I miss being able to get ~50 zen every day with one toon. When it was only ~150-160 dil-to-zen.
"Bloody explorers, ponce off to Mumbo Jumbo land, come home with a tropical disease, a suntan and a bag of brown lumpy things, and Bob's your uncle, everyone's got a picture of them in the lavatory."
-Edmund Blackadder-
Actually, not exactly. What I do miss is the more reasonable exchange rates.
Had those been around, at this point I might have considered maybe 1 Rom Command Cruiser, and maybe 1 Pilot ship. Before, maxing one character's daily refining limit would bring almost 50 cents worth. Now it's 30 cents worth. By the time some new c-store item is added, it'll be exactly half the return, and with no sign of it ever coming down.
Sure, Dilithium seems to be streaming in more than before, and I keep hearing how other MMOs have it much worse, or how it's been much higher in the past. There is no absolute value that's 'reasonable' as it's all subjective. How much is your time worth? How much use and fun do you get out of a c-store item, and does acquiring it through grinding at a given exchange rate seem worth it? How fast do existing items get replaced with all-round better ones that make the prior ones feel simply punishing to use?
I don't do upgrades, don't plan on it either, and enjoy versatile builds that have fun abilities over DPS chasing. I have yet to parse the comparison between my Odyssey and the Eclipse, and compare the overall difference between the two in an advanced STF using the same elite fleet gear, mk xii very rare, "exclusive" event gear, and some rep items. Already I can see the Eclipse, nevermind the fleet variant, so much more all-round capable, and challenging to fly.
To me they are both works of art, with their own specializations that sets them apart despite both being cruisers, but the fact that one overshadows the other so much, and then both get overshadowed in tanking ability by Commands again by so much really feels like all the time invested to acquire it, to get the extra ship slot, and to get the extra upgrade token are worth that much less.
Simply said, there are too many other fun and worthwhile things to do for the same amount of time and effort than what I'm getting out of already-excessive gaming here with reward scales that don't get devalued or practically replaced but quite the opposite, that build on themselves.
End result, I'm no longer offering dilithium on the exchange (not that it makes any difference), not seeking dilithium or EC so much as before, and seeing how much fun I can get with yesterday's gear and yesterday's ships.
Hey don't give up on the 130's just yet. That is the true fair value!
But seriously folks, without a new fleet holding it will go nowhere but up up up which = less less less and more more time.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Well I'm speaking as a returning player who has had to build up from very little left in my bank. All my old characters are gone. All I had when I came back was whatever I had in my account bank. The 50% bonus was nice while it lasted.
The zen-dilth exchange ratio is pretty high at the moment, but I wonder if it was low because the R&D and upgrade system ate a lot of dilth, and now that more and more people are getting gold mk XIV gear they don't have much use for dilth. Meanwhile Cryptic have launched new T6 ships every month which makes zen scarcer on the exchange.
If they introduced a new dilth sink (new starbase holding maybe? Expansion on the R&D system?) the price would go down again. Also when people hit higher tiers of the Iconian rep as well, but that would be just starting to happen now.
All of my fleet mates who've left in disgust over Delta Rising.
Running STF's non-stop for hours. Now I'm lucky to squeeze two in for a single alt. Now less than 10% of the channels are active (Unless even the chat numbers have reporting issues).
Finishing Defera. Seriously. Week 6 and still no fix.
the last two weeks where we had a ~50% bonus to dilithium?
I sure do.
Yep, me too.
/10char 1010101010
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
- The whole year with absolutely no new content. Yeah, that was a good time.
- Earning your way into the KDF.
- STF rewards which actually were worth the time and effort put into playing one.
- The controversy over how game breakingly OP the Klingon cloak was and how unfair it was that Feds didn't have one.
- Zone Chat being civilized.
- Bumping into BranFlakes in game. Or any of the Dev Team for that matter.
- Playing in Ker'rat against good Fed players in Starfleet ships.
