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Foundry Not pubilshing

greg1235greg1235 Member Posts: 7 Arc User
I am been tring to publish a foundry mission for atleast a week now. Each time i get publish failed. It never gets past about 54 %.

Any ideas?

Thanks Greg
Fleet Admiral
Colony Task Force
Starfleet Command
Post edited by greg1235 on


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    sirboulevardsirboulevard Member Posts: 722 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Are you using the new ESD map? Because that's causing a publish problem atm.

    TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
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    paxfederaticapaxfederatica Member Posts: 1,496 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    On tonight's Foundry Roundtable episode (before the video stream went all to hell on me) it was announced that the publishing issue had been fixed. However this apparently involved trimming down some of the vast empty space surrounding the map, so any assets you've got on the map now might get shifted or broken because their coordinates may change.
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