored I will instantly change games and not lament on should have would have could have. Don't waste your time. It's your time. Use it wisely.
  • chalpenchalpen Member Posts: 2,207 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I am becoming more of a kettle corn kinda of trek.
    Should I start posting again after all this time?
  • thunderfoot#5163 thunderfoot Member Posts: 4,545 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Also a word of advice for everyone. Don't play one game too long. When it starts to feel like work , come back later. I am a veteran Diablo 2 and Anarchy Online player , trust me trying to get to 99 in D2 or level 220/30/60 makes leveling and acquisition of gear here seem like a walk in the park. I think the most important thing when you're on your recreation time is it fun? If not , leave it alone. There are plenty of games out there to enjoy. You are your biggest obstacle , not trolls , not Cryptic, you. If I start getting bored I will instantly change games and not lament on should have would have could have. Don't waste your time. It's your time. Use it wisely.

    Hear that? It is what I call, 'gamer wisdom'. This man posts the truth.
    A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
  • originalspockoriginalspock Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    Maybe. He's completely misinformed about Star Trek. If Star Trek pop culture is dead, why do the conventions get bigger every year? Seriously, the franchise came back from the grave, when there wasn't even a Star Trek on TV outside syndication. Believe what you want, but I'd get a second opinion if this guy told me water was wet.

    Maybe you missed the part where I explained JJ Trek and TBBT is exploiting the known popculture cliches about Startrek. That is what is bringing more then average. When the last film plays out and quinto, saldanda are released from their contracts, you're going to see what happens to hollow franchises such as Transformers.

    You're out of your mind if you think new fans are coming for Relics , or Data's day , or Pale Moon light or Duet. It's all the quick burn fatty depthless storytelling that requires pretty actors , cleavage, comic relief and other cliches.
  • originalspockoriginalspock Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    Maybe PWE can pick up the Trannies when that fire sale happens, and put them in STO. Transformer lockboxes! Brilliant! Who wants a T6 Connie that turns into Optimus Prime for ground missions?

    If a company needs to do that to maintain operating cost , you can bet they would. I wouldn't mind it as long as I still get actual Trek. I don't expect a company to run itself into the ground because they aren't fanatical and suicida enough in the way they present their ideas to a hardcore fans against a diverse public.
  • berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,453 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    "Actual" Trek? In STO? This game has about as much to do with actual Star Trek, as it does with growing heirloom tomatos!

    I dunno... the STO forums could fetilize a lot of hierloom tomatoes...
    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    vocmcp wrote: »
    On the other hand the Star Trek movies and series offered a lot more. While we did have shows just for the entertainment and they did tell a great story we also had things like "what makes a concious being" (Data/doctor fighting for their rights), the Ferengi depcting an extreme capitalism example or the Borg foreshadowing today's technology development. Some of the discussions that have been depicted in the movies we will be facing as a society at some point.

    I'm fairly certain that these stories are the reason why people like to watch those movies again. Also Starship Troopers for example offered a lot more if you wanted. STO hardly does and it's what makes me unhappy. Assuming a lot of Trekkies are grown ups and that they like to use their brains I guess I may not be alone in this.

    I don't find that constant stream of items, traits and ships adding value to the game. I want more. Either a multiplayer (PvP) that is not broken beyond repair and get's me doing things with my fellow fleetmates other than constant repetitive PvE item grind or introduce some actual mind-content into the missions. Things I can discuss and argue about with people. Not just pew pew. Or why don't you just add both?
    Aside from multiplayer pvp, i fully agree with you.
    (I really really dislike PvP for a lot of reasons)

    Seriously, i am afraid Cryptic isn't interested or even capable to create really good Star Trek stories.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • originalspockoriginalspock Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    yreodred wrote: »
    Aside from multiplayer pvp, i fully agree with you.
    (I really really dislike PvP for a lot of reasons)

    Seriously, i am afraid Cryptic isn't interested or even capable to create really good Star Trek stories.

    Trek stories are one of a kind if you want them prepare to be paying Ira, Braga or Ronald Moore's salary, as well as SAG. Performance comes with a price. Video Game developers arent typically intensly philisophical writers. D*mnit Jim, they're Developers not screen writers.
  • xenificationxenification Member Posts: 615 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Firstly, you can't compare a mmo to a fps or rpgs. They have way easier authoring tools like a closed offline environment, stories that are usually only meant to play a single time. Mmos go FOREVER. Second, wait till you play DS3. Spoiler *** It's Cliff Hanger buy our TRIBBLE deja vu. But to myfirst ppoint , you're comparing apples and oranges. With all due respect I have played probably about 500+ games in my life. Rts , turn based, ccgs , mobile, vr, 3d yatta yatta. From Atari to Nintendo to Sega to snes to game boy to game gear to virtual boy to sega saturn to dream cast to jaguar to CDI to ps1 to N64, to ps2 to game cube and beyond.

