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An insane idea on how to "fix" PvP, Ultra Rapid Fire mode

rosetyler51rosetyler51 Member Posts: 1,631 Arc User
edited May 2015 in PvP Gameplay
For those that play League of Legends you lot should know what URF mode is. For everyone else, URF is an event that happens on April Fool where a new queue is opened and champions are buffed into GIGA OP mode in it.

My idea works one of two ways. One, we get and keep a new "Q-Powered" queue where the respawn timer is smaller (or even just gone), hull and shield is buffed, and anything else Cryptic can think. The other idea is a "PVP weekend" where "Q-powered" queue is open and all pvp missions and the like rewards more dil/ec/xp than normal.


  • baldguywithacapebaldguywithacape Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    Yeah I play league of legends, and URF was pretty fun, however:
    A single new game mode is not going to completely fix PvP. First cryptic needs to go through every new console and ability they have added or previously reworked. This is how to keep the players, but the problem is 90% of the PvP community left. They need something to draw the attention of everybody and make it worth while. The PvP weekend is a good idea, but honestly, that's not going to draw most people in. I suggest a weekly or monthly pvp event, not quite a rank system, but is based on wins. There can be a space and ground event, each with separate rewards (to suit everybody), and there can be tiers on it. After your first win, you the exp equal to replaying a mision and 480 dilithium. 3 wins will get a marks pack (fleet, romulan, omega, etc) and let's say meh 3k dilithium. 5 Wins can get a universal 30k upgrade (account bound) and 5k dilithium. 10 Wins can be the final tier, and depending on if this event were weekly or monthly, it could be 8k dilithium and some sort of PvP weapons pack or a monthly epic Mk XIV weapon with random perks (respectively). I think some sort of reward system would make PvP much more appealing, but first they need to fix the PvP at hand.
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  • sonicshowersonicshower Member Posts: 216 Arc User
    I remember a long time ago a dev mentioned doing some sort of "monster play" where all the ships were a system pre-made.
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