- Running Infected Space in Shuttles. Because we could.
- Optionals in STFS which really were Optionals instead of InstaFails.
- Devs who treated STO like a Star Trek based game instead of a opportunity for a steady paycheck.
A six year old boy and his starship. Living the dream.
yeah, now you only get ~40 zen a day for 35 minutes work. that losing 10 cents a day is ball busting... not.
Last time I looked it was ~260 dil to 1 zen.
so ~32 zen each day for what takes me ~45-60 min
A T6 ship is 3000zen
3000zen*(1day/32zen)=93.75 days
But if there was 50 zen each day,
3000zen*(1day/50zen)=60 days
~34 days difference.
If you play only weekends and can't spend a lot of time to earn enough dil to refine the whole week,
94days*(1week/3days)*(7days/1week)=219.333... days
60 days*(1week/3days)*(7days/1week)=140 days
A 80 day difference to get a T6 ship w/ 1 toon.
I didn't double check all of my math, so there may be errors.
"Bloody explorers, ponce off to Mumbo Jumbo land, come home with a tropical disease, a suntan and a bag of brown lumpy things, and Bob's your uncle, everyone's got a picture of them in the lavatory."
-Edmund Blackadder-
The Zen to Dil exchange was cheaper and affordable.
When I could buy stuff from the Dil store. I got a lot of good stuff from there.
Seeing content that was enough to get you to your next levels.
Zone chat worth reading not the rubbish it is now.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
I miss Star Trek Online. Too bad it's just Generic Science Fantasy Facebook Grinder Game Online now.
I miss almost-kinda-ballanced PVP of the first 2 years ... (even VPVP was kind of a nice substitute) .
I miss STOked, the first version , and RSA and some of the other podcasts that went under as the years went by .
I miss the original STF's , and the cameradery that could form in time .
I miss the sub years as it felt like the Devs were more energetic and had a better vibe .
I miss a time when we didn't hear the word 'metrics' , which in turn didn't make some of us feel like we'd been reduced to ants on someone else's table .
... I miss the FE series and the idea of a weekly story telling ...
I miss the days when the forums were not full of whiners. Oh wait that was never... my bad.
I'm not a whiner! *begins crying*
"Bloody explorers, ponce off to Mumbo Jumbo land, come home with a tropical disease, a suntan and a bag of brown lumpy things, and Bob's your uncle, everyone's got a picture of them in the lavatory."
-Edmund Blackadder-
-Edmund Blackadder-
Fleet leader Nova Elite
Fleet Leader House of Nova elite
Had those been around, at this point I might have considered maybe 1 Rom Command Cruiser, and maybe 1 Pilot ship. Before, maxing one character's daily refining limit would bring almost 50 cents worth. Now it's 30 cents worth. By the time some new c-store item is added, it'll be exactly half the return, and with no sign of it ever coming down.
Sure, Dilithium seems to be streaming in more than before, and I keep hearing how other MMOs have it much worse, or how it's been much higher in the past. There is no absolute value that's 'reasonable' as it's all subjective. How much is your time worth? How much use and fun do you get out of a c-store item, and does acquiring it through grinding at a given exchange rate seem worth it? How fast do existing items get replaced with all-round better ones that make the prior ones feel simply punishing to use?
I don't do upgrades, don't plan on it either, and enjoy versatile builds that have fun abilities over DPS chasing. I have yet to parse the comparison between my Odyssey and the Eclipse, and compare the overall difference between the two in an advanced STF using the same elite fleet gear, mk xii very rare, "exclusive" event gear, and some rep items. Already I can see the Eclipse, nevermind the fleet variant, so much more all-round capable, and challenging to fly.
To me they are both works of art, with their own specializations that sets them apart despite both being cruisers, but the fact that one overshadows the other so much, and then both get overshadowed in tanking ability by Commands again by so much really feels like all the time invested to acquire it, to get the extra ship slot, and to get the extra upgrade token are worth that much less.