    Trust me. As a person who followed all of Startrek Onlines development from the podcast known as Hailing Frequencies when their hour segments for Startrek games were about second life , armada and sims mods. I remember when Kinneas first broke the news 4 years before the STO came out. Trust me when I tell you Startrek games as a whole were nonexistent. If STO dies, there would be zero decent trek outside of a mobile app game. That's it.

    One thing to also contemplate , Startrek as a whole is no longer a pop culture phenomenon. It for the average person is something to be laughed at an poked fun at. Don't think so? Look no further then shows like the big bang theory , and jj trek. We are a niche audience and as a niche audience we should adjust our expectations accordingly.

    I truly respect your views , but I think Cryptic has done a great job not selling out the Startrek experience. Sure there are silly things in the game like Lockboxes and Dinosaurs .But I see them as necessary troupes which are required to not only provide a new element of gameplay , but something that brings in a slightly larger customer base then the hardcore. This imo is absolutely necessary for making more trek..like we have been getting, and keeping the wheels from falling off the proverbial train.

    While I dont disagree with most of what you said.

    Just to correct you. he didnt use RPG's or FPS's as a comparison.

    He used an RTS (Real-Time Stratergy) and a TPS (third person shooter) as a comparison.

    while a TPS doesnt greatly differ from an FPS there is a difference.

    Also the point he was trying to make seems a bit lost on you. As He wasnt making a direct comparison more of an abstracted comparison. again there is a difference.
  • originalspockoriginalspock Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    While I dont disagree with most of what you said.

    Just to correct you. he didnt use RPG's or FPS's as a comparison.

    He used an RTS (Real-Time Stratergy) and a TPS (third person shooter) as a comparison.

    while a TPS doesnt greatly differ from an FPS there is a difference.

    Also the point he was trying to make seems a bit lost on you. As He wasnt making a direct comparison more of an abstracted comparison. again there is a difference.

    I appreciate the corrections , having never played the first I Google screen shots and the latter I knewof but was more of a lax all encompassing response. As far as TPS vs FPS the only real difference is being able to look over walls and not having iron sights in the way. Regarding abstract, it was a little to abstract for me. Comparing the storytelling of single player vs multiplayer is immense. Perfect example on it's face is Dead Space 3 co-op. I'm basically blasting my way through the levels while I wait on another guy to open a door.
  • eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 1,679 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Maybe you missed the part where I explained JJ Trek and TBBT is exploiting the known popculture cliches about Startrek. That is what is bringing more then average. When the last film plays out and quinto, saldanda are released from their contracts, you're going to see what happens to hollow franchises such as Transformers.

    You're out of your mind if you think new fans are coming for Relics , or Data's day , or Pale Moon light or Duet. It's all the quick burn fatty depthless storytelling that requires pretty actors , cleavage, comic relief and other cliches.

    Every Trek movie was an example of its time when they were released. This is just another poor attempt at trying to make old the Treks, Shakespeare, and making the newer ones, RL Stine.

    While, STO's mission list is quite small to other MMOS, STO's mission are 30 to 45 mins. I am not saying that's a good thing, but you got to find some positivity in that.
  • originalspockoriginalspock Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    eldarion79 wrote: »
    Every Trek movie was an example of its time when they were released. This is just another poor attempt at trying to make old the Treks, Shakespeare, and making the newer ones, RL Stine.

    While, STO's mission list is quite small to other MMOS, STO's mission are 30 to 45 mins. I am not saying that's a good thing, but you got to find some positivity in that.

    I would say the crux of the issue is human beings being lucky enough to be able to complain about a spiritual successor to a fictional show being playable at no charge , given that there are starving people. Yet there are arguments that Cryptic isn't producing fast enough , with quality enough, with enough xyz. Clearly they were not paying attention to the parables that the writers of Startrek tried to teach. On these forums , for the majority there is no diplomacy, no give and take. Just take take take. Then they pretend as if they had a gun to their head forcing them to endure agony of possibly playing the last and only true startrek mmo, because no other conpany wants to be bogged down by such stiff creative rules , and suffering the wrath of an army of Sheldon Coopers everytime sonething displeases them.
  • gofasternowgofasternow Member Posts: 1,390 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    To be quite honest, after playing Star Trek: Trexels, I've come to the realization that you guys do not want STO to be all peace and exploration and diplomacy, because I can tell you right now that if you feel that Specialization grinding and all of that stuff is "killing" STO, that right there will kill it so much faster.
  • eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 1,679 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    I would say the crux of the issue is human beings being lucky enough to be able to complain about a spiritual successor to a fictional show being playable at no charge , given that there are starving people. Yet there are arguments that Cryptic isn't producing fast enough , with quality enough, with enough xyz. Clearly they were not paying attention to the parables that the writers of Startrek tried to teach. On these forums , for the majority there is no diplomacy, no give and take. Just take take take. Then they pretend as if they had a gun to their head forcing them to endure agony of possibly playing the last and only true startrek mmo, because no other conpany wants to be bogged down by such stiff creative rules , and suffering the wrath of an army of Sheldon Coopers everytime sonething displeases them.

    No MMO company creates content fast enough (in the eyes of the players). Even when the content is at least constant, players will complain it is not enough or not what they wanted. I would hate to be a Dev in that aspect.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Trek stories are one of a kind if you want them prepare to be paying Ira, Braga or Ronald Moore's salary, as well as SAG. Performance comes with a price. Video Game developers arent typically intensly philisophical writers. D*mnit Jim, they're Developers not screen writers.
    If they can't write good content then they should get someone who can, instead of booking expensive Trek actors and write very bad missions themselves.
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • bobtheskull99bobtheskull99 Member Posts: 706 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    You asked for controversy, Cryptic responded... now we have LEBSIAN KLINGONS!!!

    Now we get to argue about why anyone would have an issue with it and be shocked that people still lose their minds over that sort of thing in 2015, and in Star Trek of all places, but I suppose we'll take our thought-provoking debates where we can get them :D

    but...but...TRIBBLE Klingons aren't CANON!!! :D
  • originalspockoriginalspock Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    yreodred wrote: »
    If they can't write good content then they should get someone who can, instead of booking expensive Trek actors and write very bad missions themselves.

    Cheeks in seats. Well known actors talking Startrek > A well written Startrek episode . Those are the times we live in. That's what sells.
  • originalspockoriginalspock Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Please, keep those hacks away from my Star Trek before they make it even more bland. Get me DC Fontana, and anyone she recommends. Preferably some actual science fiction writers and not TV people. And if anyone says Lindelof I will kill them myself.

    Everyone thought George Lucas was a god until he produced Phantom menace and crystal skull. Don't discount those writers work. I'm especially fond of ira and Moore. Seriously if you didn't like BSG that's a you problem. I would also say if DC wrote enough too stinkers would come out too. They just over extended. Despite making excellent episodes of trek.
  • gl2814egl2814e Member Posts: 328 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    Nope. In Star Trek they cured homosexuality. People are vaccinated against it at birth. Same for ugliness. That's why everyone looks like, well, TV/Movie stars. Wonders of modern medicine. No TRIBBLE people either.

    Guess you didn't see the DS9 episodes about the genetically modified people... Didn't turn out so well, and much like 21st Century America, the general public was sheltered from those individuals. (Messed up, but there you go.)
  • vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    My apologies for the late reply guys.
    Gonna agree here, ST pop culture is alive and kicking and next year's 50th anniversary + next movie (whether you like them or not) will only add to that. It's up to Cryptic to have some vision and capitalise on the coming stampede to the Star Trek idea, sadly I think they will be willing but once again resource hungry.

    True that. I just hope they will really capitalise on the idea of Trek but instead I fear they will continue to capitalise the brand only. Albeit that they are doing good enough to have kept me on the line for two years.
    I appreciate the corrections , having never played the first I Google screen shots and the latter I knewof but was more of a lax all encompassing response. As far as TPS vs FPS the only real difference is being able to look over walls and not having iron sights in the way. Regarding abstract, it was a little to abstract for me. Comparing the storytelling of single player vs multiplayer is immense. Perfect example on it's face is Dead Space 3 co-op. I'm basically blasting my way through the levels while I wait on another guy to open a door.

    Sorry for having been vary abstract on this. Basically what I've been trying to say with the comparison is that unlike a popcorn single player game a good mmo can less afford to be a popcorn game since you'd like people to stay and not put the game away after a single play through. Achievable either via good multiplayer content (e.g. UT2k4 was nothing but multiplayer. (I know.. not an mmo but you get the point)), or via some deeper story. STO has neither.
    eldarion79 wrote:
    No MMO company creates content fast enough (in the eyes of the players). Even when the content is at least constant, players will complain it is not enough or not what they wanted. I would hate to be a Dev in that aspect.

    Hence why they'd need some decent multiplayer. It offers unique content every time. Why do you think people have been player Quake 3 for years for example?
    Also a good foundry would go a long way in supporting player creating content.
    Trek stories are one of a kind if you want them prepare to be paying Ira, Braga or Ronald Moore's salary, as well as SAG. Performance comes with a price. Video Game developers arent typically intensly philisophical writers. D*mnit Jim, they're Developers not screen writers.
    They can still use their brains ;) Or better put: Be given time to use them. And there are dozens of good games that show that developers can also write a good story. Gaming didn't start with professional writers.
    yreodred wrote: »
    If they can't write good content then they should get someone who can, instead of booking expensive Trek actors and write very bad missions themselves.