Simply said, there are too many other fun and worthwhile things to do for the same amount of time and effort than what I'm getting out of already-excessive gaming here with reward scales that don't get devalued or practically replaced but quite the opposite, that build on themselves.
End result, I'm no longer offering dilithium on the exchange (not that it makes any difference), not seeking dilithium or EC so much as before, and seeing how much fun I can get with yesterday's gear and yesterday's ships.
Well, considering that dilithium is now worth ~40% less than 2 months ago, I don't think two weeks with 50% bonus were worth it.
I'd rather have no bonus dil at all, and 150dil/zen at the exchange.
But seriously folks, without a new fleet holding it will go nowhere but up up up which = less less less and more more time.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Its only going to get worse....
i miss making 94 Zen a day whit one toon, when Zen was 85 dili. ... two years ago
The zen-dilth exchange ratio is pretty high at the moment, but I wonder if it was low because the R&D and upgrade system ate a lot of dilth, and now that more and more people are getting gold mk XIV gear they don't have much use for dilth. Meanwhile Cryptic have launched new T6 ships every month which makes zen scarcer on the exchange.
If they introduced a new dilth sink (new starbase holding maybe? Expansion on the R&D system?) the price would go down again. Also when people hit higher tiers of the Iconian rep as well, but that would be just starting to happen now.
All of my fleet mates who've left in disgust over Delta Rising.
Running STF's non-stop for hours. Now I'm lucky to squeeze two in for a single alt. Now less than 10% of the channels are active (Unless even the chat numbers have reporting issues).
Finishing Defera. Seriously. Week 6 and still no fix.
/10char 1010101010
This. Ditto.:P
And the breen carrier.
- The whole year with absolutely no new content. Yeah, that was a good time.
- Earning your way into the KDF.
- STF rewards which actually were worth the time and effort put into playing one.
- The controversy over how game breakingly OP the Klingon cloak was and how unfair it was that Feds didn't have one.
- Zone Chat being civilized.
- Bumping into BranFlakes in game. Or any of the Dev Team for that matter.
- Playing in Ker'rat against good Fed players in Starfleet ships.
- Running Infected Space in Shuttles. Because we could.
- Optionals in STFS which really were Optionals instead of InstaFails.
- Devs who treated STO like a Star Trek based game instead of a opportunity for a steady paycheck.
My character Tsin'xing
There. Fixed that right up for ya. rofl. :P
My character Tsin'xing
Last time I looked it was ~260 dil to 1 zen.
so ~32 zen each day for what takes me ~45-60 min
A T6 ship is 3000zen
3000zen*(1day/32zen)=93.75 days
But if there was 50 zen each day,
3000zen*(1day/50zen)=60 days
~34 days difference.
If you play only weekends and can't spend a lot of time to earn enough dil to refine the whole week,
94days*(1week/3days)*(7days/1week)=219.333... days
60 days*(1week/3days)*(7days/1week)=140 days
A 80 day difference to get a T6 ship w/ 1 toon.
I didn't double check all of my math, so there may be errors.
-Edmund Blackadder-
When I could buy stuff from the Dil store. I got a lot of good stuff from there.
Seeing content that was enough to get you to your next levels.
Zone chat worth reading not the rubbish it is now.
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
Since some of the maps run well atm perhaps its time to closer evaluate those which dont.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
I miss almost-kinda-ballanced PVP of the first 2 years ... (even VPVP was kind of a nice substitute) .
I miss STOked, the first version , and RSA and some of the other podcasts that went under as the years went by .
I miss the original STF's , and the cameradery that could form in time .
I miss the sub years as it felt like the Devs were more energetic and had a better vibe .
I miss a time when we didn't hear the word 'metrics' , which in turn didn't make some of us feel like we'd been reduced to ants on someone else's table .
... I miss the FE series and the idea of a weekly story telling ...
I'm not a whiner! *begins crying*
-Edmund Blackadder-
LMAO! Love it!