    You asked for controversy, Cryptic responded... now we have LEBSIAN KLINGONS!!!

    Now we get to argue about why anyone would have an issue with it and be shocked that people still lose their minds over that sort of thing in 2015, and in Star Trek of all places, but I suppose we'll take our thought-provoking debates where we can get them :D

    Haha well I specifically didn't mention that. Firstly I didn't want to derail my own thread... :D Second... while I was surprised at first what really annoyed me was the annoying character that protective one (B'rel?) portrayed. Gosh I would have loved to shove her out of the airlock. As for her being TRIBBLE....*shrug* hardly any deep content anymore these days.
    I noticed that in the last episode but I never realised it was controversial, I thought we had generally accepted that the LBGT community exists and is a normal part of any society, at least that's how I see it.

    I think OP is talking about morally ambiguous story lines, the kind DS9/Section 31 stuff we loved on the show, the do we risk using warp drive in unstable space to save a planet whilst risking warp travel in an entire sector for doing so?

    Yep, exactly! Or stuff like genetically enhanced Dr. Bashir. So is it ok to have him support you and use his ueber capacities or should you deny it? Was a great DS9 episode on it. And at some point we as a society will have to discuss things like that.
  • yreodredyreodred Member Posts: 3,527 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Cheeks in seats. Well known actors talking Startrek > A well written Startrek episode . Those are the times we live in. That's what sells.
    Yeah, in general not everything that sells good is automaticly the best quality possible.
    That's the sad truth how the world works (which really sucks tbh).
    "...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--" - (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie

    A tale of two Picards
    (also applies to Star Trek in general)
  • originalspockoriginalspock Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    yreodred wrote: »
    Yeah, in general not everything that sells good is automaticly the best quality possible.
    That's the sad truth how the world works (which really sucks tbh).

    Actually, by default it is the best quality possible, because that is what people are willing to purchase for the market in that moment.

    If you know any rich Trekkie billionaires who could fund a Star Trek MMO and make it economically viable and to the standards of everyone on the forum. Please, let me know. :D
  • gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    I saw it. I have the complete series on DVD. It's all fun and games, until they start implanting Wi-Fi cards in people's brains.

    But if they implant Wi-Fi in my brain I can play angry birds and Minecraft with my thoughts!
  • drazursouthclawdrazursouthclaw Member Posts: 223 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Just a little something for the OP that might explain why the stories seem to be toothless:

    When you start creating Foundry missions (don't worry, this is relevant), you're expected to agree to the Foundry EULA.

    This states that you're *not supposed/allowed to* raise issue relating to: Gender, Race, Religion, Politics, Age, and the list GOES ON.

    My theory is that Cryptic is bound by basically the same restrictions in THEIR stories, but they're allowed to use ideas if they've already been established in canon (e.g. The Bajorans worshiping the Prophets).

    If this theory is correct, it means that even if they made something which was as heavy on social commentary as folks like you and I would to see, they wouldn't be allowed to publish it without possible legal repercussions.

    It's at this stage that I start shaking my head hoping I'm wrong...

    Anyway - not an excuse, just a (possible) explanation.
  • vocmcpvocmcp Member Posts: 1,134 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Just a little something for the OP that might explain why the stories seem to be toothless:

    When you start creating Foundry missions (don't worry, this is relevant), you're expected to agree to the Foundry EULA.

    This states that you're *not supposed/allowed to* raise issue relating to: Gender, Race, Religion, Politics, Age, and the list GOES ON.

    My theory is that Cryptic is bound by basically the same restrictions in THEIR stories, but they're allowed to use ideas if they've already been established in canon (e.g. The Bajorans worshiping the Prophets).

    If this theory is correct, it means that even if they made something which was as heavy on social commentary as folks like you and I would to see, they wouldn't be allowed to publish it without possible legal repercussions.

    It's at this stage that I start shaking my head hoping I'm wrong...

    Anyway - not an excuse, just a (possible) explanation.


    That is a very very interesting thought of yours. And I fear you may be right about it.....

    As you said the question is if it's just Cryptic imposing those restrictions on Foundry authors, because they don't want a ****storm coming their way for things they didn't do (e.g. someone hating on the LGBT community), or if Cryptic itself is under scrutiny by CBS itself to make sure they don't damage the brand likewise.

    Another possibility is that they do have some freedom but everything needs to go for approval at CBS first. For example the two homosexual Klingon ladies featured in the last episode sort of hint that there is at least some degree of freedom or they did get it approved.

    Would be really interesting to know what liberties Cryptic has in their stories. I guess we'd have to ask them :D
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